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"Sung Hyun you are being summoned. The crown prince would like to see you." An eunuch bowed slightly with his hands together.

She bowed back, preceding to follow him in silence. Her mind consciously evaluating every possibility of convincing the prince of releasing her. 'In return of me teaching him how to shoot an arrow through another arrow he'll set me free? Or maybe some swordsmanship?'

She thought of every possible stipulation she can make in return for her freedom. After all a prince's dignity, like a king's, lies on whether or not he keeps his promises.

The eunuch announced Sung Hyun's arrival at the crown prince's chambers and the magnificent wooden doors opened. Intricate craving into each and every inch of the door. A dragon. The symbol of power and nobility .

The chambers were even more elegant. Magnanimous decorations with only two colours, black and golden.

The crown prince Yeon seok sat on his throne. The one belonging to prince Chin Hwa was nothing compared to the magnificent decoration on the crown prince's. But it wasn't only the throne, it was Yeon seok.

He sat with his back straight, his broad shoulders made him appear even more confident than the aura he exuded.

"Teach me that technique you did yesterday." he commanded.

Sung Hyun cleared her throat. She was always forced to speak in a rough manner, a deep voice so she wouldn't raise suspicion that she wasn't what people thought she was. That was sometimes hard ever since she hit puberty as her voice naturally got thinner. She cleared her voice again.

"I need to watch you shoot some arrows first. That technique requires a very high level of control." She explained, if she could get the prince to follow her instructions she be able to manipulate him with much more ease.

"Sung Hyun you lowly life! You do just as the crown prince says in an instant." His eunuch screamed, spitting all about in angry contempt.

The prince shooed the eunuch. "Leave us alone you're interpreting me."

"Yes, your highness." he said, shooting daggers at Sung Hyun with his eyes as he shuffled out of the room.

Prince Yeon seok clapped his hands together. "Very well. Let's go shoot some arrows right now." he dictated, grabbing his bow from the rack it was displayed on and striding ahead.

"Show me three shoots." Sung Hyun demands just as the reached the shooting range. The prince without hesitation, grabs an arrow shooting after minimal concentration. Each arrow was very close to the middle circle.

'He's not so bad he has good aim but it may take him a year before he can master the technique.' Sung Hyun rubs her chin as she observed they way he held the arrow and his bow.

"Use your wrists. The wrists play a big role." She states, pointing to his hand. "In all three times you've shoot your wrists were stiff."

Yeon seok's brows creased, "Aren't the wrists supposed to be stiff? So as not to interfere with the arrows momentum?" he questioned doubting her abilities as a teacher.

"You see this is why this is an advanced move, moving your wrist requires extreme delicacy." She grabbed a bow from the table, tugging at the thread. "Imagine you have a gold string tied to a bucket of water... you must swing the bucket around really fast if you don't want the water to fall, right? But if you swing just a little too fast the gold string will break." She elucidated the vision she had in her head that helped her concentrate.

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