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Song: 21- Dean

"HELP ME!!!1!1!"

Yoongi sighed as he heard his friend Taehyung running around in panic.

The boy had just turned 21 today and his other friends Jin and Jimin were desperately trying to het birthday punches on the youngest.

"JIMIN THIS ISN'T FAIR I DIDN'T PUNCH YOU WHEN YOU TURNED 21!!" Tae ran around his red hair spewing everywhere.

"THAT'S YOUR FAULT NOW SLOW DOWN FUCKING LONG LEG ASS!" Jimin, the shortest of the group screamed desperately trying to catch up his own pink hair getting ruined.

Now, Jin, being the oldest you'd think he'd stop them... the blonde ended up getting in front of Taehyung tackling him down.


Yoongi sighed, they're so LOUD!

He joined adding an additional 23- I mean "21"

Tae playfully sobbed just getting punched a minimum of 63 times by grown ass men.

Jimin cleared his throat, "Anywhooo, Tae you owe me shots because I didn't get to drink for my big two-one."

"And??? This??? Is?? My??? Fault???"

"Yes! I had to wait for you to turn 21 because you're my best friend and if I went drinking yet it'd be a betrayal!"

"We're??? Two?? Months??? Apart??"

"You know hard it is to turn 21 and resist having your first drink?"

Yoongi chipped in "I didn't even wait till 21" jin slapped him in the head.

Taehyung laughed, "but why should I payyyy" he whined.

Jin spoke up, "As the oldest, I'll pay!"

TaeGi cheered and Jimin cringed, "I don't want and old man to pay for my drinks."

Jin made a shocked pikachu face, "I'm??? Only??? 24????"

Jimin raised an eyebrow, "I said what I said."

Jin cleared his throat, "On second thought, as the eldest, I'm paying for everyone but Jimin!" TaeGi cheered.

"W-Wait! Jin I was kidding!"

Jin shook his head, "Should've thought about that before you called me old fool."

Jimin looked with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine! Only because I love my GAYsians!" Jin cried out.

Yoongi cringed, "I thought I told you to stop calling us that-"

"But it's perfect! We're gay, we're asian! What better way to express us?"

Jimin spoke up, "what about bulletproof boys? I mean, we're minority's and homosexual theres a lot of tough struggles that come with that... we can even have it in korean, B.. Bangtam? Bangtan if I'm not mistaken."

Everyone nodded respectfully listening to Jimin's explanation of the meaningful name.

"HA! GAYYYYYY" they all yelled at the same time.

"Bruh Jimin that's the cheesiest thing I've ever heard" Tae was holding back tears or laughter.

"Well you have a better idea than GAYsians and Bangtan?"

Tae hummed, "BTSD"

Everyone looked concerned, "PTSD??"

Tae shook his head, "nooooo B-T-S-D, Boys That Suck Dick"

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