Unknown Promise 35

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Hey monsters!!!!! Oneesama with the newest update!!! So this one tells us when Rogue FIRST met Lucy. Coincidently it's also the time he fell in love with her, although he disnt understand it was love.

Anyway, this is kind of the other half of the short chapter before this. I hope you guys enjoy, let me know what you think!!!

Now, onto the story!!!


"Ryos! Get your ass over here and do something with these keys."

"Hai aniki..." Filled with guilt, I took the keys and walked away with my head down. It was better to do what Gajeel-nii said than get in his way. I didn't want to be the obe getting punished.

I put the keys in my pocket and watched as he used his metal magic to bind the young blond girl to the wall. A pink symbol on her hand told me she was that girl Lucy master had been looking for from Fairy Tail.

I felt bad for her. She had no idea what was coming. Gajeel-nii demanded her to cry but she refused. He dicided to make a game of messing with her and in the blink of an eye, a giant iron circle formed from the wall where Lucy was sealed.

The iron circle pushed forward and began to spin rapidly. "Ever heard of roulette? Gee-hee" I watched in horror as Gajeel-nii began forming daggers with his magic and threw them haphazardly at her rotating form.

I smelled blood and I guess Gajeel-nii did too because he stopped the spinning circle and walked up to her with a growl. Her left leg was twitching and her eyes were squeezed tight in obvious pain. Blood dripped to the floor from the dagger that embedded itself in her twitching thigh.

Yet she still refused to cry. This made Gajeel-nii angrier than I had ever seen before. His eyes narrowed before a dark laughter escaped him. "You ain't gonna cry huh? We'll see about that!"

"I could hear her ribs breaking as his elongated iron rod that had taken place of his fist slammed into her over and over again. Blood spewed from her mouth and yet, she still didn't cry. Why?

"Go ahead and kill me because I'll never give you the satisfaction! " My heart stopped. Everyone in the room began to whisper. This girl was incredibly stupid! But... I admired her bravery.

"Niisan, maybe you should stop. Master said he needs her and-" before I could finish I felt a hard metal hand slap me so hard I flew across the room and crashed into a table.

"Shut the hell up Ryos! As a matter of fact... You're too soft, get over here and use your shadow magic on this fairy trash!" I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I didnt want to hurt the girl. It was bad enough I had taken her keys and watched my brother basically torture her.

I felt a heat in my pocket and I knew it was her angry spirits trying to break through the natural barier my shadow magic held against the magical items. I hated that I was going to have to do this. I didn't want to. "Do it and you get your guild mark."

"I..." I had been trying to get my mark since I was ten. Almost three years. I wanted it. So I walked right up to the blond and prepared to strike with a shadow dragon's lance but she opened her eyes and looked right at me.

Her golden honey flaked orbs captivated me. She looked like she had the stars she wielded housed in her very eyes. The defiance and absolute conviction she emitted stopped me in my tracks and something deep inside me told me to back off.

I couldn't hurt her. She had done nothing wrong to me. I sighed in defeat and turned to face my punnishment. Gajeel-nii was too focused on how angry he was with me to notice my shadows slipping a golden key into the celestial maidens hand.

"Get out before I kill you Ryos." I was shocked he was giving me a chance to run. It wasn't something he ever did. His two teammates who had been watching silently looked at him confused as well. "Go now!"

I didn't need to be told again. I immediately melted into the shadows and escaped far away. I ran into a young man who said he was from Fairy Tail. He smelled like Lucy's keys so I figured he was a safe person to leave them with. "You gotta get outta here kid, things are getting ugly. It's not safe! Thanks for finding Lucy's keys ... You should-"



My heart was racing and my head was pounding. My clenched fists began to relax as I looked around and took in my surroundings.

I was in my rented bed at a hotel in Clover. I had taken a small mission escorting the town Mayor to Hargeon, which I would be starting soon.

Looking out the window, I saw that the first rays of light were just beginning to shine. It was that amazing time of day where the sun is rising but part of the sky is just dark enough to watch the stars drift to sleep.

My thoughts drifted to the nightmare I just woke up from. Why had I dreamed about that? Why now when I was so angry with her?!

I couldn't understand it, was it because I made her cry? Actually, that's probably exactly what it was.

After I left Phantom, I swore I would grow strong enough to beat Gajeel, and get revenge for Lucy.

I swore that, if by some chance she ever needed help and I was nearby, I would help her no matter the cost.

I tried to find her after I found Sting but, by then she had gone missing and she didn't return for seven years. But in all of those years, I never gave up hope that I would find her.

When she did return, I did what I had to to keep appearance but it killed me to watch everytjing unfold at the GMG. Knowing now that my future counterpart caused her so much emotional trauma killed a part of me inside.

I didn't want to cause her pain yet only one day prior I had lashed out at her. I thretened her and attacked my friends. Frosch wasn't dead and he was going to be fine, so why did I lose my mind? And why was the sound of Lucy crying the only reason I snapped out of it?

I decided to get ready to pick up the Mayor. I needed to hurry and finish this mission so I could get back home and apologize, again. I keep doing things to piss everyone off lately. When did I turn into Sting?

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