Sass and Mark.

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Anna's P.O.V...

" Ugh, my head. What happened to me? Where am I?" I thought after waking up. I was laying on a bed of some sort and I was in a room I did not recognize. I get up to my feet and run to the door to open it, but it's locked. I step back and look around for any widow or anything that could me see where I was at. But there wasn't anything except a small book case, a bed, a closet, a bathroom, and a chair. I then look in the corner of the room to notice a small red light. I look closer and widen my eyes. It was a camera and it was recording everything! I growl in annoyance and look at me hand. " Oh, god no! Dark's ring is missing, it's the only thing I have left from him!" I thought sadly as I got angry. I look at the camera and glare.

" Give me back my ring god damnit and let me go!" I yell at the camera as I began to throw things at it. " I want to know who kidnapped me! Why are y'all hiding!? To scared to face me son's of bitches!" I yell picking up the chair and throwing it across the room. As I continued to destroy everything, I finally heard the door bust open and two guards grab me by my arms holding me in place. Then another guy wearing a cape and blue royal suit came in smirking.

" Hello Anna, my name is Alexander Jinx." He says formally but I chuckle.

" Does it look like I care for name's? Especially yours!?" I ask a little more sassy.

" You are a feisty one, aren't you?" He jokes but no one laughs.

" How about having them let me go and I'll show you how feisty I can be when I tare your head off and shove it up your ass!" I threaten only for him to slap me across the face by his white gloves hands. I look back at him clenching my teeth as I smiled. " Is that all you got boy!? My grandma can hit better than that!" I joke making one guard almost laugh. The man grabs me by my hair and chuckles.

" You know that's no way to treat your future husband like that. After all I own you not that coward Dark." He laughs but I spit in his face.

" Like your not! Your guards have to hold me back from kicking your ass!" I yell only to get punched in the stomach this time. I fall over onto the floor trying to gasp for air as he laughed at me. He grabs my hair again to make me look at him. He caresses my cheek making me want to barf at how sick his glove felt on my cheek. He let's go of me and orders the guards to pull me up to my feet.

" So have you learned your lesson yet princess?" He asks but I only laugh.

" You can't break me that easily you prick, Dark will find me and when he does. He'll kill all of you idiots and I'll laugh as I watch him gut you guys." I laugh making the guards a little scared. I get another slap to the face, this time harder then the first and actually hurt me a little.

" I would like to see him try. I have this whole place guarded and hidden so well not even the o'mighty Dark could find it. Or he would have already found you by now right?" He asks but I still smirk.

" Doesn't mean he won't. Dark is sometimes always late, but he will come. I have something he needs and no one else can do it for him." I lie making his smile fade.

" And what would that be? You seem very useless to me? Your a human after all! Did you think you were someone important to him!? He could replace you easily just like the girls he messed around with before. You should actually be thankful to me for saving you. He first promises you things, pulls you into a false since of security, uses you sexually, mentally, and physically until you either kill yourself or die. It doesn't matter which to him, your just his toy and he'll just get another once your gone. At least when your with me you'll live and you get to be with your brothers again. All you have to do is be a good girl and marry me." He says smiling strangely.

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