chapter 10- Kidnapped?!!!!

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Toby's p.o.v ( while Jeff was yelling at Masky)
I ran out of the house and into the forest. I couldn't think straight because of all the voices. * You should just kill yourself! Useless! Ticking time bomb! He will never love you! You only ever cause pain! Worthless! You're a mess that the others have to deal with! You should've died in that car crash not your sister!* The last on made me stop dead in my tracks.  "I know." I simply said as I continue to walk, they just keep going. *Loser! Freak! Twitching shit!* They continue to yell at me as I reach into my pocket. As I continue walking, I grab a, not so shiny, blood covered razor blade, the same one I was cutting with earlier when Masky caught me. I was able to pick it up off the floor where Masky had thrown it, Jeff didn't seem to notice. I cut at my arms as I walk to the bridge. Most people go there to clear their heads, and I do too, a lot actually, but not this time. This time I was walking towards my death, every step bringing me a little closer. My breath seems to quickly, every breath a breath closer to my last. And yet I peace for once.
??????????????? P.o.v
Will you be patient." "No, can we just get this over with." "Wait until he jumps, he's already on the bridge, and wrote a note." "Fine." Toby jumps off the bridge and to his, supposed death. "Now." I say as he goes and pulls Toby out of the water, making sure he was still alive. "Now we can, but remember boss wants us to toucher him, not kill him." "Ya,ya, but can we kill him." "We'll see." "Yes, the last 6 times that has meant 'yes'."
Masky's p.o.v ( after Toby jumps)
Jeff, finally, moved out of my way, after stabbing me in the arm twice. I ignore the pain and run out the door and look for my love.  I ran as fast as I could. Did I know where I was running? Not even the slightest clue, but I had to get there eventually.... right? 'THE BRIDGE!!' My thoughts screamed as I noticed I was already half way there. 'Guess my feet knew where to go before my brain.' I thought as I ran faster, as fast as I possibly could. I finally reached the bridge and looked around EVERYWHERE. "WERE. IS. HE!!!!" I screamed as I spotted something familiar by a rock. I walk over to see Toby's orange-tinted goggles, his mouthguard and.................................................... his jacket with the blue hood.  I then see the blood, broken, razor blade, the same one from earlier, next to his hatchets . I couldn't take it anymore. I took off my mask and let the tears flow. I took his jacket and noticed a note stuffed in the pocket. I took the note out and, carefully, unfolded it, wiping the tears from my eyes so it would be easier to read. I quietly read the note to myself. The note read:
Dear whoever finds this,
I have failed you all so many times, and no longer have a reason to live in a world were I only create hurt and disappoint. I'm sorry for ruining all your life's, but now I'm going to fix that problem. I should have died in that car crash, not my sister, then you all wouldn't have ever meant me and I then couldn't ruin your life's.  You will all forget I ever existed within a year, cause I'm not really something to be dwelled on. I saw you all as my family, all but one. Tell Masky I love him, even though he may have been just playing with my emotions, I still, and always will, love him. I hope you all can be happier now, and smile more. And to Sally and Lazari, I love you both, my little sisters. I'm paying for everything I've ever done now, not that anyone cares. And Jeff, I'll see you in hell.
-Toby 💜
I hit the ground in a crying mess, still holding Toby's jacket close to me. The words from the note rang in my head over and over again. I couldn't take the thought of him not being here with me. I love him to much to lose him, especial to himself. I was to late to save him. I. WAS. TO. LATE. To. SAVE. HIM!!!! "TOBY!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as I felt myself start to get tired, I just cried myself to sleep. ( I'm literally about to cry. Poor Masky😥😢)
Time skip- because Sally and Lazari are worried
Still Masky's p.o.v
I woke up in a white room with some tools scattered and...... medical equipment? I then realized I was in the medical wing of the mansion. "Oh good, your awake." I heard a voice say, I eminently recognize the voices as E.J. "How did I get here?" I asked, not really remembering much of earlier. "Hoodie found you curled up in a ball, with your mask lying on the ground next to you, crying while holding Toby's jacket like your life depended on it. Guess you cried yourself to sleep. Even when you were asleep you still refused to let go of Toby's jacket." It all came back to me in a painful flood. 'Toby, suicide, tiredness, sad.' The words came with painful parts of memories. "TOBY!" I yelled as I, quickly, got up and RAN for Slender's office. Even though I wasn't thinking straight, I still remember to knock. I then noticed I was still holding the note Toby had written. I tried to hold back tears, then realized, I didn't have my mask on. 'Come in.' Slender 'said'. I open the door and walked over to his desk. "S-sir, I found s-some of T-t-toby's things and......" I stop and took a deep breath in. "And this." I said, handing him the note 'Child......'

A/n- cliff hanger, I'll try to update tomorrow. How will Masky react, hell is Toby even still alive. That's for me to know and you all to find out. Anyway love you all soooo much, thanks for reading💜💜😂😀😛😍💜💜😂😛😛😀😀😍💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 chapter word count- 1078

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