Chapter 3

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"Yes my queen"

"Get the gateway ready, am leaving for earth in an hour."

"Should I get your escorts my queen?"

"No, I'll be just fine by myself."

"Yes my queen, the gateway would be up in a few moments."

"Thank you."


"Ah Medusa, you look all dressed up ready to go out, but to where?"

"Am going to earth Hades, to see my sisters."

"Yes, I guessed as much but I want a round before you go."

"Am sorry my little dragon, not today, am already late."

  I turned around, zipped up my dress, gave Hades a kiss and left for the gateway. I knew he would punish me for that but then again, it won't be that bad. I was just going to see my sisters. But knowing the kind of person or god in this case that Hades is, the end plan is to make me pay. And still that is not important now, I know why I am doing all this. Once hell is handed over to me, all my problems would be gone, and i mean all.
    I walked to the gateway, took my pearl and crushed it. "Greece" I said loud enough for only me to hear and in a cloud of green smoke, I was traveling through time and space. When I arrived at Greece, finding my sisters location was not the major problem, it was knowing what they looked like. They are just as tricky as that fool  Hermes. The compass they gave me was pointed infront of me which meant they were close by. Just like they said, they were at the house. The house where all my memories belonged, the house I grew up in. I walked in and saw Scylla on the chair with her proud immortal look as usual. I knew this would be long day.             Why I was here, I still had no idea.

"Hello sister, how does immortality feel?"

"Hello Scylla."

"Hope you love your time in hell, my queen."

"It's not as nice as you think"

"Hmmph, yeah, we all say that."

"Where is Eurgate?"

"In her room, just a warning, knock first."

"I will try."

   Passing down the lobby was quite painful. I remembered my childhood, my innocence, my zeal for Athena. And now I was walking those same halls now, but I was immortal, I was no longer innocent. I sought revenge. I had snakes for hair. On the full-length mirror, by Eurgate's room, I looked at myself. Tall, beautiful, green dress worn well, snakes packed into a ponytail. I felt abused, "smash". The glass broke to pieces when it made contact with my hands. The pain was useless cause I hardly felt it. I opened Eurgate's door and I wish I had knocked.

   There was a huge saytor lying on the bed with her. I thought she had changed?, but I guess change was not her area of speciality.

"Ohh! Medusa you're here, I didn't know you were coming, sorry about the mess."

"Yeah, whatever, just clean up, we'll be in the palour."

"Yeah, I'll be there in a while."

   I cleaned up, and shooed Scott out of the room . I got into a dress to go meet Medusa and Scylla in the palour. As usual, Scylla was on dad's chair. I sat on the last seat available for is to form a triangle while we sat.

"Medusa, you're here cause we need your help." Scylla said.

"I know that, but for what?"

"We need the bolt."

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