Chapter Twenty One

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Peaceful bodies started to stir as one by one, each boy awoke from their deep slumber. Yawning tiredly, they look around at each other to notice the absence of a female presence. Each boy lifted themselves up into a sitting position so they could scan the room, their eyes landing upon a sleeping angel, calmly resting on the recamier sofa placed at the end of the queen sized bed. "How did she end up all the way over there? I swear she fell asleep I bed with us." Jackson exclaimed. At the sound of his voice, Katherine's eyes fluttered open sleepily, smiling gently at the men before her. "How come you're not in bed darling? That doesn't look the most comfortable of places to sleep." She sat up, holding the sheet against her chest to keep her body covered since she was still in her bathing suit. "I didn't trust myself to wake up with any of you." She stated shyly with her voice sounding tired. "I thought it would be best if I moved away from you all. I still don't know how to control myself." She continued. "We will help you find a way. Don't worry." Isaac reassured. "Although last night you seemed to resist those douchebags quite well." Jackson pointed out, making the others, including herself realise that it was true. She sat for a moment with a puzzled expression as if she was trying to figure out why that was. "Maybe it's because I trust you guys. I know you all and I care for you. To me they where just horny strangers." She said with uncertainty, not really sure why she was only attracted to them and only them... so far.


Everybody had exit the summerhouse where they spent the night and had gone inside the house and up to Katherine's room. Her mother welcomed them with a "good morning" and a fresh glass of juice each, knowing they must be thirsty after a drunken night. Katherine was currently hopping out of the shower in her en-suite as the guys where in a heated discussion in her bedroom. "Who's next?" She spoke up, exiting the bathroom and heading towards her walk in wardrobe. Seeing her wet body once again did things to them, they couldn't stop visualising what was underneath her towel. Stiles, eager to start what he and the boys agreed upon just moments ago, followed her into her dressing room. She was just unraveling her towel until she noticed the boys presence. "Stiles?" She questioned and she watched the hungry boy lick his lips, not saying a word he briskly walked over to her, placing a hand on her lower back and pulled her towards him, crashing their bodies together. He connected their lips, energetically dancing his tong inside her mouth. She was about to place her arms around his neck but he regretfully pulled away. Looking her up and down once more, he left the room, sending her a wink as he exit. Scott replaced his friend's company, not wasting any time to connect with the breathless girl. Repeating Stiles' actions, only Scott's hands where a little more wandering, wanting to go places that he knew they couldn't right now. Not wanting to pull away, but the light knock at the door caused him to. Groaning, he backed up and created more distance between them until he was out of sight. Katherine was shocked, confused and getting more and more aroused by the second. "Isaac what's going on?" She asked him whilst he made his way over to her. He smiled, admiring his view. He stood right in front of her, raising his hand to her neck and gently stroking down it, tracing her collar bone and gently back up to pull her chin up lightly. His kiss was soft and gentle, not as hungry as the other two. He knew that if it went to deep, he would be able to control himself and he would take her right then and there. Just the thought alone was making him dangerously close to doing so, therefore he stopped and started to back away. That was until she grabbed his hand and pulled him back in for more. He gently stroked the back of her thighs, making it even harder for himself because he could smell her arousal and it drove him crazy. "I need to go." He spoke into the kiss, looking pained on the opportunity he was passing up, leaving her there bewildered. Confirming her prediction, Jackson walked through the door, dripping wet, wrapping a towel around his waist. He walked towards her painfully slow, her sexual frustration growing at a rapid pace. When they where less than a meter apart, she jumped on him, wrapping her legs around his waist, almost knocking his towel off. He caught her and supported her with his hands underneath her bum. Giving it a squeeze and groaning, biting his bottom lip. He flickered his eyes down her body and back up to her lips. He moistened his own with his tong and joined theirs together as one as if they where two magnets unable to part. Groaning even lower than last time, he placed her body on the soft, fluffy, white rug. Keeping her legs wrapped around his body, she moaned into his mouth. He started to move his hips to press his towel covered erection into the area she wanted him the most. He reached down to remove the material that covered her body but he was abruptly stopped by the door swinging open. Both panting forms looked to their side and the boys gave Jackson a disapproving look, what he was doing to her was not part of the plan. He rolled his eyes in annoyance of their interruption and stood to his feet, rearranging his towel and storming out of the room to get dressed. Katherine propped herself up on her elbows, looking at the three remaining boys. They wanted oh so badly to go back over to her and finish what they had started. "Hey! If I can't, you can't!" Jackson shouted for the other room. They sigh in defeat and frustration, heading away from her and out the house to leave. "Not going to lie boys, that is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do." Jackson admits. "Yeah, next time, I don't think I'm going to be able to stop." Scott reveals, the rest nodding in agreement. "Well..." Isaac speaks up, clapping his hands together, " least now she's going to figure out a way to control herself."
"Yeah either that or we've just made her the most horniest girl on the planet and she won't stop until she finds someone to satisfy her needs." Stiles joked, not long after becoming wide eyed and the fact that what he just said could be true. "I'm sure she will be fine." Scott reassured unconvinced, worried that it may happen.


Once the other three had showers and they where all in fresh clothes, they decided to pay Derek a visit. When they arrived to his place, they realised that they had forgotten to inform him they where coming over. They know he hated people setting off the alarm. Although they where relived to find out that it was switched off. "Guess he had had enough of hearing it." Issac laughed, walking through the door. They scanned the area to find him but couldn't spot him. The walked inside a little more, as they where passing the bedroom Issac held his hands out to stop them in their tracks. After seeing what he saw, theirs hearts sunk. Katherine was riding their dear friend into a fit of moans and groans, making such noises herself. All they could see was her naked back since the bed sheet covered their bottom halves. The sight before them stung and jealousy began to raise within. Scott takes a step forward as if to put an end to it but once again, Isaac stills him. Shaking his head no to remind him of what helped when she was stopped last time. They tip-toe out the door and make their way away from Derek's property. "Are you guys feeling jealous?"
"Yeah it should have been one of us."
"The worst part about it, is that this was our doing."

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