Chapter 7

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Hey guys it's me, BodakRainbow72 . I just want to thank all my readers and followers for bringing me this far.  Sorry about the late updaes and all. I just want to say that this book is going in  for the 2020 wattys. I want you guys to please vote, comment , tell ur friends about me and get them to read, vote and comment. It means a lot to me. You guys are the reason BodakRainbow72 lives. It would mean the world if this book wins a wattys in 2020 and it would all be thanks to you guys. So please, read, comment, vote and don't forget to have fun. Thank you for coming this far with me. I rilli appreciate.  Thank you. Love  BodakRainbow72!!!!♥♡♥♡

"Oh! Fuck me harder Bruce!"

"That's it baby, beg for me to fuck your little body numb."

         I sat in the parlor of our  home. I could hear Eurgate and her new sex partner moaning and screaming for more sex. It sounded disgusting! Eurgate has been like this since Medusa died. I guess she just needed to have someone who loves her, after all, her and Medusa were really close before Medusa died. I couldn't be the sister Medusa was to her. Even now, I can't.
         I grew up quite fast and matured in no time. Eurgate on the other hand still had her childish instincts and loved Medusa like a toy. I also loved  Medusa, but never had the time to show it. I guess that is why Eurgate found comfort in 'her friends' rather than me.
         I was disturbed by the sound of Bruce yelling about him cuming and the next 'friend' was so relieved. He tried getting it off with me but as usual, I punched him right where it hurts. Telling him I'm not for sale. Bruce came out of the room all sweaty and huffy.
        The next guy hurriedly rushed in and in no time, him and Eurgate filled the house with their lustful moans and screams. Sometimes I wonder how she goes a whole day just doing this. I don't really mind. I mean am always locked up and training. Eurgate just needs love, I might not be able to give her that but I can support her.
       Give her the confidence she lacks and make her feel better about herself.

"Yeah! Whore, suck on me. Make me feel good!"

And that was my breaking point. Eurgate's 'friend' had to leave and he was leaving now. I barged into her room, shouting as loud as I could, telling him to move out and find a life.

"SCYLLA! Privacy please!"

"Sorry Eurgate but your 'friend' has to leave now!"

"Hey, you can't tell me what to do demon"

"What did you just call me boy?"

"I called you a demon, do something about it miss Scylla."

       I charged at him, turning into a full fledged gorgon and beating the hell out of him. Eurgate just lay there shouting at me to get off him, but I had to teach this guy a lesson. Eventually, he got away from under me and ran out as fast as his goat legs could take him.

"You forgot your clothes Mr!" I yelled as he ran for the front doors.

"Keep it crazy girl."

I doubt he was ever going to come back again but who really cared.

"What is wrong with you Scylla!!!"

"Emmh, nothing Eurgate. Why do you ask?"

"You're crazy! Why did you scare him like that?"

"I didn't scare him, I merely just asked him to leave."

"Just because no man want you doesn't mean you should ruin other people's chances!"

She actually said that. Eurgate thought I did that because I was jealous. What was I supposed to be jealous of ?!

"At least am not the one who is a sex slave!" And as soon as I said it, I knew I shouldn't have."Am so sorry Eurgate."

"No, you're right. I am a sec slave Scylla, thank you for pointing that out."

" I didn't mean to. Am sorry!"

"No, am just a sex slave Scylla, I just needed you to point it out for me. Thank you, thank you for making me feel WORTHLESS MRS PERFECT!"

"Eurgate please just listen, I didn't mean to say it like that. I just ..."

"No Scylla, you meant to say it exactly like that."

          Eurgate stormed out of the house. I doubt she'll be coming back anytime soon. Why did all this have to happen now. Now Medusa wanted us to proceed with the plans. I have to go talk to her. I need to talk to her. I doubt she'll listen but I have to try.
          I walked out, looking for Eurgate. I was headed  to the inns but then a scream came from down the road. It sounded like someone saying demon. Oh no! Eurgate had transformed. She rarely shifted to her  gorgon form. It was mostly Medusa and I that did that.
        I rand across the roads and saw Eurgate burning down everything. She looked mad, raging mad was more precise. She tore people to shreds and melted every thing in her path. She was furious. I had never  seen her like this. She had never turned to this.
          The once loveable and social Eurgate was a terror to the same people that she once loved. I had to stop her.


          She turned to look at me.  Her eyes spoke nothing but anger. She dropped the woman clamped in her jaw and roared. There were no words but I felt her anger, her pain. It was the first time I knew who she really was. She was shy, afraid, insecure. And she looked it even with her ferocious glare.
          Her kindness dropped in form of the blood that dropped from her jaw. She ate the humans! Eurgate that I knew would never do that. She must have gone over the edge. She stood there, breathing heavily still in her gorgon form. I could hear her, hear her pain, hear the beating of her patched up heart.
        It was all my fault. If only I was there for her when she needed me, she wouldn't be like this. But I wasn't there for her. I let her endure the pain alone and now, she had just gone boom. She charged at me, expecting me to also transform and fight her but I didn't. She stopped, looking puzzled. She roared angrily at me but I stood unshaken. Her eyes became soft and she slowly turned to her human form.
        She ran to me and hugged me. She was trying. I cradled her in my arms, telling her it was okay.

"Scylla I killed people. Am a monster!"

"No Eurgate, you're not. I caused this and I'm sorry."

"Thank you Scylla."

"For what Eurgate?"

"For being here for me."

"Am sorry I wasn't there earlier."

"Oh, I forgive you."

          The people around  gathered  near Eurgate to comfort her. She had been so nice to them, they loved her no matter what. A woman placed a piece of cloth over Eurgate's naked frame. She had some girls carry her into her inn to get Eurgate cleaned up.
         I was happy that they understood how she felt. That is what she needed now, the support of everyone around her. She was broken completely. She needed all the help she could get.I wish I paid attention to her when she needed me the most.
          Eurgate had been cleaned up and put in a room. I went to checkup on her but she was asleep so I just sat by her bed. She looks so peaceful when she's asleep, so good, so angelic. I just hope she'll be okay once she wakes up.

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