Chapter 12

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After i gave Caleb and Andrew a gun, i sat with Caleb talking a little. Caleb is Tris' brother, he was from Erudite, but as soon as he found out about what was going on, he ran away, coming with his parents to Monroe and State, the name of the place i was.

-So, your name is Mayany or Maya, i didn't get that part?- he asked after i told him of how i left Amity to join Dauntless.

-I was born with the name Mayany, but when i got into Dauntless they let us change our names so i changed it to Maya. That's why we call Tris to Beatrice, because she changed her name inside the dauntless faction- i said and he gave me a smile.

Suddenly, a guy came running from the upstairs and i pointed my gun at him, affraid it would be an enemie. To my surprise, it was my brother.

-Easy Maya, it's just Ja- Caleb started but i didn't let him finish, i got my gun down and i ran to my brother, hugging him thighter then i've ever did before.

-JAKE, I MISSED YOU SO MUCH- I said crying in his shoulder. He hugged me too, taking my feet of the ground.

- You two know each other?- Caleb asked and we stold apart a little, facing him. Jake had his arm over my shoulders.

-We are brother and sister, i'm 5 years older then her.- Jake said.

-Oh, i get it- Caleb said and i smiled.

-So, I went to see from the upstairs Window and i didn't saw anyone in the west, i'm not sure in the front of the building so we should wait for the others to come.-Jake told us and we went to sit again.

After 10 minutes of waiting, finally someone came, Tris, but she was alone. She asked for her father and he went to her. He immediately asked for her mother and she nodded, telling us with that Natalie was death. He father hugged her and she said she saved her. Her father told her it wasn't in vain. Caleb got up and walked to them, tears in his eyes. Marcus Eaton, the leader of the Abnegation comunity told them that they had to leave and asked Tris if there were soldiers at the door and she, for some rason, gave hima bad look and said no. She then walked to Caleb hugging him. He asked her why were the dauntless fighting for the Erudite and the answer came, they were being controlled, they were making them belive they were in a simulation. Tris then told us we had to go to the Dauntless base so we could make them stop. Marcus told her it was a fortress, it was not going to happen. That was when i got up and walked to Tris, making her see i was there too.

-With our help it is- i said and i winked at her. She knew i was thinking of the jumping passage, we could get inside by there.

-Wait a second, i just need to do something first.- i said and i walked to my brother- I got to go, you can come with us and help us stop this mess.

-I would love to, but i can't, i have to protect this people, they took care of me for 5 years, i have to take care of them- he said telling me that this was goodbye, again. I hugged him really tight, letting my tears fall.

-I love you Big Bro, you'll always be my hero- i said and i handle him Caleb's gun.

-Sorry to disappoint you but, you are the real hero here, my hero- he said and he kissed my cheek.

I, Tris, Caleb, Andrew and Marcus left the Monroe and State building. Andrew and Caleb let their guns inside because the others needed to protect themselves. On the way out, Tris got 2 guns and a pack of bullets from a death soldier and we walked to the train. The travel was calm, the sun was glowing and i could see the whole city. I was doing my best not to show i was terrified, but inside i was breaking, not because i was affraid to die, but because i was affraid that i was never going to see Peter again, or worst, that he was already death or suffering because of this stupid war. I was scared to death because of him, and shit, my heart was really hurting. I was also wondering if i would see Eric's face again, i really wanted to see him again, just to punch him in the face, one last time. I heard from Tris that, before they found out about her and Four and they took Four, Eric and that other leader got their guns pointed at them and when they moved, Tris shot Eric in the leg. That must have been the most meaning thing she's ever done in life, and to me, i was indebted with her. 

Then the time came, we had to jump out of the Train. Tris opened the door and i jumped first, landing on my feet. Then they all came and we ran to the edge of the building. Tris told them there was a net at the bottom and told them not to think, just to jump, before she let go and jumped. I went after Andrew, making sure no one was there to shot them. After we all got out of the net, we ran inside. We ran to a place i knew like the palm of ,my hand, the corridor near the chasm, right near my and peter's place. Tris told us to wait, maybe because there was someone guarding that place. Since i was the last in the line, i stayed where i was, not seeing the person's face. Tris went to him and i stayed there with them. Caleb was shaking, maybe for the cold, maybe scared that he might die, or maybe just affraid that he wouldn't be able to go back to Erudite if he wants. One of them must be, or else he should get a doctor. I was also thinking of what Tris told me, that Will was shooting at her and that she killed him. I was sad for Christina because, not even knwing, she just lost her boyfriend, the boy she loves and cared about. I kind of understold that feeling, but to me it was different, i didn't knew where he was and he didn't  knew that i was Divergent and that i liked him. Then we heard Tris talking.

-Why do people keep saying that?- she asked and a shot was heard- Now where's teh conttrol room.

We all walked to see what was happening.

-Did you have to shot him?- Marcus asked. Him? He must be talking abou the guard. i though.

-Every minute we waste another Abnegation dies and a Dauntless becomes a murderer.- she said and then she turned to the guard who i still didn't see who it was because Marcus and Andrew where standing in front of me- Peter, let's go.

Peter? That was Peter? I managed to move pass them and, holding to his arm with a shock look upon his face, shocked to see me, there was Peter, my Peter, my love, my Sugar Boy.


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