chapter 18- When?

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Masky's p.o.v
It's been a week now since we found my little waffle! He's still unconscious and haven't moved! I've barely left his side unless necessary. I've still been cutting, still hiding it the best I can. Some of the others have been checking on him, and some have been checking to make sure I'm still alive.... Which I'm not... At least I'm not on the inside. Clockwork seems to be near MY little waffle when I'm not. Sally has fallen asleep in my little waffle's room at least 3 times this week, but I don't mind. I'm still doing everything to avoid Hoodie, especially sense my little waffle could wake up at any moment!! I'm still trying to figure out how I can, hopefully, help my little waffle regain his memories.

Clockwork's p.o.v

Senpai was moved to his room earlier this week and Masky hasn't left senpai's side unless necessary. Though every time Masky has to leave I stay with senpai until he gets back..... and practical yells at me to leave. I know he has told senpai he likes him, but senpai isn't going to remember that. Senpai is MINE AND ONLY MINE!!!!! "Ofcorse I have a mission!! Ugggggg!!!!!!!!!!" I hear Masky complain , walking out of senpai's room and to Slender's office. 'Guess it's my turn to stay with senpai.' I thought, walking into senpai's room. I looked at senpai, he looked so..... peaceful. After about 15 minutes of me staring off into space, the door opens and brakes me from my thoughts. Sally walked in and looked over at me. "Hey Sally." I said, letting her sit next to me on the edge of the bed. "So wha-" I started, but was cut off by a knocked at the, opened, door. "Slender has a mission for you Clockwork." Hoodie said, walking away after. "Well crap." I say, looking over at Sally, then over at senpai, then back to Sally. "I'll stay here until either you or Masky gets back." Sally said, a slight smile on her face. "Ok, thanks Sally." I said leaving to get this mission over with.

Sally's p.o.v
Clocky left, closing the door behind her. I looked over at Toby, the person I consider my older brother, just lying there. He looks so peaceful and calm. I sigh as I hit the bed behind me. "Hey bro, I don't know if you can hear me but, shit has been really fucking crazy without you.... awake." I said, not expecting a response. As expected I got no response, only silence. The silence was nice though, with all the Chaos of the house, it was nice to have a moment of silence. I slowly started to drift off to sleep, tired from dealing with more shit than usual.

Masky's p.o.v
'I'm finally back! Of course Clockwork is probably in my little waffle's room. Uggg!! I really don't wanna deal with herrr!!!' I thought, walking to my little waffle's room. When I opened the door, I saw Sally asleep on the edge of the bed. She was curled up next to my little waffle. I smile, walking over and picking her up off the bed bridal style. 'She must be tired from having to deal with all the extra chaos and shit going on around here.' I thought, carrying Sally to her room and covering her up. "Night Sally." I whispered, the slight smile on my face growing.

Toby's p.o.v
" where. Am. I?" I asked, looking at the black void surrounding me.

A/n- I'M ON SUMMER VACATION!!!!!  Which means that I can update more often☺☺☺ anyways love you all 💜 peeps 💜💜☺😀😁💙💜💚❤💛😺😋😻😛☺😀❤💚💛💙💜😺😋

TICCIMASK picture of the day:

A/n- I'M ON SUMMER VACATION!!!!!  Which means that I can update more often☺☺☺ anyways love you all 💜 peeps 💜💜☺😀😁💙💜💚❤💛😺😋😻😛☺😀❤💚💛💙💜😺😋TICCIMASK picture of the day:

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Ok love you all 💜 peeps bye☺💙💜💚❤💛😀😁❤💚💛💛💙💜💚☺😋💚💜💛💙❤💛💛💛💚💚💜☺😁😀😂😺😻😻

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