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"Come on Thomas! It's not even that scary!" I squeal.

"No I don't want to." He whines as I pull him towards the London eye.

"Okay fine. I will wave at you and see that you aren't having fun whilst you are stuck with out mums." I try to convince him.

His face scrunches up like it does when he thinks really hard. I wait a bit for him to think.

"Okay fine but one go around." He says finally and I then take his hand in mine and pull him towards the London Eye.


I wake up gasping for air. My apartment feels twenty times smaller then it normally is. The sounds of New York City fill my brain again, slapping me back to reality.

My name is Rebecca. I live in New York City. I go to NYU. I am from England. I'm 24.

I say the same things every time I have dreams like that. About him. About Thomas.

They aren't dreams, more like memories that replay over and over in my mind. I need to stop getting them. I need to keep him off my mind.

'He's gone Rebecca. You know this.'

I tell myself for the thousandth time.

Why do I do this to myself? I have the flashbacks and think he is still here or he's coming back. Why does my brain want to make me go insane?

I check my phone and see that it's 5:47 on a Saturday morning. I groan and roll back over, trying to fall asleep again. I curse the city noises that are preventing that from happening. 

I slowly trudge my way out of my bed and towards the bathroom. I turn the shower on and hop in. The warm water hits my tense muscles causing me to relax instantly.

I quickly change into a simple grey shirt and jeans. Hurrying out the door to get my coffee. I stop at the nearest Starbucks and order my coffee. As soon as it's handed to me I'm out of there.

I hurry out the door and pull up my list of errands on my phone. I glance it over and map out my route in my head. I look up and the next thing I know I'm on my bum.

"I'm so sorry are you okay?" The voice seems rememberable.

I look up and wish I didn't. The familiar blonde hair, the soft brown eyes they bring back the memories I tried to push away.

His eyes widen like he has seen a ghost.

"Rebecca?" He questions and I scramble to my feet, trying to create as much distance as possible.

"Rebecca wait!" I hear him but I don't stop moving my feet.

As fast as possibly can, I move towards the ally way. My ally. The place I would go when I need to think.

I try to loose him in the sea of bodies that flood the streets, but he is still hot on my heels.

Why Thomas? Why did you have to come back?

I tell myself to shut up as I move faster. My name continues to be called but I drown it out with the city sounds I have grown used to.

Turn left. Right. Then left again. I'm in my ally, praying that I lost him. I turn around and I am flushed with disappointment. Thomas stands there with a tired and confused look on his face. Almost like he is heart broken.


"Don't call me that Thomas! What the bloody hell!? You think that you can leave and then everything is going to be okay once you show up? Your a brain dead twat if you think that!" I yell at him.

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't you even dare! Where the hell did you go for thirteen years? Thirteen years Thomas! I thought you were fucking dead!" I continue to yell at him.

"If I told you, you would think I'm insane."

"I don't care anymore Thomas, don't you get it? You left like it was nothing and then you come back and think everything is going to go back to the way it was?"

"No I didnt."

"Your funny to think that it wou, wait did you say no?"

He nods his head.

"Well it's not going to, just leave me alone. You caused enough problems in my life." I say finally and walk past him.

"I know what happened to your mum. I'm sorry." He says behind me.

I stop in my tracks, but don't turn around. I don't say anything and keep on walking. I find myself at the door of my apartment with out realizing it.

I look at the time and the clock reads 7:23. So much for getting anything done today.

How was that? You might be confused or seem like this is rushed, but I will explain later on in the story.
-B xoxo

Empty Soul (Thomas Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now