Chapter 6: The Escape

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Lizzie hit the ground hard and fell over. She checked to see if she was ok and was. She then got up and ran to the door, it had a padlock on it.

"Are you okay?" asked Zach

"Ya I'm fine, the door has a padlock on it" she replied, "But I have a clip in my hair I can try and get it open."

She took her clip out and started to to fiddle with lock.

"What if I sneak into his house and try and steal the keys?" Lizzie asked. She knew what their reaction was going to be, but knew they couldn't stop her if she did it.

"NO!" said Mike.

"I may not have a choice, I am not leaving you here, I will get you out." said Lizzie.

She tried the lock again, just then they heard the truck engine roar.

Lizzie froze and stopped fiddling with lock. She looked down the road.

"Liz?" questioned Zach.

She didn't reply.

"Liz, listen to me you need to get out of here, run!" Mike yelled.

"No I can't!" she yelled, as she began to cry.

"Elizabeth I'm sorry, but you have to go" said Mike.

"I can't leave you two!" she yelled back.

"ELIZABETH RUN!" shouted Mike.

She then realized she had know choice and turned around and ran to the woods and never stopped running. Until she heard the engine of the truck stop. She stopped and hid behind a large tree. Leo got out angry and started kicking his truck and swearing, she assumed it ran out of gas or stopped working. He then began to walk up the road. Once out of sight, Lizzie ran again and ran and ran and never looked back.

In the shack, Mike was really angry and was pacing with his hands on his head. Zach stood there quietly.

"Mike we need a plan in the next few seconds or we are dead" said Zach.

"When he gets here and Lizzie isn't here, he is going to freak and probably kill us and then go after her" said Mike.

"Ya thats why we need a plan now" said Zach.

Before they could say another word the door opened.

"Faces now!" Leo said.

Zach walked over and so did Mike.

"Where's the girl?" asked Leo.

"She is a sleep" said Mike, "Im not waking her she hasn't slept in days."

"I don't care" said Leo.

"You will have to come in then" said Zach.

Leo walked in and slowly walked to back of the shack. Mike and Zach came out behind him and punch him hard in the side of the head. Leo fell to ground uncounsious.

"Lets go!" Mike shouted.

The ran out the shack into the daylight. The ran down the road to the truck. They tried it but it didn't work.

"Dam it!" shouted Mike.

"Lets go!" said Zach, "We need to find Liz before she is to far gone."

They ran down the road to the cabin. Zach started to run towards the road leading out, but Mike stopped.

"Go and find Lizzie, I will be back" he said as he ran to the house.

"What are you doing?" asked Zach.

"Supplies" he yelled back.

Zach took off the down the road, Mike ran to the house.

Inside the house Mike grabbed a backpack that was sitting by the door, 6 water bottles, 4 apples, 2 bananas, 3 granola bars, two blankets, a pot, matches, a knife and then ran to the bathroom. There he grabbed a bandage wrap and a towel. Then he ran to the bedroom and pulled open the sock door.

"Classic" he said, as he pulled out two guns and extra bullets, he put them under his shirt behind his belt loop on his back.

He then ran out of the house and to the road.

Out on the road Zach was screaming for Lizzie.

"ELIZABETH!" he yelled over and over.

Then out of no where she came out of the woods and ran into him, hugging him. He hugged her back with a big sigh of relief.

"Its ok" he said "Your okay" as he tried to calm her.

He took her hand and they headed up the road to find Mike.

"Where's Mike?" asked Liz.

"He's at the house" said Zach.

"How did you guys get out" asked Lizzie.

"We convinced him to come in the shack, and we knocked him out. We don't have much time before he wakes up" said Zach.

They soon met up with each other. Mike pulled Lizzie in for an embrace. Then took her hand they headed for the woods, staying far enough from the road, so they would have cover.

"We need to get as far away from here as possible in the next twenty minutes" said Mike.

"We were on this road for at least six hours maybe more" said Zach, "Thats days."

"Ya well we better getting moving then" said Mike.

Lizzie looked up at him concerning, he then pulled her along. They ran for a little then walked and then ran, but soon came to a walk, because they were all to tired to go anymore.

It soon became dark and decided not to travel in the dark, they could get off course. So they made camp for the night.















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