Reconnecting 3

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Hey monsters! Oneesama here with chapter 3 of the book! So I am terrible with describing rooms without sounding like I'm rambling. I hope this description is good enough. There will be future chapters that take place in Yukinos apartment and I'll work on my descriptions for those so that they'll be better.

So I love the idea of Lucy and Yukino being 'sisters' but every fic I have read completely ignores the fact that Yukino already has a sister. Here we will get a glimpse at what's going in with Yukino and Solano, there will be more revealed as the story goes on.

The next chapter might be a little sad but it is important to the first story arc so make sure you don't skim through it.

Anyway... Onto the story!!!

Walking into Yukinos house was what Lucy imagined walking into heaven must feel like. A feeling of safty enveloped her and calmed each of her crazed nerves. It was like an aura of protection loomed in the room and she fearfully accepted it. The day had been trying after all.

Though she put on a brave face and spoke as if nothing was wrong, inside she had been panicking. Rogue had been the number one cause of her apprehension. Being so close to him and talking to him as if nothing was wrong was nearly too much for her to handle. Finding out she was expected to stay with the shadow mage had been the breaking point. She was close to having an anxiety attack when Yukino pulled her away from the guild and for that, Lucy was thankful. She allowed the comfort of Yukinos home take her over as she inspected the room she was currently standing in.

The floors were a beautiful white marble with grey sparkles in it, covered with plush white carpets. The walls were powder blue with what looked like clouds painted from the ceiling fading into the blue walls. There were photos of Yukino and her team, photos of the twin dragon slayers and their exceeds, even pictures of Fairy Tail. Lucy was surprised to see those pictures of her team hanging next to her own. She was surprised to see not a speck of dust could be found anywhere making Lucy feel suddenly self conscious.

Her couch and chair were a crushed blue grey color. The couch was in a long L shape and covered in solid white and light blue pillows. The tables were made completely of glass and shaped like stars with glitter in them. Lucy was almost scared to touch anything, afraid to tarnish it's perfect beauty. She simply took off her shoes and slid on her slippers from her bag before walkimg in and following Yukino into her room to set down her bags. They then made their way back to the living room to finally start catching up.

"Lucy-san I don't have an extra room but my bed is huge so we can share for tonight. I made you leave most of your bags on purpose, make the guys carry them. If you need anything of mine feel free to use it."

Yukino was beyond excited. It had been one year since Lucy reunited her with Solano. After the Eclipse fiasco Lucy traveled with her to the Magic Council Prison and put an end to Yukinos 16 year long search. It should've been a happy time and both she and Lucy were crushed when her world began to spiral out of control.

When the woman she had spent her life searching for basically disowned her out of her own selfish guilt, Lucy had been there to pick up the pieces. When she decided to come clean about the true horrors Jimina delivered, Lucy was there to help her confront the monster she was forced to call Master. It was only because of Lucy she was brave enough to confess to the Magic Council and have him imprisoned. When she was lost in self pity and tried to abandon her keys and her magic, Lucy was there to kick her ass until she snapped out of it. Lucy taught her new magic and helped her grow as a celestial mage. She was the reason Yukino had learned to use light magic.

There was a reason she was known on Earthland as 'The Light of Fairy Tail'. There was a reason she was known among the heavens as 'The Celestial Princess'. She was the embodiment of love and understanding. The goddess of adaptation and tactics.

She always had the answers everyone needed and turned to in their time of need. Now it was Yukinos turn to help her. Lucy was like a sister to her. The sister she wished Solano could be. She wanted nothing more than to help the blonde in any way possible. And a girls night was the way to do it! At least that's what she hoped.

She knew that Lucy had a lot going on. Natsu and her breaking up and how she feels about seeing Rogue for the first time since the Eclipse fiasco were her two biggest concerns.

"Thanks... And you don't have to use honorfics, we're friends aren't we? I mean, in all honesty I consider you my sister... after everything we've been through together. I never had a sister a real one anyway but you and me? Our spirits are connected because of our shared magic and how many times we've bonded our magic. I feel like our bond is closer than blood if that makes sense."

Yukinos heart melted hearing that Lucy felt the same way she did. She was scared if she said something that Lucy would freak out. But it seemed that they shared their feelings and yukono was excited for their relationship to grow.

"Yes it makes total sense because I feel the same way! You're like the sister I wish Solano could be. But seeing as ill never see her again I've decided to move on and stop mourning her. I would be honored to call you my sister."

After sharing a quick hug Yukino immediately went into question mode. " So... Lucy let's get down to business! Tell me everything that has been going on? What's this about you leaving your team?!"

Lucy sighed and went to sit with Yukino on the couch. As the only other celestial wizard left in Fiore, aside from the princess, Lucy felt a strong connection with her. With their bond She knew she could trust her. Trust wasnt the issue. She was afraid that once She started talking She wouldn't be able to finish. She wasnt ready to talk about everything but she knew she had been keeping too much to herself and that letting the silver haired woman in front of her in was nothing but a good thing.

"Its a long story."

Sharing a few things with Yukino couldn't hurt right? That is what Lucy hoped for when she sat on the couch and prepared to tell Yukino a story to satisfy her curiosity. An idea popped into Lucy's head. She knew very well Yukino would tell Sting about whatever they talked about. If she stressed how uncomfortable she was with Rogue maybe Sting would tell him so she didn't have to. Getting comfortable on the couch she patted for Yukino to follow and waited to begin.

"I've got nothing but time."


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