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The man loomed closer to Sung Hyun. The blade shined under the candle lights, reflecting its image on Sung Hyun's eyes.

Sung Hyun'a eyes followed the knife. Her pupils dilated. She clinched her fists, using all the power she could muster to try and break free from the ropes.

The man took 2 more steps, reducing the space between them. He leans in, his eyes meeting with Sung Hyun's from under his bangs.

"Wait," he tilts his head to the side, inspecting the face in front of him closely. Sung Hyun closed her eyes, her nose scrunched up. At this point she really didn't know how she could escape this.

Sung Hyun opens her eye slightly. Observing her surroundings for something to break her wrists free from the ropes that bound her.

"You," the man pointed at Sung Hyun with the knife, making her flinch yet again, "I've seen you before..." he whispered but Sung Hyun heard. His lips pursed. He stepped back, scratching his temple in attempt to recall something.

Sung Hyun glances at him. Curiosity stabbed her and creases formed in between her brows. 'Who's this guy?'

He snapped his fingers with a satisfied smile.

"Rwae?" The name rolled off his tongue.

Sung Hyun's body whole body froze. Cold sweat collected on her forehead. She looks at the man in front her. How does he know that name? She hadn't heard that name in years. Her fathers name.

The man approached her again, this time the knife behind his back. "Was it Sung Hyun?" he asked, "Oh my! You were a little boy when I saw you!" He let out a belly laugh. "How's your father?" A smile formed on his face as he began to reminisce the past.

"He passed away." Sung Hyun almost indifferent to the fact she just stated. It was a sensitive topic to her, albeit sensitive to anyone with such a horrid experience.

Sung Hyun could see the whites of his eyes for a second under his bangs, "I'm sorry." he whispered, his orotund voice shaked slightly as he said those words.

Despite being startled, Sung Hyun saw an opportunity to coax him, she eyed the man and without a blink questioned him, "Are you going to cut off your old dead friend's son's manhood?" She scrutinized. Studying his body language.

The man eyed Sung Hyun back, releasing the long breathe he was holding, "You can't get caught then... Don't let them know I didn't castrate you...." he looked to the side, his expression turning more somber than it already was, "Or I'll really have my head off."

Sung Hyun glanced at the man, confused as to why he immediately changed his mind on knowing Rwae was her father. Even to the point of risking his life.

"Why would you risk it then?" She stepped closer to him, subconsciously thinking that would get her closer to the truth, "Who was my father to you?" She grilled. He was probably just an old friend of her fathers, who on hearing his death felt sympathetic towards his friends 'son' but Sung Hyun felt it was a little deeper than just that.

The man returned to his seat, practically melting into it before throwing the knife into the water. "He protected my daughter." He let out a sigh looking up at the ceiling, "She was walking alone one night, some men jumped her. He just so happens to be walking nearby and heard her screams." the man adjusted himself on his chair, rubbing his eyes, "I owe him a huge favour." he affirmed as he rubbed the back of his head.

"So let me go." Sung Hyun enunciated each word, putting her fists up which were tied together pointing at the ropes on her wrists using her chin.

But the man shook his head vigorously, "I can't do that. That's a guaranteed death, the best I can do for you is to not castrate you." He rubbed his throat nervously, "But I must hand you over." he quibbled straightening his slumped back on the chair.

Sung Hyun rolled her eyes. Disappointed but not surprised.

"Sleep the night here so they think I did what I was instructed. You get to go tomorrow. That's the best I can do." He reiterated.

Sung Hyun sat in the corner, thinking over the the different ways she can run away without risking her life. The adrenaline had already been used up so she could think more rationally.

'Number one. Short term. I run away now.' she paused as her mind collected all the reason that would be a bad idea. 'But then I'll get this guys head cut off, and I might not be able to run away far before one of the guards catch me' she sighed shaking her head.

She held up 2 fingers, 'Number two. Long term. I gain the trust of someone in the palace....Get the stone. Then run away without raising any suspicion.' A smirk formed on her face but it subsided quickly as she tried to devise a plan with the small information she had on the princes.

Sung Hyun weighed the 2 options against each other. Her eyelids felt heavy as she struggled to keep them open. Before she could realize, she fell into deep slumber. Eliminating choice number one.

She has only chance at getting her normal life back.

Getting one of the princes to cozy up to her. Then use their trust to escape this mess once and for all.

Sung Hyun Where stories live. Discover now