chapter 15-part 2-Plan

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Toby's p.o.v
Puppeteer has been asking me questions for about 5 minutes now and I have no fucking clue what in fucks name he's talking about. "Do. You. Remember. Anyone. Called. Masky." He asked, pausing in between every word. 'Tru, do you remember anyone named Masky?' I asked Tru in my thoughts. 'He's asking you, not me. And I don't remember anyone named Masky.' Tru answered me. "Ok look, I d-don't know w-who the fu-uck any of t-the pe-eople yo-you ju-ust a-asked me i-f I knew. I d-don't kn-now any o-of them! Be-eror all th-his shit hap-ppened I li-lived ina ca-cabin i-in the wo-oods by my-yself. I do-on't know   i-if I'm sop-post to re-emember any o-of them, b-but I d-don't!" I yelled at him, studdering and twiching uncontrollably. I didn't know anyone named Sally, or Lazari, or Hoodie. I never meant anyone named Slender or Masky!! I was starting to get pissed at all the questions puppeteer was asking me.
Puppeteer's p.o.v
Toby has completely forgotten everything! He was studdering and twiching uncontrollably as he yelled at me. Guess it's time to tell boss. I left the room and relocked the door behind me.
Puppeteer and boss on the phone:
Puppeteer: Hey boss.
Boss: Yes?
Puppeteer: He's completely forgotten everything.
Boss: Good, I'll be there later later to kill him myself. But...
Puppeteer: But...?
Boss: If anyone is with me, then you need to pretend that we shouldn't be there. Ok?
Puppeteer: Yep, got it.
Boss: hangs up the phone

"So I'm guessing that went well." Bloody Painter said, I just nodded my head.
Toby's p.o.v

'Ok so, the plan is to get the keys to the door from B.P, then get past Puppeteer. Then run like hell to the nearest cabin or a tree that will hid me for long enough.' I repeated back to Tru in my thoughts. 'Yep, that's the plan. Now get ready, cause i that will be soon.' Tru said. "I'm ready" I whispered.

A/n- hey peeps 💜 hope you all enjoyed 💜💜😛☺😄💜😂😀😛😄😛😍💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
TICCIMASK picture of the day:

A/n- hey peeps 💜 hope you all enjoyed 💜💜😛☺😄💜😂😀😛😄😛😍💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜TICCIMASK picture of the day:

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Ok bye peeps 💜💜💜💜💜💜😛

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