Chapter 7

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The second phase of the trainment starts today. Molly was one of the first people to go on the exam and she had to leave with the help of two people, traumatized with fear. Then Tris went. Usually people stay there 10-15 minutes, but she did 3. That was amazing. She left and then it was me. I entered the room and Four had a syringe with a fluid inside. He told me to lay down and relaxe, so i did. He injected me with that and the effect started.

I was at my home in amity, sitted on the ground with currents around my arms and legs. I couldn't move. My mom and Dad where staring at me with a knife on their hands, smirking and whispering. I couldn't hear what they were saying but, shen they turned to the side, i glaced over there and i saw my brother, lied on the ground, blood around him, dead. I tryed to set myself free but i couldn't, then it came to me. This wasn't real. The currents suddenly broke and i let myself free, grabbing my parents knifes and throwing them to the ground. 

 I suddenly woke up and saw Four staring at me.

-Nice time Maya, 3 and a half minutes.- he said and i smile- Usually people make 10-15 minutes.

-I must be good at it.- i said

-You can go now- he said and i left

After the first exam, everyone left out. Me, Al, Chris, Will and Tris went to the dorm and sat on our beds talking. Molly was there, she was traumatized, so much she didn't even talked or looked at us.

We were talking about our fears and how Tris and i only took 3-4 minutes, when Peter entered the room. He glared at me first before talking. He first said that Tris went from being the worst to one of the best and how Al would take her place at the bottom. Then he asked her what's her secret. She said it was none, but i had an idea of what it was. I needed to talk to Tris about this. I'm sure she is like me, Divergent.

I woke up early on the second exam morning and i got up. I walked to the Pit and i started training with a punching bag. Suddenly someone came from behind me and held my waist, putting his head on my shoulder.

-Hey there little, what are you doing up at this hour?- his voice...Eric.

-Training, can't you see. You're kind of interrupting - i said trying to get loose but it was no use, he just held me tighter.

-Come on Minion, don't talk to me like that. Why don't we go to my room and we do something...Fun- he whispered in my ear. I already knew what he meant and it was disgusting. I was not going to lose my virginity to that little bug. I didn't want to.

-No, Eric i'm not into you and i surely don't want to do such things with you.- I tryed to push him but this time he got a tough attitude. He held me by my wrist.

-Ok, i don't see if you got it but, we are going to my room right now, like it or not, we are going to have fun- he said pulling me and i started punching his arm. It was no use, he was holding my good wrist so i couldn't hit him as much as i wanted. Then it happened. Someone came running and hitted Eric with a wood board and Eric faited. I saw who it was and i saw Peter.

-This dude deserved it- he said turning him around.

-Peter, what are we going to do, when he wakes up, both of us are going to be in danger and- i started freaking off but Peter cut me off.

-Calm down Blondie, i stole this last week when i went to see my cousin in Erudite- he said showing me a syringe before getting the fluid inside Eric's neck.

-What's that?

-It's a Memory fluid. It makes the person injected lose his memory. This will only easer the last 30 minutes of memory so, he won't remember a thing.- he said getting the needle out of Eric's neck.- Let's go, we got to get out of here.- he said pushing me by the arm. The moment his skin touched mine, i felt shivers. I could tell he felt them too 'cauze he stared at be at the same moment, with the same shock look upon his face. We ran to the dorm, but we stopped at the corridor.

-Well, this is it, see you at the exam- I said walking inside.

The second exame was about to start and i was already being injected.

I was at the chasm, holding on like Cristina. I could hear the waves dowm there, crashing against the rocks. I was about to fall when it hitted me. This wasn't real, so i let go and i woke up.

Four was staring at me. He had a weird look upon his face but i didn't care. I left the room not saying a word.

I walked alone along the dark corridors of the Dauntless base. I was thinking about my life and myself. I sat near the chasm hearing the waves, alone with all my thoughts. I was thinking about Eric and how he attacked me, about how Peter saved me, i was thinking about the sweet way Al treats me and how Peter looked at me when Al asked me to have lunch with him, i was thinking about the day i told Peter about my pass, over all of that, i was thinking about Peter. He was always on my mind.

-What are you thinking about Maya?- I heard someone's voice and i saw Al sitting by my side.

-Oh, nothing special, so how did your 2nd Eeame went?- I asked.

-Not very good, i'm one of the worst, maybe worst then Molly.-He said and i put my hand on his shoulder.

-No you aren't, you just need to control you fears and think how to excape. You can't be worst then Molly, she's a scared cat- i said and he looked at me blushing.

-Thank you Maya, Thats why i like y- he started but stopped

-You like what?- i asked

-I l-like y-you- he said and i looked at him shocked.

-Al, i'm sorry but i, i like someone else.- i said and i saw the hurt in his eyes. Then we became real silent, until he broke the silence.

-Can i kiss you, just once, then we can just be friends?- he asked and i though about it. I could do it, one kiss wouldn't hurt anyone.

-Ok- i said and he leaned in and so did i. It was a normal kiss, nothing very special. He has a sweet blueberry taste on his mouth, it must be from the blueberry pie we ate at lunch. Then we broke apart and silence came again.

-Say something, it's too quite.- i said.

-That was...really interesting- he said and i looked away.

-Al, could you leave?! i need to stay alone thinking a bit, i'll meet you at noon- i said.

-ok, see you Maya- he said getting up and walking away. Minutes after he left, i heard a noice behind me and i saw Peter, staring at me with hurt on his eyes. He just looked at me and walked away. I could tell he watched the kiss and, by what it seems, he didn't liked what he saw. I ran after him to explain myself to him. He was walking fast, but thank god i was faster. I caught him by the Pit. It wasn't like i owed him an explanation, but i really wanted to know why he got so pissed, so i grabbed his arm and i turned him around. He had red eyes like he was about to cry and he was giving me a cold glare.

-What was that?- i asked him.

-I see you got yourself a new best friend or should i say a kissing toy?- he said. He really pissed me off with that- Don't worry, i didn't heard your conversation, i just saw the kiss.

- Al's my friend, we kissed, big deal. It's none of your business so why do you care?- i asked cold.

-I don't- he said back crossing his arms over his chest.

-Good- i said crossing my arms over my chest. We were staring at eachother's eyes coldly.

-Good- he said.

-FINE- i yelled.

-FINE- he yelled back and we walked away in seperate ways. I felt tears in my eyes as i walked away. It breaks my heart not to be friends with him anymore and it hurts so much...

(Multimedia: Maya's new clothes)

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