Chapter 11

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         Back in hell, the rituals to establish my powers are now over. With two days left on my plate, preparation for the war is at high stakes. All the warlocks have their soldiers ready. The whole nation of hell is preparing for war. A great war. A war that only silence could win.
         The unexpected is our only means of success in this war. Walking into the armor room, I saw Eris preparing her monsters and getting her armor on.

"You know you need an armor too?"

"I was hoping you could help me."

"Come with me then."

        We went into my chambers and there was a set of armor on my bed. I looked at Eris confused.

"I asked Balchazar to get an armor prepared for you."

"This looks like it's new!"

"They made it from scratch when you informed is we had to start preparations."

"Oh, thank you Eris. Could you help me put it on ?"

"Yes, sure, why not. I also needed help the first time I put in armor."


"Yes Medusa."

"Why are you helping us, helping me?"

"You see Medusa, Zeus wasn't actually the best father to me. He discarded me, he only loved Hercules cause he came from Hera. He never actually liked me, even before I was born. My mother told me. And now, now I have a chance to make him pay. To show the rest of Olympus who they think would lead them with love. Zeus took away my happiness Medusa, just the same way Athena took yours from you. Now we have a chance to make it right, a chance to make them pay. So Medusa, I don't know about you but I'm not giving up this chance."

"I know how it feels. How it feels to have everything you once dreamed of taken away . to be crushed by the same people you looked up to. So I don't blame you Eris, am right behind you. We'll fight till the end, we'll do it, we'll do it TOGETHER."

"Together." Eris smiled at me."okay, you look good in armor."

"Thank you Eris."

          Hades walks into my chambers and I hadn't seen him since the ceremony and he looked different or maybe it was just me. Eris finished up with my armor, gave me a tight hug and left the room, shutting the doors behind her.

"You look valiant in armor Medusa."

"Thank you Hades."

"I thought you'll back out at the last minute. I guess you're braver than I thought."

"Yes I am. Hades?"

"Yes devil cake?"

"Could Balchazar stay back from the war?"

"Why blood lily?"

"So in case I don't make it back, the children have someone to be there for them."

"If it would make you happy then yes, he can stay back."

"Thank you Hades."

"You're welcome my angel."

"We need to tell Eurgate when we are attacking. She needs to be at Olympus during the war to get Scylla out of the dungeons safely."

"Just tell her when the stars completely align, she should be there."

"Why? Hades, what's happening when the stars align?"

"The titans are set free."

"What! The titans are brutal!"

"They'll obey you, you're now the goddess of hell. You're more powerful than you can imagine. You'll do great Medusa."

"Thank you, I love you Hades."

"I love you too my devil lily."

He left the room after placing a soft kiss on my lips and in came Balchazar. Right on cue.

"Well, looks like you don't need my help with that armor."

"Well, I could use the company." We both laughed.

"Good luck Medusa, I hope you make it back." Balchazar said with so much emotion. I think he was about to cry.

"About that. Balchazar?"

"Yes Medusa?" I looked into his eyes and tears dell from my face."Please take care of my children. They are yours now. I'll never be able to come see them again!"

"I understand Medusa." Only Balchazar knew my real plan and I plan to keep it that way.

"Lookout for them, you're all they have left in this world."

"I'll take care of them Medusa, I promise."

"I know you would Balchazar, I know you would." The tears poured out if my eyes without blockage.
          I would never see my children again. Balchazar was all they had. He was there for me in my time of need so I know hell be there for them. I hugged him and refused to let him go, allowing my tears to soak his shirt.

"Its okay Medusa, no more tears."

"Thank you Balchazar."

"You're welcome Medusa. I have to leave now. Good luck."

"Bye!" And he was gone. I walked out of the room to the meeting chambers. We had to finalize preparations for the war before we all set off.

"Ah! Medusa, right on cue. Have a seat." Hades offered.

"Thank you Hades."

"We were just finalizing the preparations for the war. Eurgate has been duely informed so we would meet her at Olympus."

"And how do we get to Olympus exactly?"

"Dragons" Eris squealed


"Eris have her dragons set. Those who can't fly would fly on the dragons."

"And you don't think they'll see us before we even get to Olympus?"

"That is where I come in. I'll cause an explosion from earth. The smoke would be enough to keep us hidden till we reach Olympus." Eris explained.

"It's a fool proof plan Medusa. Once the war begins, you go get the bolt while Eris takes your place. I'll be there once you have the bolt."

"Is that why eris and I wear the same armor?"

"Yes, that's the reason Medusa."


"Yes my lord"

"Get the warlocks and everyone ready. We leave at dawn.

"Yes my lord."

As soon as Dracula left, the warlocks appeared one by one. They were all decked with heavy armoring and weapons. At least they weren't naked.

"My warlocks, today we prepare for battle. A battle that would raise us up."

"We won't allow a woman to lead us to battle!"

"Yes! It is an insult to us!"

"Watch you tongue fools! That woman you speak of is now the goddess of hell!" Eris barked at the warlocks.

"I apologize on behalf of my fellow warlocks and we plead the goddess of hell to have mercy."

"It's alright. We need to stay united if we want to win this war. We need to have each others backs. We go in together and we'll come out victorious!"

"The goddess has spoken!" Eris cheered.

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