The Decision 1

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It started as a typical day in the Fairy Tail guild hall. Ezra was happily munching on a strawberry cheesecake that had been delivered anonymously to her the previous day. Mira was tending to the bar chatting to Laxus about various make believe couples, much to the lightning slayers annoyance. Gray and Natsu were fighting like usual, the ice make dropping random articles of clothing with a swooning water mage collecting them as she followed.
Fire and ice were blasting everywhere until one attack accidently destroyed Erzas cake and she went on a rampage, determined to teach the fighting mages a lesson.

In all the commotion, no one seemed to notice a certain blonde celestial mage had gone missing from the ruckus. But had they bothered to look they would've found she tip toed her way to the second floor before dashing to the masters private office.


"What on earthland do you mean you want to quit Team Natsu?! What could be happened to you my child that would cause you to make this decision? It was Natsu wasn't it! That fire breath embesile!"

The tiny old man known as the powerful Master Makarov was fuming from the ears as he listened to a saddened Lucy Heartfilia. True she hadn't been in the guild as long as others. Three, ten if you counted the seven years on Tenrou. Compared to most, she was one of the newest members. But she was special. Somehow she carried an aura of pure light and love wherever she went.

It was only a matrer of time before everyone around her fell in love with her in some form. To hear she was making suvh a huge decision brought frustration to the old man because he knew, more than anyone, Lucy would not make a decision like that lightly.

"No, it's nothing like that!" Lucy was waving her hands frantically before a soft look in her eyes took over and she began to explain her request.

"As you may know Natsu and I have been dating for a few months. Nothing actually happened except we realized our feelings for each other aren't what we thought. He doesn't see me as 'mate' material and I don't see him being responsible enough to raise a family with. But it has come to my attention that Lisanna and Natsu both have feelings for each other. So I'd like her to take my place so that they can have more time together. In return for my leaving the team, I would like to sign up for the guild exchange program."

Makarov sat in silence, contemplating Lucy's request. She didn't seem angry, sad, but not angry. So he knew she wasn't doing this out of spite. She also didn't ask to leave the guild permanently. That was a good thing. In his opinion it was no different than Natsu running off for months at a time or Lacks, or Guildarts. It wouldn't be fair of him to keep her from leaving if that is what she felt was best. With that final thought, he made his decision.

"Well my child, I must say I applaud your resolve to put others feelings first. I can also understand why you may want some time away. I have actually been dealing with a problem of my own and I think your predicament may be the answer I've been looking for!"

"Eh?" Confused wasn't a strong enough word to describe Lucy's feelings. Coherent words wouldn't form so she resigned to deadpanning. Her Master simply chuckled and began to explain what he meant.

"A while back, Rufus Lhor of Sabertooth contacted me requesting a tutor of sorts. Evidently, their young Master is having difficulty adjusting to life without that tyrant Jimina a d need some help."

When Lucy's face changed to one of empathy and pain, he knew she was hooked. He could ask her to walk into hell fire and she would, if it meant saving someone from the darkness. He knew it wouldnt take much convincing on his part but still, it would be fun.

" There is a catch. Unfortunately, it would be a very long assignment therefore I can only send one mage. I couldn't think of a solo mage I trusted with this mission as all of my most trustworthy are on teams together. But with you wanting to leave your team and go solo to join the exchange program, I believe this will be perfect for you!"

"You want me to tutor Master Sting?!" If Lucy sounded half as excited as she was then she was sure Makarov would understand how happy guving her this job would make her. Again, the old man chuckled at her enthusiasm before continuing his explanation.

"Not necessarily tutor, just... teach them how to live in the light. Teach him to be a responsible adult and a smart guild leader. You have a special talent for bringing out the best in people no matter how far gone they are. I believe this will be detrimental to Sabertooths metamorphosis from the hell hole it was to a home for the tigers... You know as well as I do how bad that guild was not so long ago. Sting wants to change that. He wants his guild to be more like ours and he has no idea how to do anything at all. With your upbringing you should be more than qualified to teach him about paperwork, making business deals, and budgeting. As a fairy tail mage you're more than qualified to teach them how to celebrate, fight with their heart, and as the person you are, you can teach them to live in the light and love with everything they have. Can I trust you to do this my child?"

Lucy was nearly in tears at her master's words. His praises meant more to her than he could ever know. He was the father she never had when her father forgot how to love her. The fact that he would trust her with this task... on her honir as a celestial mage she wouldn't let him down. She swore it.

"Of course master. I'd be honored to do it. How long will I be gone?"

"One year... Minimum. Depending on how long it takes things to turn around there, it may take longer. But as it is an official request from master to Master you will be payed for each month you are gone. I will pay your rent of 70,000j each month and Master Sting will give you 140,000j at the beginning of each month. You will also receive free housing while you are residing with Sabertooth. Does this sound fair?"

Her ears perked up at the mention of free rent for a year and a huge spending budget.

"More than! When do I leave?"

"Tomorrow will be fine. You need to let your team know formally of your plans and then you will need to pack. I will arrange travel for you."

"Thank you master."

Lucy happily skipped out of the door and ran downstairs to spread the news. Surprisingly everyone took it well and seemed proud of her willingness to help natsu find love even if it didn't work for them. With a smile on her face and tears in her heart the blonde mage headed home to begin preparing for her trip. While upstairs the proud old man pulled out his lacrima to call Sabertooth.

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