Chapter 6

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Eric said Tris was cut off, but something was telling me she would come back. She woke up before we went to an outdoor trainment. Me, Chris and Will whent so see her before we left. After that we went to catch the Train. Sugar boy was staring at me whe i entered the train. He had some bruises on his face. i felt like saying sorry to him but i couldn't, he hurted my feelings, he insulted my brother and almost told everyone about my father. I was not forgiving him so easily. Eric was about to explain the game when someone entered the train, Tris. Eric asked her who let her in and she said it was herself. i knew she would be back, she is not weak, she is a fighter, just like me.

Four and Eric explained the game and they started forming teams. Eric chose Edward and Four chose Tris. Then Eric chose Peter and Four chose Chris. Eric was staring at me, asking me by his glare if i wanted to be on his team but i rolled my eyes and looked away, so he chose Molly and Four chose me. The teams where formed and we splited apart in teams to hide the flag. Tris and Four climbed the giant weel to see if they could find the Flag and they did. When they came off we went to an attack position and we entered the game. As the shooting started, i hide behind a container. I looked around to see if anyone was there and i covered Tris and Chris backs. I hitted some other team's persons, Edward and Drew, but when a guy came near me and was about to shoot me in the head, someone stepped in and shoot him. I opened my eyes to see Peter. He gave me a weak smile and ran away. He saved me. i ran from there and keeped hiding until i saw Peter on the ground with two shots. It must had been Tris and Chris, but it's a game, we can't get it personal. i Got him out of the midle of the field and we hide behind the container i was before. I took off his darts and he looked at me.

-Wheren't you on the other team?- He asked.

-I am, but now we're even.- i said and i ran away from him, shooting the other team's guys and trying to get to the flag tower. Suddenly Tris and Christina held the Flag in the air, showing everyone we won.

As we were going home, someone asked me and Tris if we wanted to go with them by a shortcut. She went but i said no, i was not in the mood. We may have won and all but, the thing with the Sugar boy, the other day, really broke my heart. He was there for me and, even if it costs to say it, he was my Best friend in here. But now i'm all alone with my awful pass, my terrible present and my scary future.

When we got to the dauntless base, we went straight to the dining hall. The leaders came and started talking to us, telling us that this was it, the ones that were over the line would stay for fase 2, the others had to become factionless. They showed us the rank:
















They were all celebrating and full of happiness, like i should be, but i couldn't, i was feeling terrible about my fight with Peter. I was happy my friends did it, especially Al and Tris, but i couldn't smile, i was sad, so very sad.

As a reward (Taste the irony), They made us help the Amity farms carry the supplies inside and out the Dauntless base. I was about to take a bag of potatos when someone touched my arm. I turned around and i saw my cousin Hannah. She had a big smile one her face and she run into me, hugging me with such a rush, i almost fell.

-Oh my god, hannah, what are you doing here?- i asked her, still hugging her

-I couldn't wait anymore to see you and, since the visiting day is still a week away, i asked my mother if i could come and help carrying this so i could see you- she said letting go off me- You look so beautiful, is that a tattoo? and a piercing? What would your mother think of that?

-I don't care what my mother thinks anymore, i hope she doesn't come in my visiting day.- i said.

-Don't be that rude honey, your mother may be a bitch but she is your mom, i'm sure you miss her- Hannah knew about my parents fights.

-I don't. How are things in Amity anyway.- i asked changing subject.

-The same...OMG, I FORGOT, PHILL, SHE IS HERE I FOUND HER- She yelled and i knew who she was calling. Phill was my friend back in amity and he was the sweetest boy ever. Suddenly, a boy came running and he stopped 2m away from me, staring at me smiling, that was my Phill. I ran to him and he hugged me, spinning me around. I saw Peter staring at me and i felt bad. I may have a crush on him, but he is not my boyfriend so, i can hug who ever i want without feeling bad about it.

-Phill put me down- I said laughing, so he did.

-Smally, i missed you so much. I love your new you.- he said and i smiled. How i missed this two.

Suddenly i felt the presence of two other people and i turn around to see Peter and Drew. Drew was staring at Hannah and she was staring at him aswell.

-So amity girl, who are your friends?- Drew asked zooming out of hannah, who did the same.

-I told you, is ex-amity girl, and this are my Friend Phill and my cousin Hannah- i said and Drew smirked.

-Hannah...such a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl aswell- he said kissing her hand- I'm Drew.

-I'm Hannah, but you can call me Han or Hanny- she said- Peter was staring at me and staring at Phill, who was by my side. Hannah looked at Peter and recognized him- Weren't you the guy who saved my cousin from my aunt at the cerimony?

-Yeah, that was me- he said putting his arm around my shoulders. I rolled my eyes- I'm Peter.

-Nice to meet you. So, are you and Mayany dating?- she asked and Phill hitted her in the arm.

-Han, you can't just ask people if they are dating, if they were, Mayana had already told you- he said.

-Well, first of all it's just Maya now, and second, No, we are not dating.- i said taking Peter's arm from my shoulders. I saw he made a disappointed face but he hide it fast so others couldn't see it.

-Guys, will i get to see you on the visiting day?- i asked and they smiled.

-Of course my baby cousin- Hannah said and hugged me.

-You know i'm older then you right? Like 3 months.- i said

-That doesn't matter. We'll see you next week- she kissed my cheek and hugged me.

-Do i get a kiss and a hug too?- Drew asked and i rolled my eyes.

-Of course, why not?!- Hannah went near him and gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

-Phill, will you come too?- i asked him

-Of  course Smally, i promice to you- he said and hugged me.- I love you

-Love you too, take care of Hannah- i said walking away with Peter and Drew

The truck was loaded so we went inside. As we entered, Peter said something i didn't expected.

-So, that Phill was your boyfriend back in Amity, wasn't it?- he asked and i glared at him. WHAT THE HELL? Is he jealous?

-Maybe yes, maybe no...You're never gonna know...know why?- i asked.

-Why?- he said as i was walking away from him

-Because is none of your business...- and i walked away.

MAJOR EDITING||Peter's Bad Girl|| BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now