chapter4- nightmares

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Toby's p.o.v
"L-Lyra, no,n-noo, L-L-Lyra, answer me, p-ple-please, LYRA!!!!" I screamed as I woke up, just hoping I didn't wake anyone up. But no, I woke up everyone, everyone except the heavy sleepers, Hoodie, Clockwork, Jane, and Jeff. "Hey are you ok?" I heard Sally ask as Masky opened my door, that I thought I had locked! "Y-ya, j-just a-a ni-nightmare, s-sorry t-to wa-ake yo-ou g-gus u-up." I said, mentally cursing myself for studdering so much. Tears threatened to fall aa I thought about the nightmare. 'Lyra, I'm sorry.' I thought as everyone left back to their room, I was relieved that everyone did.. Or that's what I thought, Masky came in and shut the door behind him. I felt the heat rise to my face as he walked over to me and sat at the bottom of my bed. "Are you sure your fine, your face is all red?" Masky asked. 'He could never love a twitchy shit like you!' A voice said in my head. And although I hate to, I broke down crying in front of Masky, and regretted it imedently after. The reason I started to cry is because I know the voices were right, someone as perfect as him could never, ever, ever love a twitchy fuck up like me, never,Never,NEVER!! I just sat there, crying in front of my crush as I realized that he could never love me back. I felt something warm rap around me. I opened my eyes to see.... Masky...... HUGGING ME!! My thoughts all stopped on that fact as I hugged him back, crying into his chest. "Shhh, it was just a nightmare." Masky said in a soothing voice. "It-it's no-ot *sod* j-just a *sod* a dr-dream, i-it *sod* real-really ha-happened." I said, between sods. "Well it's over now, ok?" He asked as he looked down at my small, shaking, crying stature.

Masky's p.o.v
'What the fuck are you doing! Why? Just stop! You don't like the twitchy shit even a little!!' My brain yelled at me. 'But weeee like him!' My heart reminds my brain. 'What... WAIT!' I screamed in my thoughts, as I was still holding Toby close to me. "Well it's over now, ok?" I asked as I look down at his small, shaking, crying stature. 'He looks kinda cute when he crys..... Wait, no, stop thinking like that!' I yelled at my thoughts as Toby looked up at me. His light brown eyes, filled with tears he was holding back.         "C-can y-you..... Ne-eve-er mi-in-nd." He said, his face even reder. 'Now I'm positive he's not ok.' I thought. "No, what were you going to say?" I asked aa he let go of me, and I let go of him. "N-ne-ever mi-ind." He said again, his face getting reder. My brain screamed at me to just walk away, he was always annoying me anyways, right? But my hear waa telling me to stay, I was listening to my heart, for once. But I was still trapped in the middle of this war. "No, seriously tell me." I said in a kinda demanding voice, looking in his watery, light brown eyes. "N-no, I'm f-fin-" "No, your obviously not, now TELL ME!" I said, more loudly at the end. "F-fi-in-ne, c-ca-an y-you," his studders and twitches getting worse as he talks. "S-st-tay h-he-ere w-wit-th m-me?" He asked as he closed his eyes and held his breath, his face getting, what I thought was impossibly, reder. He looked like he was ready for me the slap him. "If it makes you fell better, then sure." I said, completely giving up and just listening to my heart. "R-really?" He asked, wiping tears with his sleeve. "Ya, I guess." I said, just loud enough for him to hear. I had completely given up, yet something about this felt so.....right.

A/n- so Masky was stuck in a war between his brain and his heart and Toby was upset, lets see what happens when we wake them up next chapter. Anyway love you all thanks for reading💜💜💜💜☺😛☺💜💜💜☺😛

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