Chapter Ten

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Five concerned faces looked down at Katherine's still body. "Well I can see why you guys have a thing for her" Derek expressed, smirking at them. "Although i'd love to stand here and stare at her all day, why is she here?" He continued, wondering as to why the nervous boys brought her to his place and not back to her home. " We couldn't risk her waking up and freaking out. Aiden bit her remember? She might be a werewolf now. Plus the fact that we have no idea what that stuff Dukalian forced her to drink was so we need to be cautious when she wakes."
"Okay fine, but if she breaks anything, it's on you." Derek joked, their amusement was cut short as they saw Katherine begin to turn.
"Katherine, how are you feeling?" Stiles worried about her as they watched her yawn and stretch. "I feel fine, a little hungover but mostly curious as to why I am here?" She chuckled, standing and inspecting her surroundings then rushing to sit back down due to the sudden head rush. They all kneeled around her and tried to explain, "oh well you see, you passed out last night and we couldn't wake you so we brought you to out good friend Derek who's an excellent doctor" Jackson lied as Derek shot him a look. He rolled his eyes and played along, "yes you must have just had a bit too much to drink, nothing to worry about, just as long as you drink plenty of water and rest well you will be fine." He smiled which she returned. "Well it's lovely to meet you Derek, and thank you all for being so concerned, I have amazing friends"
"Can I get you anything? A warm drink? A shower? Anything you need" he offered.
"How come we don't get this kind of hospitality when we visit?" Isaac mocked.
"Well put on a silky red dress and you just might" Scott joked.
"Aha, well I might take you up on that shower, that is if you don't mind, I have nothing else to change into. Is it possible you have an old t-shirt or something to change into by any chance?"
"Of corse! I will go and find you something and leave it on the bed for you."


Katherine went into the shower to try and liven herself up and the boys sat in the living room discussing. "She doesn't seem to remember anything. And she seems like herself? Maybe nothing will happen to her?"
"Hopefully not but is it really possible for her to be that drunk to forget everything she saw last night? It just seems a little surreal to me." Scott admitted. "Either that or she remembers exactly what happened and she used the shower as an excuse to make her great escape..." Issac said, wide eyed as they all realised he could be right. They all stood up and rushed to the door to hear the shower running and a soft feminine humming noise that seemed to comfort them. "Well that's that then. I guess we will just continue as if nothing happened and hopefully she won't have to know the truth" they agreed, walking back to the couch.


"I like your thinking Derek" Katherine smiled, walking out of the bedroom and pointing to the belt that he gave her to put with the oversized black t shirt he offered. She was wearing her heals from the previous night to complete her outfit and she looked amazing to say the least. "Aha, it suits you" he winked. "I made you a cup of tea, you don't have to drink it but it's over there." He pointed to the table at the opposite side of the huge room they all occupied. "Oh thank you, you're a life saver." She thanked and headed over to quench her thirst. "So..." Jackson started as he followed her to her drink, "so..." she awkwardly replied. "Do you remember much from last night or did the alcohol get the better of you?" He laughed nervously, hoping to find out that she forgot all about the events in the woods. Her eyes went wide as she looked at him, making him nervous and swallow a lump in his throat. "We kissed" she remembered, he was both relieved and happy that she remembered that and only that. "Well that was definitely the highlight of my night." He flirted and they continued whilst eyes watched them from afar.

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