Chapter 6

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            Hades sat up quickly. Confusion written all over his face. I don't blame him, I mean who wakes up and asks for hell?

"How do you mean you. need. hell?"

"I need power Hades, I need to begin preparations for the war."

"Oh, well in that case, we'll start the ceremony tomorrow."

"The ceremony?"

"Yeah, a period of time when I am kept isolated for my powers to be transferred to something or someone."

"Oh, thank you Hades!"

"Anything for my angel."
          He lay back on my bossom, slowly drifting off to sleep. Now that I knew I was getting hell, I had to go tell my sisters. They had to get ready to visit Zeus in Olympus. The war was on and we had to be ready. Eurgate would barge into Olympus, blaming Zeus for our mother's predicament and demanding he fixed it. If not, she would destroy Olympus.
         That would anger Zeus to his bones. Hopefully he would only imprison her. If all went well, the war would also go as planned.
          I began to feel sleepy, so I just lay down and closed my eyes. I drifted off to sleep peacefully knowing my plan was going well. I woke up the next day. Hades wasn't in bed and I was tucked in very well. Probably Hades put me in then left. I mean he can't be that wicked to leave me halfway on the floor.

"Good morning my queen."

"Hello Madeline." Madeline was a calm looking girl. She also made a deal with Hades to spare her from eternal damnation. In return, she was to serve Hades forever. She had blonde hair and this innocent farm girl look.

"Lord Hades requests you get ready for the ceremony."

"Oh, thank you Madeline. Is there anything inparticular he wants me to wear?"

"Your dress is in the Lord's chambers."

"Oh thank you Madeline."

"Yes my queen."

          Madeline left the chambers and I got ready. I went to Hades chambers to get dressed. On his bed was a silk white short-long gown. It was so beautiful! The edges were lined with white lace and little white bows all over. Well at least the dress wasn't red. I put it on and Madeline came in. She handed me a golden cup with gems on it.

"The dark lord said I should give this to you."

"Oh, well thank you Madeline."

          I walked into the great halls, all the warlocks and demons were seated with something I couldn't see mounted in the front of the hall. I walked down the makeshift isle, all the way to the front. Hades stood there with his full armor.
          There was a young boy chained to the floor naked! Did these people not have the decency to put on clothes. I mean since I came here, most of them were named well except Hades. He somehow had clothes to wear for every occasion. I reached the mounted object which was a makeshift floral bed.
         Hades had two warlocks gracefully put me on the bed. They took my cup and gave Balchazar a blade. Now, I have never been in hell before but I guess a blade, a bed, a girl and a white dress was not a good sign.
         Suddenly, I was glued stiff to the bed. Balchazar was getting closer to me and his blade was pointed at me! He was mumbling trash as far as I was concerned. He was trying to kill me! Why I wasn't told about this before, I still don't know.
         He came close enough then the blade was in my heart. Blood didn't gush out , a vile silvery liquid gushed out of my heart, soaking my dress but turning it red. Balchazar filled my cup with the silvery liquid. The chained boy had a blade in his heart, as his blood rushed into a cup kept below him. Hades drank my blood while the boy's cup was given to me to drink from after Hades had put his own blood in it. It tasted like strawberries. Strawberries? As strange as it sounds, that's exactly what it tasted like. The next thing I knew, I was unconscious and that's all I remembered.
         I woke up the next morning in Hades chambers. I felt a slight ache in my head. Madeline was standing beside my bed with a tray that had a towel and bowl of water.

"Emm, how long was I out." I asked, rubbing my head to reduce the stress.

"Two days  my queen."

I hurriedly got off the bed to change. Madeline looked at me with confusion.

"Where are you going my queen?"

"Tell Balchazar to get the gateway ready."

"Yes my queen?" She asked rather than agreeing.

"Oh and Madeline, no escorts."

"Yes my queen."

As I got to the gateway, Balchazar looked at me with suspicion all over. He knew where I was going and obviously didn't want me to go there. He stood in the gateway, looking all furious and 'Hades like'

"Where do you think you're going my queen."

"That's one way to talk to your 'queen'." I rolled my eyes.

"Where are you going Medusa."

"You know where am going Balchazar."

"Just because master Hades can't come out doesn't mean you are to leave the palace!"

"I'll be back in two hours Balchazar."

Two hours my queen?"

"Yes Balchazar, 2 hours."


"Thank you."

I took my pearl, did the usual process and was in my home with Scylla and Eurgate.

"Medusa!" Eurgate screamed. I guess she was happy to see me.

"Hello Eurgate, how are you?"

"Am fine Medusa, so how did it go?"

"He fell for it hook line and center."

"That means it's a go for us right!" Scylla asked, am sure she was itching to fight.

"Yes Scylla, Eurgate can now go to Olympus."

"The battle has began sisters."

"We are all in this together. One for all and all for one. !" Eurgate was taking this a bit too cheerfully.

"I have to leave you girls, I promised Balchazar I won't be long."

"Take care Medusa! See you soon."

"Good bye Eurgate, Scylla, see you soon."

"Bye Medusa."

I left the girls, put on my glaze and now, it was time to look for Hermes. He had to have a hint about the passcode by now. Now the war is on. Gods of Olympus be ready, here comes the return of Medusa.

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