An Unexpected Day 5

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Hey monsters! Oneesama here with chapter 5! So this chapter will give us in site on how Rogue feels about meeting Lucy. A few important things to note... In this story Rogue does not know about Future Rogue. He knows someone came from the future and a battle ensued. He was never told how his future counterpart played a role in the destruction. This will be explained later in the story. Also, aside from saving her from a dragon during the battle, Rogue and Lucy have never actually met. Sting and Rogue were also unaware of who was Master Makarov was sending so they were shocked when Lucy showed up. They also didn't know she was staying so long and are both excited and scared to see her.
Now onto the story!


Rogue was exhausted. To say the day had been eventful would have been an understatement in his opinion. It all started when he was awoken at the crack of dawn by the sound of yelling exceeds and a blaring smoke detector.

It seemed Lector and Frosch had decided to cook breakfast for themselves. They were trying to make fish and eggs but caught the pan on fire. They were arguing over who's fault it was when Rogue stepped in and sent them to watch cartoons.

After cleaning the mess and making breakfast he was then forced to drag his lazy brother Sting out of bed so they could get to the guild.

Sting had been guild master for going on three years and because of his negligence, the guild was beginning to take heat from the Magic Council. Sting had not been keeping up with his weekly reports, monthly fees, and request quotas. His excuse was that he didn't know how to do any of the paperwork.

As such Rogue was tasked with attempting to teach Sting how to do paperwork. He had spent the better part of four hours trying to explain how to run a guild and what budgeting was to his idiot of a brother.

All he was met with were sarcastic or perverted comments and complaining. Sting simply refused to learn anything. It was like it was against his pride to do anything business like. All sting wanted to do was fight, party, and slack off.

For weeks this was Rogues daily routine. He would try for hours on end for days at a time to get Sting to understand something, anything that could be used towards running the guild effectively. But unfortunately the 'Mighty Master Sting Eucliffe' couldn't be bothered to listen to his more responsible counterpart.

The day finally came when Rogue simply couldn't take it anymore. The constant arguing and repetition had all seemed to pile up on him on that cool September day. Rogue had given up hope on teaching his brother anything when his lacrima lit up like a glow from the heavens. When the familiar face of a small old man appeared Mastar Makarov smiled and gave Rogue the answer to his prayers. A mage with prior experience running a high profile business was coming to train Sting in the ways of running a guild.

Rogues heart lept at the prospect of being let off the hook for teaching the blonde idiot anything about being an adult. The thought of never having to repeat the same instructions for hours a day excited him to no end. He probed Makarov for more information but was only told Sabertooth would be responsible for housing them and paying them 140,000j a month for their lessons and patience with Sting.

Thinking it was a fair trade Rogue accepted the terms on Stings behalf and, assuming the Fairy would be male, prepared his guest room for the upcoming arrival of his savior.

Never once did he think Master Makarov would send her. When rogue saw her golden hair and infectious smile his excitement turned to dread.

There she was.

The woman who unknowingly tormented his dreams since childhood. The woman from his nightmares. Images of her beaten and nearly lifeless body flashed before his eyes. Her tears and emotional words haunted his memory. Seeing her hurt like hell.

He was utterly confused as to why Fairy Tail would send their 'light'. She was their sole celestial mage, their pride and joy, and Natsu-sans girlfriend. Why on Earthland would they send her?!

Convinced the gods were playing a sick prank on him he silently thanked the heavens when Lucy said she wanted to stay with Yukino. He didn't know if he could handle being in the same room with her, let alone sleep under the same roof as her.

But when he spoke with her he could she was just as uncomfortable with him. He had no idea why, but he could smell fear rolling off of her in waves. She was scared of him. That made him feel even worse.

The pain of contradiction hurt too much when he was near her. He wanted to be near her but seeing her smile only reminded him of her lifeless body. He also wanted to find out why she was afraid of him but was scared of scaring her more. He thought he would habe time to think before encountering the girl again. So when the clock nearly struck eleven and he prepared to go to bed he was shocked to hear frantic knocking at the door.

Before he had a chance to react, Sting had gotten up from the couch where he had been watching a movie and answered the door. It wasn't often Sting stayed over but after seeing how down his brother was, the blond had decided to crash at the shadow mages house. Rogue was thanking Sting internally when he smelled a familiar scent of coconut and ginger.

To ROGUES shock and confusion, the two celestial mages he had been thinking about not even ten minutes prior appeared in their doorway. Yukino seemed stressed and was staring at him intently. While Lucy on the other hand looked like she had been crying recently and seemed to find her feet very interesting, refusing to look either man in the eye. Yukino wasted no time in walking up to the apprehensive man and dragging him to his room.

"Come with me Rogue, we need to talk..."

So much for a relaxing night in.

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