Chapter 2

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   While Medusa was having the time of her life in Hades chambers, Olympus was gradually falling apart and the gods were not in the least manner making it easier for Zeus. In the noisy hall the eight of the top gods sat; Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, Hermes, Aphrodite, Apollo, Hephaestus and Tyche.

"Silence!!" Zeus roared as the bickering of his fellow gods was getting too depressing to bear. He stood from his throne and went to the middle of the hall, lightning bolt in hand.

Zeus;  The earth has shown signs, bad signs.

Poseidon;  Zeus, these signs mean something. We can't just sit here and ignore them.

Zeus;   No we can't brother but what do they mean?

Apollo;   A long time ago, the world was reborn,the gods all killed and their children left behind to start a new Olympus. The children were able to start over until one of them decided to be the only one to rule the world. Cronus killed his fellow titans and again the children were preserved to start a new Olympus as they banished Cronus to Tartarus. Throughout time, the cause of this fresh start was from hell. The goddess of hell ; Nagini, was able to cause the victory in the first killing of gods. She was thought to be pure evil but brought balance. Hades fought with his brothers. Side by side they banished Cronus and Hades was also thought to be pure evil. The time has come again for Olympus to be cleaned from our reign. Our time has come brothers and sisters, should we fight the unstoppable or let fate and destiny take its cause?

Hermes;   Falasies!, lies!, all lies! Is what he speaks. Who would kill us, there is no one in all of Olympus as pure as evil.

Poseidon;   Don't be a fool Hermes, we all know that Apollo speaks the truth. Our time has come, I can feel it.

Athena;   But who Poseidon? Who is evil enough to bring us all to the hands of extinction?

Poseidon;   I presume Hades Athena.

Zeus;   It can't be Hades. He is part of our line.

Tyche;   Then who could be so disastrous to bring death upon the gods of Olympus Zeus?

Zeus;   I have no idea Tyche but we need to find out and fast.

Athena;   I have a feeling that the person is working over time with some real powers.

Poseidon;   If you know anyone Athena please don't keep us in suspense.

Athena;   If we all die, the only persons that will be on the benefiting side will be the nymphs and demigods.

Zeus;   Athena, every god, nymph and demigod will be all dead so it can't be the nymphs.

Poseidon;   Fine then Zeus, who is it? Who is the person giving us all this worry over our lives?

Zeus;   I don't know Poseidon but I will find out, we must.

Aphrodite;   Or we could jus let fatetake its course.

Hermes;   Why do you love to see people suffer? And yet you are the goddess of love?

Aphrodite;   I don't like seeing people suffer but what else do you want me to say Hermes? What?! You heard the story,it is our fate and we should accept it. We should all come to terms with it.

Hermes;   I totally disagree with you Aphrodite. We can make our own destiny and determine our fate. After all, it is what we tell the humans, isn't it?

Apollo;   Hermes, sometimes we can't write our own destiny.

Hephaestus;   We don't even know what will happen. If it is a war we are having or we just fade out of existence and here we are bickering over it.

Poseidon;   I agree with Hephaestus brother. Let us make the most of the time at hand.

Zeus;    I thought we would never need to worry about time. We all thought it will never end. Now here we are worrying about time. Even I, Zeus is worried .

Tyche;   Such is life Zeus. But we must be able to understand that everything has a season. Even the immortality of gods comes to an end at sometime.

Poseidon;   I know Tyche but....

Zeus;   But nothing brother. Meeting adjourned. Let us get back to our duties.

    The hall gradually became empty as all the other gods left. I sat on my throne wondering. They look up to me as leader of Olympus to figure this out, but I can't. They all know we have to die but I didn't expect it to be like this. Tyche was right. Everything comes to an end eventually. Even the immortality of gods.
     I just hope Hades is alright. He might be the god of the underworld, but he is still my brother and I care. I care about all of us that is why I am trying to solve this. Trying to put all the pieces of this puzzle together. Apollo might not have told the other gods but he told me "Once the tree is dead, a branch will bloom into a new tree." 

The tree is us, the gods of Olympus, but the branch, what is the branch?

"Zeus, I think you should come into your chamber"

" I am coming Hera"

Hera walked up to me and gently pulled me off the throne in the hall. She snaked her arms around my neck, placing gentle but fierce kisses on it. She swayed her hips and move with her back out of the hall, dragging me  along with her.

She kicked open the doors to our chambers and walked to the bed gradually peeling off her silk gown. Laying on the bed with all her clothing gone, Hera beckoned on me to come over. The woman really knows how to handle a god. I pulled my robes and dove for the bed. A hot trail of kisses slowly went from my  lips to my length. Slowly, she began feasting on me. Making the extra effort to get a 'pop' when she reached the tip and pulled it out. Not in the mood for her foreplay, I pulled her up and kissed her lips hungrily. She began to shiver and was already wet.

I gently laid her down on the bed and drove into her. It didn't take long for her wailing to start and it made me go even faster. I felt the vibrations of our action as I leaned my hands on the bed. She was already in bliss before I pulled out , making her whine at the loss. I slowly kissed her lips down to her round succulent bosom and gently bit their tips. Her torso was marked with my love bites when she began to stammer my name, I knew what she wanted. I gently worked her heat area with my mouth, making her scream in pleasure. I didn't feel like satisfying myself, just her and that is what I did. We lay there on the bed, facing each other and she whispered to me.

"Thank you Zeus"

"No, thank you Hera for letting me make you feel loved."

Then we drifted off into a blissful sleep. All seamed calm and at peace. For now, that is how I would rather be, all was at peace within and without and I loved it.

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