chapter 12-part 1- One Week

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Toby's p.o.v

It's been at least a week, I'm starting to lose track of time. I've tried to contact Slender through my thoughts, but he hasn't said anything back! (Remember, Slender can't hear his thoughts as of now.) I'm starting to lose hope. I wonder how Masky is doing. He probably hasn't even noticed I'm gone, no one probably has. I hope he is at least happy. He's probably with Hoodie, he always liked him and hated me. I can feel the last bit of sanity I have left slowly draining away. *Worthless! Fuck up! They're all just going to leave you here!* The voice chanted. The voices have actually gotten better. 'Ok hour of talking shit about my host is over.'
The demonic voice rang in my head. She has actually been helpful, she finds the voices annoying and so only lets them talk for a hour a day. 'Thanks Tru.' I said in my thoughts. 'A. My name is Truggon and 2. I find them quite annoying, that's why I got rid of them.' Truggon said back. 'Can I please call you Tru?' I asked in my thoughts. 'Fine, but then I can call you host.' Truggon said. 'That's fine Tru.' I answer in my thoughts. 'So I was wandering, how in fucks name can you even deal with those voices constant bitching?' Tru asked, annoyance clear in her 'voice'. 'Cutting.' I answered simply. 'Oh, your still doing that?' She more of asked. 'Well I was, but they wont give me any sharp objects!' I yelled, still frustrated over the fact that I didn't have blade. Hell, I don't even have my jacket!
Bloody painter's (B.p) p.o.v
Toby has been here for about a week. We found out that he can't fell pain earlier this week, would have been nice if boss told us that. Ofcorse he also told us he might studder or twitch, which he hasn't. He's also always talking to himself, and I guess he has voices. He asked for a knife earlier this week and when we asked why, he responded with to cut his arms and legs to make the voices quiet. Puppeteer could care less, but I was a little nicer. Ofcorse at the same time puppeteer is the one that torchers him and I'm the one that watches him and makes sure he doesn't try to escape, or kill himself. I also give him one meal a day, but he only eats once every 3 days, and so little food too. I'm not sure how, but he hasn't fell asleep yet. He seems to be getting weaker by the moment, as I assumed he would. He really shouldn't have done what he did.

A/n - hey peeps, I'm almost done with part 2 for this chapter, so it'll be up tomorrow, some time after midnight. Anyway love you peeps and hope you all enjoyed💜💜😋😛😝💜😋😋💜😋💜💜💜💜💜💜😛😄😄😝😝😄😝💜☺😂😂💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 here's a ticcimask picture for you all☺

 Anyway love you peeps and hope you all enjoyed💜💜😋😛😝💜😋😋💜😋💜💜💜💜💜💜😛😄😄😝😝😄😝💜☺😂😂💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 here's a ticcimask picture for you all☺

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