Chapter Eleven

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"So can anybody tell me the answer?" The teacher questioned, awaiting for one of the pupils to raise their hand, yet nobody did. Of corse plenty of people knew the answer, they just could not be bothered to get singled out and speak. At the back of the class sat Scott, Isaac, Jackson, Stiles and Katherine. They where joking about pointless things and not paying much attention to the lesson. A light moan between them caught their attention though and they looked in Katherine's direction. Noticing she hadn't spoke in a while they questioned her, "Katherine are you alright?" She swallowed, tightening her grip on her pen and nodded her head. They watched her curiously as they knew something was up. She had her eyes closed, biting her lip and let out another moan and her grip tightened even more. Realising that she wasn't okay, the two boys she sat in between, Scott and Stiles, helped her up and excused her from class.

They each had an arm wrapped around her waist and lead her to the boys changing rooms because they knew it would be empty. They set her down on a bench and sat beside her. "Katherine?" Stiles spoke, suddenly, her eyes shot open and stared straight into his as his mouth hung wide open, he looked to Scott to notice the same astonished expression oh his face. Her eyes glowed a bright, beautiful purple, the same colour as the other night. Unsure of what this meant, they both grabbed a hand and tried to get her to talk to them to make sure she was feeling okay. But her eyes closed and remained that way as she began to burn up and her breathing got heavier. "Katherine, look at me. Take deep breaths. Come on, we will do it with you, just breathe with us" Stiles spoke in attempt to get her to calm down, it slowly began working and the purple extinguished from her eyes. Before she had a chance to speak, the door burst open and in walked the coach with nearly a full lacrosse team. "Look, guys, whatever you do in your own time is up to you but not in my locker room." Coach stated. They nodded and gathered their things, not saying a word as they each walked out the door. Before scott exit he stopped in front of the middle aged man who watched Katherine walk away, "Coach, come on, she's a student."


The boys didn't see her after the event in the changing rooms. She wasn't answering her phone and they began to worry about her. Isaac decided to stop by her house to check up on her. Miss Adley led him up the stairs and outside her bedroom door before returning to her magazine in the dining room. He knocked on the huge white, double doors and they swung open, only for him to be grabbed my the shirt and pulled into her room. With caution, he walked over and sat on the end of the bed as he watched her frantically pace around her bedroom with her hands in her hair and her breathing heavy. "Katherine?" At the sound of her name she shot a look in his direction and he was shocked to notice a sudden change of colour in her orbs. As she continued to pace, he rushed for his phone out of his pocket, dialling Stiles' number. "Stiles? Are you almost here?"
"Yeah man, I just pulled up. Why? Is she okay?"
"Just get up here FAST!" The disconnected sound beeped through his phone speakers and he continues to watch her as he calls the others. Not moments later, Stiles rushed through her bedroom doors and closes them fast behind himself. "What's happening?"
"I don't know, she's been like this since I got here and hasn't said a word" Isaac explained as Scott answered his phone. Stiles grabbed Katherine's wrists' "girl you have to stop walking up and down before I get a headache" he laughed, giving her a comforting smile, she wrapped her arms around his neck and melted into him. "Stiles I don't know what's happening to me" he stroked her hair to calm her down and gave Isaac a look to hurry him up and get the others here. "Tell me what you're feeling." Stiles said, in attempt to try and figure her out. She didn't reply, she just began to move her hands around his back as they continued to hug. The next thing he knew, her lips connected to his ear and she began to nibble. "Woah, hey, there's a time and a place Katherine" he smirked, pulling away from the hungry girl and lead her to the bed to sit her down. "I'm so hot" she moaned, feeling for the hem of her top and lifted it over her head, revealing her sexy, lacy black bra that pushed her boobs up nicely. The boys gulped, watching as she took of her skirt. She threw it across the room, knocking a few bottles of perfume off her desk, making the boys snap out of their trance. "Issac, hold her still" Stiles suggested and he picked up her silky, white dressing gown, putting it on her to cover her up, only for her to try and take it off again. "Do you think we should tie her down?" Isaac suggested, trying not to get to excited, Stiles caught a glimpse of her biting her lip and looking towards her dresser. He opened a drawer and spotted some handcuffs. He held them up for her to see, "now why would you own a pair of these you naughty girl" he teased and she moaned at his remark. Noticing he wasn't helping with matters, he got to work on helping Issac pin her hands above her head and lock them to the bed. She really seemed to enjoy it, especially when Scott and Jackson rushed in through the window and admired the view. "What the hell is happening to her?" Scott looked amused and stared at the girl trying to wriggle free from the handcuffs, only to loosen her dressing gown to reveal the matching undergarments yet again. "She's been like this since I got here and she won't stop moaning. I don't understand what's happening to her. I don't think she's violent but she keeps trying to have her way with Stiles. I think...she's just incredibly horny? I don't know, it's a symptom of being a werewolf but it doesn't affect us this bad. I'm all for being a gentleman and all but I'm finding it very hard not to jump on her myself" Isaacs eyes began to glow golden as she let out yet another moan. Her back began to arch and her thighs rubbed together as the four boys watched in awe. They hear a growl and notice Jackson walking towards her but Scott's arm blocks his way. "Jackson, no" just then, she opens her legs wide enough for them all to see her dainty black panties and they lost control, they began to walk towards her, not able to help themselves "Katherine hunny? Do you and your friends want anything to eat?" Her mums voice sounded as she walked up the stairs, knocking them out of their trance. Thinking fast, they grabbed her and jumped out the window, Stiles obviously getting some help, and they knew exact tally where to take her.


"Deaton, we need your help" the boys rushed Katherine through the doors of the vets and placed her onto the table in the middle of the room which she didn't remain on for long. They where cautious but she finally spoke up for the first time in a while, "it's fine, I'm fine" she reassured them and they began to explain what happened, taking Deaton to the corner of the room to explain certain events they didn't want her overhearing. Whilst the huddled in the corner stiles was watching over her, she pulled herself up onto the table and gestures for him to come closer. He obeyed, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered in his ear, "I want you" before crashing her lips onto his. Without hesitation he kissed back but it was cut short, "STILES?!" They shouted, "sorry, I couldn't help myself" he awkwardly coughed, putting his hands in his pockets and walking over to the group. "Hey guys, what's so urgent?" Derek rushed in and Katherine hopped off the table to make her way to him, only to be pulled back and forced into a chair. As she tries to break free, Deaton blew some white powder into her face, it seamed to have knocked her clean out. Jackson and Scott lifted her onto the operation table and Deaton covered her with a blanket, leading the men out of the room and shutting the door ajar. "Can somebody explain to me what the hell is going on?" Derek demanded. "That's what we're here to find out" Scott half answered. Deaton took a deep breath and began to explain, "this is very rare, there is only a few in existence, but from what I've seen... Katherine is becoming a Succubi."
"A what?!"
"A succubi. It's a beautiful creature who's natural instincts are to seduce men and have their way with them. My guess is whatever Dukalian poured down her throat was the cause of this."
"So how do we help her? How do we stop this?"
Deaton coughed and looked at the ground then back up at the awaiting men, "sex."

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