Chapter 8

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After spending the rest of the day walking around the base, talking to the walls and crying over my fight with Peter i looked at the clock that was on the wall. I missed Diner but, that's ok, i was to anoyed to eat. He was not the boss of me, he had no right to be pissed, just because i kissed Al. Al was kind of weird today before the kiss, he seemed to be tense and nervous about something. I bet it's nothing.

I keeped walking around until i heard a noise coming from the Chasm. I ran to there and hide behind a wall. I had my revolver on my pocket and my hand was over it. I heard yelling. I looked at the scene and it shocked me. 3 guys were trying to push Tris off the chasm. She was fighting them hard for them not to kill her. I had to help her but i couldn't let them see me. I got my revolver out and i shoot against a wall, making one of them lose focus and Tris took his mask off, revealing Al's face. I looked at the scene shocked until Four apeared from nowhere and hitted trhem, running away with Tris. I couldn't belive Al did something like this. I walked to them pointing my gun at them and they saw me.

-Maya?- Al asked

-Shut up, i'm not talking with traitors.- I said- I just want to know who are the crazy freaks over here. Take the masks off.

-Are you su- Al started but i cut him off by pointing my gun at them.

-I SAID SHUT UP. NOW TAKE THE FUCKING MASKS OFF- I yelled. They took the masks and i saw Drew and Peter. I looked at Peter's face and he had a "I'm-Sorry" expression on his face.

-Are you going to report us to your boyfriend?- Drew asked.

-What Boyfriend?- i was confused by his crazy talk.

-Eric- he said and i chocked. As if, i have a crush on the idiot who's known as he's best friend and he thinks i'm dating Eric?! This is crazy Town!

-I'm not dating Eric, i like someone else. He makes me cry and all but i still have feelings for him, not like that Idiot that's known as Eric.- i said glaring at Peter.

-Can we go now?- Drew asked.

-You can, but if you try one of those to any of my friends again, i swear to god that i'll shoot you right in the heads you assholes. Now go before i kick your ugly asses.- i said and Al and Drew started running. Peter stold there, walking side by side with me. I was looking at the ground, too ashamed to look at him.

-So, who's the lucky guy?- he broke the silence.

-The lucky guy?

-Yeah, the guy you have a cruch on. You told Drew you had a crush on a guy so, who's the bloke?

-I'm not going to tell you Peter- i said

-Why? I thought you trusted me- he said and that made me remember the time i used to trust him

-I used to trust you, but not anymore- i said.

Tris came for breakfast in the next day. She sat by me and Christina. She had shirt on, Four's shirt for sure. It kind of looked good on her. Then Al came. He touched Tris arm and started saying sorry to her but she told him that if he ever got close to her again she would kill him. He looked at Christina who gave him a death glare and then he looked at me. I looked away, afraid to look at him. He just walked away. I can't belive he actually did this, he tried tokill Tris, one of my friends, my possible divergent friend. I'm not sure if i can forgive him, he did something bad to her and i couldn't pretend it didn't happened. I was dissapointed with him.

The next day i was running around the pit, training my body and chilling out, when i saw people walking near the chasm. I stopped running and i walked to where everyone was going. I saw 3 dauntless members pulling something up from the chasm. Tris, Will and Christina came near me and we looked at the chasm together. Suddenly me eyes went wild. Al's body was pulled out of the chasm, all soaked from the chasm water. I held myself not to yell and cry in front of them. I could see Tris was felling bad too, but we couldn't show weakness.

I walked away from there 'cause i couldn't see that anymore. I felt like part of this was my fault. He told me he liked me, but i said i didn't like him back, only as a friend. Then he did that to Tris and i started treating him so bad. Maybe if i had stayed his friend, if i had forgive him, if i had said i liked him back, even if it's a lie, if i had stayed by his side, he would still be here, with us. I walked to the dorm and i saw no one there. I lied on my bed and i cried, not in a loud cry, but a silent tears roll. He was there for me, but i wasn't there for him. Then i felt a hand on my back. i looked up to see who it was and i saw Peter. he was petting my hair and it felt nice. He then leaned near my ear and i felt his spicy hot cologne and he whispered in my ear with his fresh spearmint breath.

-It's not your fault, he did that because he was a coward- he said and it pissed me off. I sat on my bad in a rush and i looked at him with a red crying face.

-Who are you to judge, you tried to kill her aswell. He lost all his friends, he was rejected by the girl he loved and he was not going to pass the final test, so he let go of his life- i said cleaning my eyes. Peter turned me around and lied my head softly in his lap and he started petting my hair.

-The girl he loved? Who's That?- he asked softly

-I shouldn't be telling you this but, he admited he liked me the other day, when you saw me and him kiss.- i said and he looked surprised.

-Oh, so he was the one you said you liked, he was the idiot that you told Drew about...Wait, where you two dating?

-No, and he was not the idiot i like. He told me he liked me, i said i didn't like him back, and he asked me to kiss me just once in his life, and i agreed.-i said.

-So...If i said i liked you would you kiss me or Al was just and exception- i turned bright red with that.

-Wha...Well...I...You...Maybe...I don't know- i said.

-I never took you for such an out going girl smallie.- he said and i looked at his smilling face, with my head still in his lap- Why's that smile?

-Well... My brother used to call me smallie when we lived together- i said and he looked at me smilling.-You really love your brother don't you?- he asked and i nodded.

-He is the only one that really cares for me, he is there for me when i need, he's my hero.- i said with a tear in my eye. Peter cleaned my tear with his thumb

-No he's not, i care for you, even when you don't notice it, i'm there for you and i'll show you i can be a hero, i'll be your hero aswell, you'll see- he said.

-Thanks Peter, that's unusually sweet of you. I need to sleep a little bit, i'm tierd.-I took my head of his lap and he got up. I pulled the covers of my bed off and i lied inside them.

-Yeah, i'm also going to take a rest, i'll just turn off the lights.- he turned the lights off and he started walking to his bed, when my dauntlesss part woke up.

-You know, you could come and sleep here with me- i said and he looked shocked.

-Mayany, you naughty girl. But what would the others think?- he asked

-I don't give a factionless ass for what they think- i said and he smiled.

-Enough for me- he said taking his shirt off, putting it on his bed and lieing beside me, cuddling with me. His warm muscles against my skin felt good.

-Hey, maya?- he whispered in my ear.


-Are we good?- he asked softly

-Yeah, we are good.- i said

-Good- and with that he burried his face in my blond hair, making me smile.

He already was my hero, my Sugar Boy Hero...

MAJOR EDITING||Peter's Bad Girl|| BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now