제 |6| 장

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Even when not stemming from one's own self, becomes a fountain of hatred. Spreading to other hearts as it consumes itself like acid consumes creatures after death."

Prince Chin-Hwa sat on the little throne of his chamber. It resembled the kings throne in many ways, just being a little smaller and with only a fraction of the classic majestic golden etching.

Chin-Hwa was the crown prince. Being the oldest, he was immediately crowned at birth. It's seemed as though fate had chosen him but then came reality to slap him right across the  face.

He was never really talented in the first place. It took him twice the time to memorize the 1000 characters books as his younger brother, Yeon-Seok.

His swordsmanship skills weren't as polished as his brothers. But that didn't really effect his position much as a prince, instead, it made him look small compared to the other princes. I mean who doesn't want a future king that could lead his men in war? This was certainly not Chin-Hwa.

He took in a deep breath as he rubbed the nape of his neck. The book he was reading yesterday Mencius was open in front of him. 'Why didn't they put this away. Damn it.' he thought frowning at his head eunuch who stood on the side.

The complex letters filled each page, threatening to jump out of the book and choke him any second. But he kept trying. He wanted to please his mother.

Feeling helpless. Not knowing why. Why was it just so important for her that he became king? The feeling of being inferior to his little brothers was already overwhelming him enough. He sighs, slumping his chin on his palms with a frown etching deeper into his face the more he divulged into his deeper most inner thoughts.

The more he did the more his heart ached. He really didn't know why he was so uncomfortable but he knew that there was an undoubtably high chance that he'll never be happy.

'This life. I hate it.' he muttered. Taking a look around his chamber. The deep frown refusing to go away as he searched in hopes of somehow finding something that would relief this feeling of suffocation bubbling in his chest. Then he spotted it.

The sword of the young man who tried to stop the kings tribute. A sheath, made of extravagant leather. Gold threading spiralling around the sheath.

Chin-Hwa picked up the sword, bringing it closer to his eyes as he inspected every curve. The grip had intricate etching on it which he could feel through the palm of his hand but the shine of the gold with the leather enchanted him. 'Where did he get this from? It's out of this world.' he run his fingered on the leather before pulling the sheath out. The metal shimmered. He was utterly entranced by the craving on the blade.

'I shall die with this sword in my hand.'

Chin-Hwa took a seat back on his throne, the sword still in his grip as he inspected the metal engraving, "Isn't this just so amazing, eunuch Han?" he smirked in triumph.

"It is your highness." Han replied mindlessly. His real opinion wouldn't matter much so he always tried to please him by agreeing with him all the time.

Chin-Hwa chuckled recalling the story his eunuch told him of Sung Hyun. How he fought the kings men, then how he never begged for mercy when they held him under a blade. 'How's he not dead yet?' his eyebrows drew together with a confused smile on his lips.

Chin-Hwa looks towards the door of his chamber, "Call in Sung Hyun." he commanded knowing the servants outside would listen and obey in a blink of his eyes.

"Yes your highness."

Sung Hyun was summoned in a matter of seconds. Already in her eunuch outfit. She came in with her chin up. Eunuch Han kept signalling to her with his endows so as to draw attention to himself. 'Bow down you idiot.' he mouthed, the whites of his eyes clearly visible.

The prince eyed Sung Hyun with... He's had people of all ages and positions bow down to him ever since he could remember. Sung Hyun, a mere eunuch who even seems to be younger than the prince refusing to bow to him was enigmatic. Perplexing. "Why won't you bow down properly?"

Sung Hyun glances at her sword which prince Chin-Hwa refused to put down. 'How dare he touch my sword.' she sighs, "If I took that sword and stabbed you... would you die?"

All eyes seemed as if they could protrude out of their skulls any second now. The head eunuchs jaw dropped. His face lost all colour

"Yah! How dare yo-"

"Leave him alone." Chin-Hwa signalled to Han telling him to back off. He returned his attention back on Sung Hyun, "What's the point you're trying to make?"

"I'm saying you're not invincible. Why should I bow down to you?"

Chin-Hwa kept his gaze on Sung Hyun with one crooked eyebrow, "Aha." A corner of his lips turned up , "Bring in the guards." He commanded, his voice got deeper in a sense of intimidation.

Sung Hyun crosses her arms in front of her, "Hmph." 'You think I'm scared of you?' She released a long breath turning her head to a sigh. She hated when people had authority over her.

The guards came in and grabbed Sung Hyun by the arms to escort her out.

Chin-Hwa shook his head, "No, no leave him here." He ordered halting both of the guards.  

He then cleared his throat, "I want one of you to fight him here." he throw the sword back to Sung Hyun, "Just don't kill him." he added, picking up his cup of tea.

"Y-your highness.... You can't give him a sword after he threatened you!" Han pleaded. If anything happened to the prince, Han wouldn't survive another day.

He took a sip of his tea before putting the cup down, "That wasn't a threat, it was an explanation." he quibbled shooing Han away.

Sung Hyun ran a finger on the blade of her sword smiling from ear to ear. 'Finally! My poor little sword came back to me!' Sung Hyun scoffed remembering the reason why she has her sword back.

She glanced at the prince as she awakened he warrior inside her. She tugged the corner of her lips.
With a wide menacing smirk, she interjected,

"The question is, can I kill him?"

Sung Hyun Where stories live. Discover now