incredulous missions part 1

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Hey monsters! Oneesama back with a surprise update!!!
So this is going to be a 2 part chapter. It's way too long to be one part.

So to help y'all out.. Scene 1 is in Rogues POV, scene 2 is in Orgas POV and scene 3 is in Isaacs POV.

I will have the next chapter up by tuesday!!!

To answer a question left in the comments... Oka-san means mom. So when Isaac apologised he accidentally called Lucy mom and it stuck (or at least it's going to stick)

Now for chapter dedications...

From FFN,
Zebralord23... You are definitely right... Don't mess with mommy mode, it's not good for your health lol
mynameisshelby: I absolutely love the nickname... Cliffhanger queen huh? I'm definitely going to try harder to live up to that title
*laughs evily*

So anyway, yay for almost 3k words. But enough from me, let's get onto the story!!!


The wind blew through the trees causing a chill to crawl up my spine. Even with all of my covering, I still found myself shivering from the cold breeze. My companions didn't seem to mind the change in weather in the least.

Orga was wearing a pair of thin red joggers with a matching opened windbreaker. As usual, he didn't have a shirt on underneath but his normally sandaled feet adorned red boots today.

Isaac was dressed in a pair of tight black leather pants and matching jacket. His shirt was a deep maroon color while his jacket had maroon inlining. The overcoat itself had iron spikes on its cuffs and I noticed his boots also had spiked studs on them.

Of course Isaac had mentioned the boots and jacket were a gift from Gajeel. But that information just served to confuse me more. Why would Gajeel give this kid a gift?

I understood Lucy was housing the boy, and I was aware that he and I were bonded in a way I couldn't yet describe, but I really didn't comprehend what was going on with the celestial maiden since I returned to my normal self.

I still hadn't regained all of my memories, only bits and pieces. Enough to know I missed a lot of things I would rather remember than forget. Growling in frustration with myself, I looked down at the list of seemingly useless jobs Orga had picked.

These really aren't worth being called jobs. I thought in disgust. I wondered why Sting would even allow these to be posted on the board in the first place. As if reading my mind, Orga spoke up.

"It was Lucy's idea to start posting these menial tasks on the board for the kids of the guild. According to her, it's good practice for them." I guess that made sense in a way. Isaac was only eleven so there was no way he could handle serious missions, God slayer or not.

"Still, I feel a little rediculious accepting these." I complained. Orga just laughed in my face causing my frustration to rise.

"Well I took these jobs a few days ago while you were still a kid." I grimmised at the thought and decided to leave well enough alone. We were nearing our first clients house and I wanted nothing more than to hurry through these vexatious assignments.

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