||Chapter 1||

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You people all read the resume of my life. I am divergent, I was born in Amity and I have a brother called Jake that is in Abnegation, blah blah blah... Wait, you didn't know about my brother?

This will be good to tell. My brother is 5 years older than me and he was the perfect son in my parent's eyes. He was charming, nice and good-looking. When took his exam, everyone though he would get in Amity but, when he chose Abnegation on his ceremony day, my parents almost cried their eyes out. I remember my mom (After crying like a maniac) turning to me and saying, "At least our little girl will stay with us after her ceremony day." and she hugged me so tight that my lungs almost jumped out of my mouth. I wasn't going to stay in Amity, that place was not the kind of place I'd like to call home. I wasn't going to stay there, but I was worried about my destiny. I don't know how I would keep my secret but, if my destiny is to die when I finish my exam, then I won't die without give them a good fight.

Unfortunately, today might be my last day on earth since today it's the day of my Aptitude Test and I was already at the exam room door. I took a deep breath before I got my hand on the handle of the cold iron door. If I'm going to die, this might be my last alone moment. It was good while it lasted, those little silent moments...but I couldn't stay alone at the door, I had to get in before my examiner thought I had escape or so. I opened the door and I couldn't believe who I saw near the machine.

Jake Flint.

My brother was my examiner?! That was going to be interesting.

"Jake?" I asked shocked

"Mayany, I'm your examiner" he ran to hug me.

"Jake, calm down, we need to talk" I pushed him slowly for him to sit in my exam chair.

"What is it Smally, (I remembered how he used to call me that, he called me that because I was too short for my age) are you nervous for the exam?" he asked.

"A little bit. I'm going to tell you a secret but, you need to be open minded about it and, please promise you won't tell anyone. My life could be in danger if you tell anyone about this" I said with a worried voice- Please promise me that!

"I won't tell a word about anything you tell me" he said.

"Well, this going to sound strange but, I am...a Divergent" I said and he opened his mouth in shock "Please help me out in this".


"Don't yell, people might hear you" I asked him covering his mouth with my hand.

"What? How do you know?" he asked.

"I just know an-"

"You can't just know when you haven't made the exam yet" he said.

"If that's so, let's do it but, if the results give inconclusive, you need to enter Amity in my final page. You can't put the real results or else they will find me and kill me" I said sitting on the chair after he got up. He gave me a blue fluid and I drank it.

"Ok, now do your exame..."


I was in the same room, but a lot of mes were there. I walked slowly near them and saw them doing the exact same as me. One of them touched my back and told me to choose one of things that were placed over the table before it was too late. I didn't know what was coming but I decided to pick the knife. Then a lot of dogs came and they started to attack me. I cut one of them and he felt on the ground. Then I looked at my left side and I saw a girl, a young girl looking at the dog in front of me. I turned to face the dog and he was a puppy, I stared at the girl once again but, when I turned she had a shocked look on her face. I stared at the dog and he was a big bad dog again. I stared at the ground and saw a rope. The dog started running after the girl but I was faster. I tied the rope to spot on the ceiling and I swigged, grabbing the girl and leaving the dog trying to catch us.


I woke up and Jake was staring at me in shock.

"I-It's T-True- He said- Your results were Erudite and Dauntless".

"Please, do this for me. Put Amity on my final exam and tell them I was allergic to the fluid and you sent me home" I said going to the backdoor. "Do this to save my life"

"Fine, but you'll need to make a choice tomorrow and you need to choose the place where you think you truly belong. I love you" He said hugging me. I hugged back.

"I love you too".

"Now go before someone sees you" He said and I ran out of there. I ran to my house feeling like the free spirit I always wanted to be, feeling life like it was a challenge that I easily overcame. I felt free.


When I got home, my mom was waiting for me in the kitchen.

"Hey honey, how was the exam?" she asked.

"Great, just great..." I said coldly. I hated her; I hated her and my father. They were pure evil. For 2 amity citizens, they were never happy with me. I didn't know why she was being nice to me until I saw my aunt Petunia staring at me smiling.

"Hello dear" My aunt said.

"Hi" I answered simply.

"Are you ready to be an official Amity citizen?" She asked me. As if...

"Hmmm....I'll go get some fresh air... see you guys later..." I said leaving.

"Hannah is choosing tomorrow too, and she'll be picking Amity for sure..." my aunt started talking about my cousin.

"I love you honey" my mom lied.

"Bye" I ran outside and I started climbing to my house's roof. This wasn't the life I wanted for me, I wanted to be free. The truth about my family is that, ever since I was born, they've treated me badly, not because of something I did, but because of my appearance. My father always though I wasn't his daughter because both my parents and my brother have brown hair, while I have Pure blond hair, and their eyes are Brown, while my are crystal Blue. My brother told me they used to fight a lot when I was born because my father thought I was the proof of my mom's affair. After my parents divorced, 3 years ago, my mom started hating me even more because she thinks I'm the reason why my father left us. Ever since, it's been insults, pushes, hard work for me to do and unhuman punishments because of things I shouldn't be blamed for. Now she thinks I'll stay in Amity, being her serve for the rest of my life? She must be dreaming. I'm not going to stay her, but I'm not sure where to go. I better sleep over this choice and let my head rest a little bit.

MAJOR EDITING||Peter's Bad Girl|| BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now