Chapter Six

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The steaming water cascaded down Katherine's body as she stood, washing herself idly, caught in her own thoughts. Her date was a nice guy, they got along well, had a few laughs. However, she got the impression that he loved himself way to much for her liking. She also didn't feel whatever she was supposed to feel on a successful first date. Her time in the shower was cut short because she was going to be late for school. In so little time she managed to make herself look flawless. Her look was so simple, a mid thing skater black dress, light brown leather jacket with suede heal boots to match, finished with a checked scarf to complete her look. It wasn't much but no matter what she wears, she still blew people away.


Sitting in front of the boys in maths class, she was trying to concentrate on getting her work done, but they where making it near enough impossible for her. "So do you like him?" They really wanted to know if sparks flew and if there where going to be another date and so on. "He's okay I guess" not the answer they where looking for. Knowing she was not listening, the teacher decided to pick on her. "Katherine, what's the answer if you please" with a cocky smile she replied, "well that would be X3Y4 miss Frocker"
"Very well done" she emotionlessly, defeatedly rewarded. "Impressive" Jackson remarked and they continued their conversation. "Will there be another?" They pushed.
"Another what?"
"Date" they eagerly said in usion. "I don't think so" she scrunched up her nose at the idea. Hope sparked in their eyes. "Oh? And why is that then?"
"He doesn't really seem like my type" all four lads got a giddy feeling coursing through their bodies, relieved that she wasn't into the guy that they very obviously disapproved of. A paper was placed in front of them all, each, revealing their test results from the mock exam in the previous maths lesson. "How did you do?" Stiles asked the smiling girl as she rose the piece of paper showing a big, red A+ circled in the top right hand corner. She received proud expressions from them and giggled.


Issac was on his way to Dereks place, kicking the fallen leaves on the ground with his hands tucked tightly in his skinny, black, denim trousers pockets. As he looked up ahead, he could make out two bodies that looked to me plotting something. As he jumped behind the tree next to him, he turned on his wolf hearing. "What's her name again?"
"Pretty name"
"She's a pretty girl. Almost feel bad about what we're going to do to her"
"You? Feel bad? Never thought I'd see the day" They laughed together and walked off into the distance, looking back in Isaac's direction with glowing red eyes as he ducked back behind the tree. 'There's two of them?' He thought, shocked to see the guy Katherine was out with last night had a twin, not only that, but they where Alphas. He scurried off once he felt safe to do so and hurried to Dereks.

Isaac had filled Derek in just as the others arrived. "What's that now?" Jackson asked, overhearing the end of their conversation. "We where right to get a bad feeling about him, the guy with Katherine. He's an Alpha, with a twin! We need to keep an eye on them. They're planning something. I don't know what but we need to find out. They're going to do something to Katherine!"

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