Chapter 17

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"No need to look for me. Am already here."

"Ah, Athena, we were just talking about you. How nice of you to join us." Hades mocked.

"How could you do this Hades! How could you join her to bring this great evil upon Olympus!"

"Don't deceive yourself Athena. Olympus brought this upon itself." Hades scoffed at Athena. I could feel her anger.

"I'll make you pay Hades! Make you pay for all the blood you spilled today!"

"No Athena, you won't be making anyone pay. Why? Cause you would pay first! You'll pay for all you have done to me Athena! I'll make you feel in a few seconds what I felt in all those years. You would pay so dearly for all you have done." I was mad at Athena. I just wanted to see her dead.

"And how do you plan to do it." She mocked.

"I wield the bolt of creation. I would make you pay!" Her expression changed, like she was angry and at the same time fearful.

"No! Impossible! It can't be!"

"Don't be scared Athena. She'll make it quick." Hades laughed at the goddess's fear.

         I walked up to Athena, slowly driving the bolt through her heart. I didn't want her to have a quick death. I wanted her to feel all the pain she caused me, I wanted vengeance both for me and Madeline. She screamed as the bolt melted it's way through her heart. I could see the pain in her eyes. That is exactly what I wanted. For her to feel pain.
         Once it came through her back, I dragged it out with all my might, watching as she drowned in her own blood. She was dead. Never again would she bring pain and sorrow on anyone.

"Well, I kept my end if the deal. You have your sisters, soul and mother. May I have my bolt?"

"A deal is a deal. Here is your bolt."


"A deal is a deal. Here is your bolt."

"What! No! We need that bolt Medusa. Our mother is dieing!"

"That wasn't in our deal Eurgate." Who asked this bastard to speak.

"Who said I made any deal with you. Hades."

"We won't sit back and watch you kill our mother because of some shabby deal."

"Scylla is right Medusa, we won't."

         Scylla and I held hands to morph into a joint gorgon. If it meant killing Hades so mother could live then I didn't have a problem with that. We shot balls of fire at Hades as he jumped around dodging them.
          Anger bolted through us the more we missed. Medusa was shouting for us to calm down but we weren't about to listen to her. We scanned the area, looking for Hades. We saw him on a pillar and when we were about to blast him to bits, there was a sharp pain in our chest.
         It couldn't have been the bolt. Medusa was still standing behind us with it. We looked down and saw a spear stuck in our chest. Hades must have thrown it at us before we blasted him. We quickly changed back to our human forms.
          Scylla was badly wounded and so was I. The spear had gone through both of us but it remained stuck in Scylla. She was coughing up tons of blood. I saw Medusa run to go meet her. It was too late, Scylla was dead. I silently shut my eyes and I was gone too.


"You killed them!" Tears were streaming down my face.

"They tried to kill me first Medusa."

"How could you! You bastard!"

"Hey! Watch your tongue Medusa."

"You are nothing but pure evil!"

"Believe me, you're not the first one to tell me that." He laughed at his stupid joke. "Now, the bolt." He stretched out his hand.

"After what you did, all you can say is 'now the bolt.'  You disgust me Hades, here, have it."

         I pointed the bolt at him, a huge wave of lightning struck him. To ensure he died, I threw the bolt and it took off is head. He killed my sisters so he deserved to pay. I put my sisters' bodies on my dragon, took the  bolt out of Hades head. I looked around, the sea of dead bodies was awful.
          They bodies had been destroyed like bugs. I jumped onto my dragon and flew towards Madeline's grave. I gave Ives the location so I knew where I was headed. I landes just before Madeline's grave. Balchazar had set up the stone.
         I dug Scylla and Eurgate's graves and put their bodies in. My dragon heated the stones so they could become crystals. And now, time would not have any effect on their bodies. I looked at the crystal graves once more...

"goodbye friend and family." Then I was off.

          I mounted the dragon and went to the house. The house I grew up in. A few days passed,so I wrote to Andromeda, requesting if it was okay to see mama.


Another letter had arrived this morning. It was from Medusa. She asked if she could come see her mother. It was the least she could do. I wrote her back telling her it was okay for her to come see Ceto. I told her the location to come meet us in the woods.


"Wake up Ceto."

"Hello Andromeda."

"Hello Ceto, how are you doing today."

"Am fine." I said as I sat on the bed.

"Oh no Ceto, we aren't gonna sit around all day. Today, we are going for a walk in the woods to see someone special."

"Who are we seeing!" It was a long time since I had any visitors.

"You're just gonna have to get to the woods and find out, wouldn't you."


Andromeda made breakfast, we ate and were off into the woods.

"I thought we were going to see someone?" I asked thinking she had jus tricked me into having a walk.

"We are Ceto and here she is."

I turned around to see my daughter Medusa. She came running to hug me. She was crying!

"What's wrong Medusa?" I asked as I hugged her tight.

"Mama, Scylla and Eurgate, they are dead!"

"Oh it's okay dear, they died for a good cause."

"I have the bolt mama but I can't  save you." She said as she pulled away to look at me.

"I know Medusa dear. It's my time and there is nothing you could have done. You did your best. I know you did." She hugged me again as more tears flowed.

"I love you mama."

"I always have loved you Medusa."

We talked of may things till night fell. Medusa escorted me home, tucked me in and said her goodbyes.

"Good night mama."

"Good night Medusa."


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