Time Passes/Strange Things Happen Pt.1

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After that night, Dark sent Tom back to the village and Anna was getting to feel better. Dark and Anna soon named their bird Kai and he was now fully feathered and Dark taught him to play. Kai's picture above! Anna spent the most of her days spending time in the garden with Dark watching Kai fly and catch things in his claws. Then when they wanted to return inside she would whistle for Kai and he would land on her arm or even Dark's. Dark and Kai would but heads sometimes and Kai would even laugh at Dark. It was the cutest thing ever. ( Reminds me of Quest for Camelot the kid one of course when the bird laughs at the two dragon brothers.🤣) Willford had gotten better and was staying with them. Dark was only busy when he was working on his portal. While Anna and Willford did things as well.


Anna's P.O.V...

I was giving Kai a few bird treats when Dark walked over.

" Hey Anna. Are you busy tonight?" He asks making me look at him.

" No, why do you ask?" I ask him as I got butterflies in my stomach for his answer.

" No particular reason. Just was wanting to take you out for dinner is all." He says nervously. I smirk and turn to him.

" Is that a date hmm?" He chuckles and shrugs.

" Maybe." He tells me. I smile and look down.

" Sure I would love too." I answer back making him relax.

" Good, meet me at the front door at seven." He smirks as he leaves. I blush and look back at Kai. He tilts his head and I pet his head gently making him close his eyes and lean more onto my fingers.

" Aren't you just an adorable bird." I tell him making him talk back in bird language of course. He gets off his stand and lands on my shoulder as I walked back to my room. Once there, he flies to his bed in a plastic tree in the corner of my room. I sigh and sit at my desk as I began to read their mom's notebook. Will let me read it of course. When I began to read, it felt as I was swept into those moments with them.


" I was standing in a room with three people as I saw a woman with dark brown hair laying in a huge silk bed. She was giving birth and there we're only two nurses and a doctor in the room. Along with a tall man with black hair, very built and slightly looked like Dark. I tried to ask about what was happening and if I should have been in here. But none of them seemed to notice me or anything. That's when I saw one of the nurses go through me. I gasped in shock as the woman began crying and panting. That's when I saw the doctor pull out a baby boy from her. I widened my eyes as I saw them cut the umbilical cord. The doctor gives the baby to the nurse on his left and began to pull out another baby. It was a baby boy as well and he was a little smaller than the first boy. After cleaning everything up and the baby's came back the built man held the first baby while the woman held the second.

" You did great Carolyn. They're both healthy baby boys." The doctor commends her as he leaves with the nurses. The man walks over to the bed and gives the first child to the mom. He then looks at me with glowing red eyes that made me want to scream and hide. You could  see death and hatred pouring from them. He then quickly leaves the room with out looking back. My jaw clinches in anger after seeing him leave his own children like that. But the mother didn't care she just smiled at them. I looked to see their faces and that's when their eyes opened. The first child's eyes were exactly like Dark's and the other ones' eye's we're brown like Willford's. That's when I heard her say their names.

" I'm going to name you Dark and you Willford. My little galaxy and little Willfy." She cooed making me widen my eyes and walk backwards. She looks over in my direction smiling. " Please take care of my boy's Anna, they'll need your help." She says with tears in her eyes. I immediately black out and wake up to see myself on the floor. I had the notebook in my arms and Willford was holding me in his lap crying. I reach my hand up to him to make him look at me, but once I touch him he looks at me and gasps a sigh of relief.

" Oh my God Anna, your okay!" He yells making me confused.

" W... What happened?" I ask sitting up. He hugs me tightly before pulling away and helping me up.

" Kai wouldn't leave me alone so I chased him here. He landed next to you and you weren't moving! I tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't. I even slapped you, but it didn't work. So what happened to you!?" He asks angry. I scrunch my eyebrows and look down at the notebook confused.

" I don't know, I was just reading when I got this strange vision or something." I explain.

" What about?" He asks. I look back up at him and breath out calmly.

" I saw your mother give birth to you and Dark." I tell him as another thought came to me. I smirk and look at him as I began to slowly walk to him. " Your nickname is Willfy?" I ask smiling. He widens his eyes and gulps.

" H... How did you know that? That's not in her book, I know. Who told you that name?" He asks upset.

" Your mother said it." I tell him looking off into the distance.

" Okay, maybe you should sit down. You might have hit your head." He tells me but I step back from him.

" I didn't. I was there and that man! Those red eyes...." I mumble as I could see them clearly in my head.

" Hey it's alright. Also Dark's looking for you. He just wanted me to tell you to get ready since y'all are leaving soon." He tells me as he leaves my room. I look over at Kia and sigh as I look down at her notebook.

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