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Sung Hyun's eyes meet with her mother's for what she deemed to be the last time. Her mother steps closer to her, still about 20 steps away but the closer she got the easier it would be for the soldiers to capture her.

"Don't." Sung Hyun clamoured. Sending her mother a firm look. 'I'm not scared.' She declared to herself, convincing her mind had morphed her face into a fierce, vehement, expression. "They'll kill me anyways..." she affirmed presenting to her mother all the reasons why she should just run away.

Her mother took a step back still looking at her  poor daughter with the blade threatening to behead her at any moment. The tears which accumulated in her eyes finally set free, she couldn't hold them back anymore as they clouded her vision. Possibly the last time she'll ever see her poor daughter.

"Who's going to take care of my little sister?" Sung Hyun added, raising her voice so her mother could hear her words clearly. She knew her mother, she would never abandon her but she couldn't let her mother return. Her dad taught her the art of the sword for a reason. Least she could do is die by the sword she use to save her mother.

"Please let me die in peace. Run as far away as you can!" She begged, sending her mother a last smile as she watched her reluctantly grab the little girl's hand. She turned around making a run for it. Her figure started to get smaller, until she could barely see her.

Sung Hyun's felt a small lingering feeling dance around her heart. She couldn't explain what it was even to her own self. Closing her eyes as all the memories of her life flooded her mind. Her lips curled up slightly. 'At least I saved my mother.'

The man holding her snickered, "How much more altruistic can you be? It's almost humorous." The blade on her neck inched a little further from her neck but still close enough to stop her from trying to break free.

Sung Hyun sighed, she knew for a fact that the soldiers of the king were ruthless. They'd chop of her head in seconds without a second thought.

"Right." She rolled her eyes, "Now will you get it over with and kill me? I'm sick of hearing your obnoxious voice." She spat as if not afraid of the consequences she may face.

"The prince would love him." a male spoke, his voice coming from Sung Hyun's left. She couldn't see him but she didn't want to anyways. It didn't matter to her.

"Should we take him as an eunuch?" Another suggested as he walked closer to Sung Hyun.

The male behind her nodded, using his chin to point out at the ropes on the ground. "Get the ropes and bind him." he ordered, still holding onto her.

Both men were on it, one held onto Sung Hyun's forearms as the other tied the ropes tightly around her wrists.

She let out a sardonic laugh, "Oh, common! Do you really need 3 men to hold me so you can tie my hands? Look at how small I am!"

"And this small creature defeated 4 of my men in a blink of an eye."  The one holding the blade added.

After tying her they started to drag her through the streets. Sung Hyun, still a little confused as to why he didn't just kill her stopped resisting and complied quietly.

The scenery elucidated how the powerful families lived in abundance of wealth and materialistic privilege. The closer they got to the palace, the richer the backdrop seemed.

Then there was this house. Simple yet large. The place reeked of old age and the smell of blood.

"Send him in first. Tell him I want this one first thing in the morning." one of the men ordered. The same one that held the blade against Sung Hyun's neck. He seems to be their boss.

The 2 other men bowed their head down slightly before grabbing Sung Hyun. They dragged her into the house. Throwing her inside.

"We want him tomorrow." One affirmed before closing the door behind him.

Sung Hyun watched as the man sharpened the knife, caressing it's blade with another. The screeching sound made the hairs on the nape of her neck erect.

"Sit down." His sounded lacklustre but the satined knife he held portended other wise.

The whites of Sung Hyun's eyes where bare. Her heart beat doubled in a matter of seconds.

"Like hell will I! What are you doing with that knife?" Her brows knitted, the only other weapon she had hidden was the knife she gave her mother. She was defenceless with her arms tied.

The mans forehead crinkled for a second then he shrugs his shoulders. "Weren't you taken as a new eunuch? Why are you asking when you know the answer?" He insinuated, never looking at his next victim's face.

He put the blade in boiling water. Probably in attempt to sterilize it before putting it in cold water. "It'll only hurt for a few days. That's if you don't struggle and let me do it properly." he added as he inspected the knife.

Sung Hyun looked down, for a second thinking she had one. She shivered to the bone at the thought of it.

He stood up, glancing at his knife again before glancing at Sung Hyun. "Let's get it over with."

Sweat dripped from Sung Hyun's forehead, "W-wait! You don't understand! You can't do this to me!" She explained with a shaky voice. Her tied hands moving together as she attempted to make her way out of this.

"Weh?" He snickered, "What can you do about it?" He questioned, continuing to sharpen the blade aware that each time he caresses the blades together Sung Hyun would flinch.

Sung Hyun looked to the left, her mind digging for an way to stop him from uncovering her secret, "If... If you do it, I'll make sure to hunt you down and...chop...chop yours off before chopping your head." She finished with a breath. She eyed him with a little smirk on her lips trying to seem dauntless.

He stopped sharpening the knife and guffawed. "What ludicrous means of scaring me." The corners of his lips contorted into a sinister grin.  He turns to Sung Hyun. His eyes covered with his bangs. His canines bare as his smirk widened.

"You know you're the one tied up and I'm the one with the knife."

Sung Hyun Where stories live. Discover now