An Introduction to Punnishment 7

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Hey monsters! Oneesama here with chapter 7! So I saw a review on FFN (This story is on multple platforms) that I've been spelling Yukinos sisters name wrong. I'll go back and edit that soon.
In this chapter we will see how Lucy reacts to her connversation with Rogue. She will also have her first lesson with Sting as his official tutor.

Don't forget to leave a comment! Now onto the story!!!


Lucy woke up the next morning and groaned at the pounding headache she had. She was surprised to find herself in Yukinos bed with two exceeds sleeping next to her. She looked over to the pearl white bedside table and saw a note along with a glass of water and some pills.

Lucy, Yukino and Sting spent the night together so I returned you home. I didn't want to leave you alone, but I can tell you are put off by my presence so I left Lector and Frosch to leave you company. I hope you don't mind.

I also left some hangover pills for you. They should kick in within five minutes. I will come to escort you to the guild at noon once I make sure Sting is prepared for your lessons. I would appreciate it if you'd leave me a list of items you need from the market or any special grocery requests as I will be stocking up during your lesson.

Sincerely Rogue

Blushing fiercely in embarrassment Lucy tried to remember the events of the previous night. She remembered being dragged to Rogue and Stings house and drinking... a lot... She also vaguely rembered talking to Rogue before nothing more would come to her.

Sighing she got up from bed and started to get ready for the day. She dug through her bags and found some clothes and her toiletries. Taking a look at the sleeping exceeds and confirming that they were indeed out for the count, she headed to the bathroom for a long hot bath.

Soaking in the steaming hot water was just what her aching muscles needed. Lucy was worried about seeing everyone after being drunk as she knew she had a tendency to act stupid when she was drunk.

Laying back she noticed The spout on the tub was dripping. She watched as drop after drop fell clearing her mind of everything, hoping she could remember something about the previous night. The steady drip of the faucet lulled her into a sense of meditation as flashbacks of a very emotional conversation flooded her mind.

"He waisted ten years of my life."

"I killed her."

"I wish I had died with Aquarious."

Snapping her eyes open Lucy mumbled a string of curses under her breath. She didn't want anyone to know about everything. She especially didn't want to put her problems on him. He had enough to worry about. And she still needed to make sure nothing happens to make him become evil.

Sighing in frustration she got out of the bath and wrapped herself in a towel. When she walked in the room and began getting dressed she heard two small yawns followed my the rustling of blankets. Two pairs of sleepy eyes met soft brown ones and Lucy was immediately greatful to the shadow mage for leaving his partner with her.

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