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There was all a buzz during the gathering. Becca sat more on the side lines. She didn’t know what was going on and I couldn’t blame her. She didn’t know how any of this worked.

“Shut up! All of you!” I shouted.

The room became quiet all at once. It’s like you can’t even hear anyone breathing. Ki Hong looks at me and nods.

“Well we were all thrown back into here! Now every one of you shuck faces should want to get out of here. They let us see the life outside and let us remember everything and keep them. It doesn’t make sense. We need to come up with a plan, like now.” I explain.

Becca doesn’t look up the whole time. I feel like she is holding this against herself. Like it was her fault our shadows were evil and took us back. I don’t want her to feel that way.

“What do we need to do?” Dylan asks.

“Ki has all the maze’s patterns so it can’t be that hard to figure out.” I say and Dylan nods.

Ki takes over and I sit down next to Becca. I need to talk her, just so all her feelings aren’t trapped inside. She needs to breathe. I feel guilty about her thinking that it’s all her fault.

“Hey.” She says in a small voice.

“Make any sense so far?” I ask her and she shakes her head.

“They all talk at once, how do you guys ever get anything done?” she asks.

“I don’t know, I guess we just do.” I honestly don’t know what to say.

Ki is talking to the whole group. Telling them the patterns that the maze has. He has to run it to see where it is because we were gone for a while. The original group of runners plus Ki Hong leave and a group of them head to the map room.

I get up and look down at Becca and help her up. Dexter comes over. Becca gives him a quick smile and then looks at me.

“Thomas I think it’s best if you go the map room with the group of them. You know how these patterns work.” He says and I nod. “Becca want to help me out in the kitchen?” he asks her.

Becca looks at me and I nod. She gives me a quick kiss and heads off with Dexter to the kitchen. I walk out of the gathering and head to the map room. The group is pulling the maps out of the chests and placing them on top of each other.

Blake comes over and hands me a stack. I start to do the same and help out. Blake and I talk a bit. I find out that he was allowed to stay with his family again. I was happy for him. He was telling me all about what his room looks like.

“Thomas what’s wrong?” he asks.

“Nothing. It’s just Becca. I think she is blaming herself on having us all end up here again.” I shrug.

“Oh, well she needs to know that none of this was her fault. It’s the stupid people who put us in here fault.” He says and I nod.

“Yeah she does” I say and continue to trace the maps.


I head to the kitchen with Dexter. He hold the door open for me and I thank him. The kitchen is very nice and tidy. You could tell that’s it’s been here for a while and worn down, like the rest of this place.

“What do you plan on making for today?” I ask.

“I was thinking a soup. Can you cut up all the vegetables?” he asks and I nod.

Dexter pulls out the ingredients and a knife. I grab a stool and sit at one of the nearby counters that is clear. I start to cut up everything as Dexter cleans the meat.

It is really quiet, only the sound of my knife against the counter. There is a weird feeling in the air like Dexter wants to say something to me.

“Dex can I ask you something?” I say breaking the ice.

“Sure what is it?” he asks and stop cleaning the meat.

“Is it weird that I think that this whole thing is my fault, like you guys being sent back? Because ever since Thomas found me he said that his shadow was bothering him again.” I say and look down at the cut up vegetables.

Dexter is quiet for a bit until he talks, “I don’t think you should be blaming yourself. They were taking us back anyway, didn’t matter what happened before hand.” He says and I nod.

“Also Thomas has been acting weird since we have came here. Would you have any idea why?” I ask the question that has been itching my brain since I got here.

“This place, he had his ups and downs. I guess he doesn’t want to be here anymore and it sucks to have to come back and him having to see you, the person he loves, go through all of this too.” Dexter explains and I nod.

I guess I have to apologize to Thomas.


i am so bad at updating this story! Sorry! But i have a whole 2 weeks off for christmas break and this story is coming to a close. Wow im ending everything....

anyway i love you guys and i kinda know how this is going to end already



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