I'm so Sorry 39

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Hey monsters! Oneesama here with a short update. This part was actually supposed to be in the last chapter (I'm not sure what happened) so that's why it's so short. Anyway... This part is going to be the last lead up to the second to last story arc. I hope y'all enjoy!!!


I knew when I snuck in that what I was going to hear probably wasn't good, but I didn't expect what I just heard. I regretted bringing my communication lacrima because Rogue had just heard everything too. I thought they were going to talk about why she was so upset, Rogue would hear and then he would understand that his actions affect her more than the rest of us. 

Lucy was still talking and because I hadn't cut the connection, Rogue was still listening. Even through the lacrima, I could feel his magical energy rising. He was going through a storm of emotions right now and all I could do was let him hear the rest of what she had to say. No point in leaving when the damage was already done.

“After he was finished, he left me unchained." I heard Lucy say. I turned my attention back to her and shifted a little because my leg was falling asleep.  

"He gave me food, water, new clothes, and a bed and left me alone for three days. When he never came back, I got brave and began to plot my escape. But it was unnecessary. Apparently, after he… mated me, he left. I didn't know where he went, I still don't know where he is. I do know this…

 Future Rogue is still out there, waiting to strike. I’m terrified he might find me again. And with Natsu out of the picture, there's no one there to stop him.”

She started crying and I nearly fell over from shock. Did she just say what I think she said? Future Rogue mated her? But, if Blondie is mated to Future Rogue than is she mated to our Rogue? This was gonna be difficult to figure out. I felt the magic connection from my lacrima weaken and I realized Rogue had hung up.

I should have left the minute Lucy started talking about her mission but, I really wanted to know what was going on with her. Maybe letting Rogue listen in wasn't the best choice. Actually I know it wasn't. If Lucy ever found out, she'd kill me.

“That's why I am afraid of being alone. If I am alone, he’ll catch me. He’s so strong, whether we like it or not he is Rogue. He's just… another version of him, and he’s as strong as, if not stronger than the Rogue we know.”

I decided to leave after hearing that. I may have felt guilty for listening in, but it was a good thing I did. If Future Rogue was still out there and looking for Lucy, I needed to make preparations. 

I decided to talk to Freed and Orga after I called Makarov. I wouldn't tell them everything, but I would tell them we needed to prepare for an attack at some point in the future. I figured I could call Rogue back after I came up with a plan and by then he should've calmed down. If only I knew how wrong I was.


My mind went blank when Lucy explained just what a monster I had become in the future. I, well, my future counterpart, had forced myself on her. I stole something precious from her and left her to die?! What the hell was wrong with me?!

I didn't want to hear anymore so I cut my magic flow from the lacrima and put it away. I felt my body become heavy and I fell to my knees and let out a roar of frustration. I remembered the day she arrived and I noticed how broken she looked. 

I swore I would find who hurt her and destroy them. Originally, I thought it was Natsu who hurt her, not that he didn't, but I was the one who destroyed her. There was nothing I could do to make this right. My future self … Wait, my FUTURE self…

If it was the future version of myself that came back and did this to her, then all I had to do was make sure Future Rogue couldn't exist, then maybe Lucy will forget…

With determination in my heart and my decision made, I pulled a paper from my bag and wrote my down thoughts. Hopefully, this would fix everything.


To whom it may concern,

I Rogue Cheney, being of sound mind and body, leave this letter of my final wishes to be returned to Sabertooth. To the poor soul who stumbles across my body, I apologize for the misfortune I have brought to you. 

I would like all of my belongings save my katana collection, Cape, and my exceed Frosch, to be split evenly between my two brothers Sting Eucleff and Gajeel Redfox

The remainder of my belongings and my exceed should be left in the care of Lucy Heartfilia of Fairy Tail. I would also like all of my money decided evenly between Sting, Rogue, and Lucy.

I didn't do this for myself. My only hope

Is that by me taking my life now, my future self won't be able to come back and hurt the people I care about. Maybe by doing this I can give her some closure. 

I'm so sorry Lucy.



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