제 |5| 장

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Sung Hyun glared at the man. The same one whom she bumped into the day she was separated from her mother.

Being someone who had nothing to do with it at the time, she had no reason to blame him for what happened but for some reason seeing him come pick her up so he can hand her over to the palace as a tribute just fuelled her with anger and hate.

She adjusted her hanbok. Green was the colour of the eunuchs of the palace. The old man had given one her before she left. The samo hat felt heavy and she tried to adjust it on the handband so it wouldn't fall off.

"Tsk Tsk." the man shook his head in what seemed like to be disappointment. "What have they done to you?" Sung Hyun eyes sent lightning bolts at the man as she approached him with a slumped back. She knew that fighting him would be of no use since; number one: they took her sword, number 2: that's the only weapon she had. And then running away was her second thought, yet that would also back fire since; number one; he'd probably outrun her, number 2: he's much stronger than she is physically so he'd easily overpower her. She let out a frustrated sigh. Frowning at him as he began to walk ahead of her, signalling her to follow behind.

She could tell he's the man whom was sent to escort her to the palace since he knew she would be here. A small sense of relief washed over her because his face was slightly familiar, but questioning why it would be him.

Straight out ignoring his rhetorical question, after the long pause it would be a little rude to reply anyways. "What are you doing here? I'm an eunuch now. Happy?" She scrutinized him, a small smirk on her face as she chuckled at the irony of her own words. She could never become an eunuch and if he felt any sense schadenfreude, it would be quite laughable.

He shook his head again, holding his hands behind his back, "They destroyed half your manhood. It's disappointing to see such great swordsman defeated." He drawled, glancing at Sung Hyun with a look of pity on his face.

Her nose scrunched up with an angry pout, "Shut up before i break your jaw." She threatened, clenching her fists.

He chuckled, slowing down his pace so as to match Sung Hyun's. "You can call me Min-Jun, whats your name?" He said, acting as if Sung Hyun didn't literally threaten to break his jaw a few seconds ago.

"I don't intend to be friends with you." Sung Hyun spat, gritting her teeth at him for being so amused at her situation. At least what she thought was his intentions, yet he was only amused at her personality. He found her pragmatic yet idealistic temperament amusing. Only meeting her yesterday yet he felt like he knew a lot about her, but he wanted to know more. Little did he know that the 'man' he saw in front of him, was a women.

Min-Jun pulled his maggeon down so that his Heukrip adjusted itself on his head. "Aw come on!" He flashed her a toothy smirk as he smacked her back.

Sung Hyun shot daggers at him as she tried to reach where he hit. Rubbing the spot with her fingers in hopes of soothing the ache.

Min-Jun rubbed her back, trying his best to lighten up the mood before he returned his hands behind his back holding them. He gave her an awkward glance and cleared his throat. "Come to think of it, you're tiny. Your body was never that much manly in the first place."

'Cause I'm a fucking women.' Sung Hyun glared at the man walking next to her whom was totally oblivious to the truth but it would be bad for him to find out. If anyone in he palace was to find out her truth.... she'd be executed.

"We're here." Min-Jun snapped her out of her thoughts. She holds her chin up high glaring at the guards. She kept contemplating running right that second, because once she goes through the gates, it'll take her forever to escape but what's the point if she was led it dead.

The palace guards bowed to Min-Jun. "You're late. They finished the physical examination. They're testing their archery skills now."

"Take him there then." Min-Jun ordered.

Both nodded, opening the gate to the palace.

"See you around then, Tiny!" Sung Hyun turns back on her foot preparing a retort but Min-Jun was already gone. She released a sigh stomping her way inside the palace doors.

"You're then new eunuch from yesterday?" One of the guards asked, "Wow you recovered so fast!" he exclaimed, guiding her to the archer grounds.

"Oh... Yeahh," she paused looking to the left, "I..deal well with uh...pain." She explained with a small grin.

'Pabo.' She thought, holding back harsh derisive laughter.

The head eunuch watched as Sung Hyun joined the rest of the eunuchs, ignoring her late presence since she'd had the surgery just yesterday.

He clapped his hands, "Okay! So we're going to test your Archery skills! Grab a bow and each one of you gets 2 arrows. The closest ones to the middle of the board moves up a rank." The eunuch instructed grabbing a white ribbon.

Sung Hyun grabbed an arrow, positioning it on the bow. It had been so long since she's last used a bow and arrow, last she remembered practicing with Haneul, her childhood friend.

Holding the strings of her bow between her middle and index finger with the support of her thumb as her eye fixed itself on the target. This was one of Haneul peculiar forms. Her whole body and mind followed through the instructions of her best friend as if he was actually there instructing her. The wind was quiet, but the sweat on her temple detected a slight breathe from the east. She adjusted the arrow to accommodate.

The head eunuch head thr white ribbon up in the air, "1,2,3.." he waved the ribbon down, "Shoot!"

Sung Hyun, pulled the bow string as if she was playing the strings of an instrument to a soft song. She released the string and before waiting for the arrow to reach the target, she grabbed another arrow and with the same elegant, swift motion she shot the second arrow. The cuff of her hanbok following her moves as though she was dancing.

The first arrow hit bulls eye, the center of the middle then came the second arrow piercing its way towards the target through the first arrow.

Sung Hyun reminisced the time where she trained with Haneul. She was way too lost in time to realize everyone's eyes where on her. Jaws dropping and eyes almost popping.

"Ya, who's that eunuch?" A fruity yet plummy voice broke the silence. 

Sung Hyun snapped out of her memories and meet with his eyes. The prince.

The head eunuch jumped a little as he turned around to see prince Chin- Hwa with his bodyguards and servants. "Aah... Your highness!" He bowed his head to the prince, "One of our new trainees, your highness."

Prince Chin-Hwa nodded vigorously turning his attention back to Sung Hyun. "What's your name?" he tilted his head as he inspected her.

She faked a polite smile, "Sung Hyun, your highness." She affirmed.

A wide smirk etched it's way on the princes face. His pupils wide, His eyes couldn't hide the bewilderment inside them. He'd heard stories of archers doing that technique yet never seen one before.

Chin-Hwa pivoted on his foot turning back, the trail of his hanbok followed behind him, moving through the air like the dragon on it. The vibrant colours of his hanbok stood out, screaming for all eyes to pay attention, the gold accentuated small details indicating his high status as a prince.

He cleared his throat, "Starting this moment I want him assigned to my living quarters." he commanded, walking forward without looking back.

Sung Hyun followed behind without breathing another word. She snickered to herself, covering her mouth so as it could be passed off as a cough.

'Well that was easy.'

Heukrip: Hat made out of horse hair, has a cylindrical top and a brim made of bamboo.
Maggeon: hand band that hold holds hats still.

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