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Song: Adorable- Ravi


Yoongi held his breath as he turned the New York street corner, right there on Sunnyvale ave. was "Hoseok's Barbershop" the small, yet aesthetic shop that only has the regulars.

He's come every month or so...

Maybe even more for the past couple months. Hoseok becoming the only person he trusts to cut and color his hair. Regardless it's time for another hair change.. after all his blond locks are starting to look a little dull in a basic side split.

To much difference from other barbershops Hoseok's isn't disgustingly masculine reeking of alcohol and weed, it actually always smells nice it is really clean. Hypebeast screaming all over the place, making sense since the owner, aka Jung Hoseok, being a total sneaker head and hypebeast.

Yoongi calmed himself as he entered the shop greeting the only other worker, Jungkook. Jungkook looked up and recognized the small boy getting Hoseok from the back.

Hoseok walked in wearing black ripped jeans with a Tommy Hilfiger belt, Nike PG3 Paulettes, and a simple Stüssy shirt with a matching Stüssy beanie.

The outfit may look simple to the normal humans eye, but it's probably cost more than Yoongi's Net worth.

"Hey Yoongo Bongo!"

Yoongi smiled seeing the man. "Hi" he let out softly waving shyly.

Hoseok beamed and lead yoongi to a chair, wrapping a gown around him, "what are you looking for today boss?"

Yoongi put his finger up to his lip, "maybe a bowl-undercut... thinned out and.... mint coloring?"

Hoseok gave a nod of reassurance, "Mm, I can do that, I think it'll really suit your skin and lips too."

Yoongi blushed, every time he come to get his hair changed the slightly older male always compliments him in some sort of way.

But as far as he knew, the male came off pretty straight, it's kinda rude to ask someone "hey are you gay" ya'know, and Yoongi's gaydar hasn't had any signals.

"So did that thing with Jackson not go very well?" He said as he started grabbing the supplies he would need.

Yoongi shook his head but then spoke out embarrassed when he realized the male couldn't see him, "N-No, not really, he's a great guy, but I didn't really feel a spark coming from him."

Hoseok hummed, "Yeah, it be like that sometimes, I had an ex and they just didn't seem as committed."

Yoongi nodded but them stammered realizing he made the same mistake, "I guess it's back to Grindr.." he chuckled out.

"Ahhh But isn't there a lot of perverts on that app? I don't like that for you Yoongi.." Hoseok began to brush out the smaller's hair as he shrugged. "It's okay, I never got that many matches or guys dm-ing me anyways." Hoseok frowned.

"Well, they're missing out." He said as he tied up the top half of  Yoongi's hair.

Yoongi smiled, "Thanks man, I really needed that, it feels like I'll never meet the right guy."

"Maybe you need to stop trying too hard?"

Yoongi nodded, "yeah maybe."

"Okay Imma need you stay still now or I'll make you bald."

Yoongi giggled and let out an "aye aye" as Hoseok started shaving starting with a 4 clipper and gradually switching to smaller clips until the fade was smooth. They made small talk about the new Kingdom Hearts game that came out and the series in general.

"I'm just saying, Sora could've totally just jumped or pulled kairi over vise versa."

Hoseok laughed as he let the rest of Yoongi's hair down ruffling it, brushing it and damping it with a spray bottle.

Yoongis hair was almost to the tip of his nose. "How much do you want me to cut?"

Yoongi bit his lip, "probably just below my eyebrows."

Hoseok nodded and started snipping and thinning, this was in silence due to neither wanting hair in their mouths.

"Annnnddd done! With the cutting at least haha.."

Yoongi looked in the mirror, smiling satisfied with the hair cut, "Awesome! This is better than I thought it would be!"

"Well, you can pull off any hair so it's not that big a deal.." Hoseok coughed awkwardly after saying that and lead yoongi to the hair-dye, basically his home. "As for mint... I'd say mix these" he pulled out Paul Mitchell's PopXG teal and yellow.

Yoongi nodded, "I put all my trust into you" Hoseok smiled and took him to wash and high-lift his currently blond hair hair to get it a light grey without causing damage.

After a while Hoseok dried his hair slightly so it was damp and made the color, he took one part teal, one dot yellow, and 12 parts diluter getting a nice pastel iced mint, showing yoongi who looled pleased with the color. And let Hoseok do his thing. They made small talk and jokes when waiting. Eventually the 35 minutes passed and Hoseok washed the coloring out, dried then styled the younger's hair. Yoongi beamed at the new hair and gave Hoseok a hug. Yoongi went up to the counter that had a bored looking Jungkook there, "cut and coloring?" "Yup" yoongi said popping the 'p'.

"That'll be.." Hoseok gave him a look and held up a '2' and '0' with his fingers then signaled a cut.

Jungkook looked knowingly and sighed as he took 20% off, The once $70 dollar cut and color now being $55, "$55 with tax, coming out to.. $56.40"

Yoongi smiled and paid the boy, before he left he turned a waved to Hoseok. Who smiled fully and waved goodbye back.

Once he left Jungkook snickered, "I forgot we had a 20% crush discount but only a 14% employee discount."

"You're about to make is 10% if you don't shut up." Hoseok warned.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and just went back to scheduling hair appointments already used to his cousins behavior.

Hoseok went away into his office noticing a tuff of bright mint green hair running in the snow from his window and smiled to himself.


Cutie 🥺💕

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Cutie 🥺💕

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