Chapter 7: The First Night

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It became very dark, so they decided they couldn't risk getting off course, so they made camp for night.

Mike started a fire. Everyone was really quiet. It had gotten a lot colder as the sun went down and Elizabeth was in shorts. She was sitting up against a big rock shivering. Zach got a blanket out and wrapped it around her.

"Thanks" she said.

"Your welcome" responded Zach.

"We are going to get out of this" said Zach looking down at her.

She gave a slight smile.

"Zach, I will take the first watch tonight, we can't both sleep just in case...." he was going to say Leo comes around but didn't want scare Liz.. Even though he knew she knows, he just didn't want to put it out there. "there's bear or something around here."

"You sure you want the first watch?" asked Zach.

"Ya its fine, I will wake you and well I don't know the time, I will guess and wake you" said Mike.

"Alright" said Zach he went and sat against a rock. Mike looked over at Elizabeth who looked scared to death, he knew she wasn't going to get any sleep. He went up and sat down next to her and pulled her close. He moved her head to rest of his chest.

"Try to sleep" said Mike, kissing the top of her head, "I will be right, here awake."

Elizabeth closed her eyes and tried to sleep, but it was hard. A millions things were going through her head.

She opened her eyes a little, "You know I know that Leo is going to come after us and I never thought about bears until you said something" she looked up at him with a smile.

He smiled back with a little laugh, "You don't have to worry about Leo or bears, I won't let anything happen."

She closed her eyes as she said, "I'd rather have a bear than Leo"

Mike looked over at Zach, they didn't say anything. They knew this was sadly the truth for them to. Mike kissed Liz's head. Lizzie soon fell asleep. After awhile Mike woke Zach and soon Mike tried to sleep, but he didn't really go into a deep sleep, Zach didn't either, their nervous where on high alert.

The sun was just about to rise when Elizabeth woke up with a slight scream and a jump. Mike awoke suddenly.

"Whats wrong?" he said worried.

Zach had now woke.

"I.....I....I just had a bad dream thats all" said Liz.

She was now sitting up next to Mike.

"About what?" asked Mike.

"Its really nothing, the sun is up we should get moving again" she replied.

"You sure?" asked Mike.

"Ya, really its nothing" she said as she got up.

"Well lets eat something first before we go" said Zach.

"We don't have much" said Zach, "We need to use it sparingly."

They ate and a little and then headed out for a very long day of walking.

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