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Song: Dancing on Glass- Bumkey


Yoongi held his breath as he turned the New York street corner, right there on Sunnyvale ave. was "Hoseok's Barbershop" the small, yet aesthetic shop that only has the regulars.

And apparently now a crime scene?

Cameras filmed from all angles of the shop, local news casters live and getting every ounce of a story that they can. There in the middle of it all was poor Jungkook who was flustered from all the questions.

Yoongi furrowed his brows and walked closer to the commotion listening in on what happened.

"This is Dylan Lee from J&Star News live giving you the most recent crime buzz in New York."

The, very handsome, news caster backed away showing more of the scene, "Yesterday March 4th here, on Sunnyvale avenue, the towns humble hair salon known as 'Hoseok's Barbershop' was broken into and robbed, the leading suspects of this case are the rising gang Monster Ten... what.. oh, the rising gang Monsta X who is charting at the 17th most dangerous criminal gang here in New York and 32nd nationwide. Here to tell us his personal story is a young part-timer and also cousin of the store owner Jeon Jungkook."

"Uh.. hello.."

"Now Jungkook first thing first is how are you feeling? You must have been absolutely terrified!"

Jungkook played with the back of his pink hair, "uhh I'm fine.. it's Hoseok who kinda.. yeah.."

"Speaking of Hoseok," Dylan Lee's voice boomed up again, "Rumors speculate that he was shot, is this true? When is he expected to make recovery?"

Jungkook looked to the side a bit not exactly knowing if it's okay to say anything, "uhm... it's true, he was shot and I'm not quite sure when he'll be out, you'd have to ask the hospital across the street.."

Yoongi's eyes went wide and he darted across the scene heading over to the Banner Hospital down the block.

Dylan spoke into his mic, "You heard it here on J&Star News people of New York, the innocent owner of this Barbershop may not make full recovery any time soon. Thats all we have for this story, now onto Jay Park who will be talking about the top ten ways to spice it up in the bedroom. Don't forget to SUPPORT my band THE ROSE."

The cameras cut and Jungkook looked at Dylan, "uhh mr. dylan.."

He stopped Jungkook, "oh please call me Hajoon, Dylan is just my 'camera name' kay?"

Jungkook blinked but complied, "okay but why'd you say that, thats not what I said-"

Hajoon sighed and held Jungkook's shoulder, "Jungkook I am really sorry for the situation, but in order for me to make pay," he rubbed his fingers, "I gotta take a story all the way." Jungkook nodded his head understanding where he comes from.

"Well what about that band you're in... The Rose?"

Hajoon beamed, "Lets get lunch kid and I can tell you all about it."


Once Yoongi was at the hospital he heaved. "Please lord never make me run again.."

"Uhh sir can I help you?" Yoongi looked up at the woman reading her name badge.

"Uh yes.. nurse... joy.." Yoongi internally crackled at the Pokémon reference but now is not the time, "I'm looking for Jung Hoseok-"

"Sorry sir he's requesting only close friends and family go and see hi-"

"I'm his boyfriend!" Yoongi blurted out. The nurse's cheeks tinted, "o-oh... I'm sorry sir, right this way." She guided Yoongi to Hoseok's room.

She knocked on the door "Mr. Jung your boyfriend came to see you." She cooed before opening the door and leaving to give them privacy.

Hoseok tilted his head trying to see who his 'boyfriend' is only to see a red faced Yoongi standing there in embarrassment.

Hoseok smirked in amusement when Yoongi made eye contact, "oh honey you're home?" Yoongi turned around.

"As cute as your backside is I'd like to see my lovely boyfriend." Yoongi grumbled but made his way to the chair next to the hospital bed, "How are you feeling?"

Hoseok smiled, "I'm feeling quite fine," his smile grew mischievous, "though I did miss kisses from my loving boyfriend." He pinched Yoongi's thigh making the younger boy squeak. Hoseok smiled, "in seriousness what brought you here? After all most guys don't run to a hospital and claim to be their barber's boyfriend." Hoseok chuckled.

Now Yoongi really was thinking, what did Bring him there? It's not like the world would end if his barber was injured, so why did he feel like the world really was ending when he heard Hoseok was hurt? Apparently it was obvious Yoongi was in a predicament because Hoseok gently lifted his chin up.

"Yoongi are you.." The words coming off of Hoseok's lips slowly phased out as Yoongi started staring at the lips themselves.


"Hey can I kiss you?" Yoongi looked down refusing to make eye contact.


"C-Can I... I wanna kiss y-" Hoseok ended up being the one to lead the kiss before Yoongi could finish his sentence.

Yoongi felt himself melt at the feeling as Hoseok pulled him up on his lap gently so that his wound wouldn't bust open.

Hoseok broke the kiss, "Say it again." Yoongi tilted his head to the side, "say.. it?..." Hoseok scooted Yoongi closer to him, "Say what you just said earlier again."

Yoongi's face heated up, "I um... I want to kiss you..." Hoseok pecked him on the lips, "Again."

"I wanna kiss you.." Hoseok smiled and kissed Yoongi softly again, "I've been wanting you to say that for years.." he moved his lips to that spot between Yoongi's ear and neck showering it in affection making Yoongi gasp softly at the way he was being completely took over.

Hoseok kissed Yoongi everywhere he could on the younger boys face and neck before reconnecting their lips. Yoongi felt a feeling grow in his abdomen but before anything could get too escalated the door flung open.

"...oh man holy shi-"


When sope is finally happening but it's already chapter 8 of a book that had 1k+ words per chapter meaning it took 8000+ words until the main purpose of the book even happens WHOOPS

When sope is finally happening but it's already chapter 8 of a book that had 1k+ words per chapter meaning it took 8000+ words until the main purpose of the book even happens WHOOPS

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Our sexy news caster Lee Hajoon from The Rose AKA MY BIAS FROM MY ULT GROUP

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Our sexy news caster Lee Hajoon from The Rose AKA MY BIAS FROM MY ULT GROUP

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