Help 19

520 21 12

Word count: 2,073

Hey monsters Oneechan here with chapter 19!!! This one has been edited by celestialprincess26 from FFN! I really hope you guys are enjoying this FT/ST crossover mission arc. Now, onto the story...

Frosch has already checked in with over three dozen injured children and Lucy's spirit Virgo. As we speak Lucy and Rogue are battling at least one S class mage, possibly more." No more words were needed. Erza cut off the connection with a respectful bow before turning to her comrades.

"Hang on Lucy, we're on our way."


"We got here about ten minutes ago." Inside of a large purple tent, Lucy was cleaning up her wounds and waiting for Virgo to return with fresh clothes for both her and a now pint sized dragon. Erza had taken the opportunity to corner her and try to demand answers she didn't have.

In truth, Lucy wasn’t sure what exactly had happened in there. All she knew is that she was extremely confused to begin with and her teams’ appearance wasn't helping. So she demanded her own answers which Erza was more than happy to give.

“Wendy began treating the critically injured, Natsu, Happy, and Carla headed out to catch some fish to eat. I was about to head in there when you came out. Now it's your turn." Erza glanced at the frightened child in Lucy's arms before looking at the girl in question and demanding. "Explain yourself."


"It felt like I was back in that cave. My eyes wouldn't open and everything kept replaying in my mind. It was like she was forcing me to relive the most painful memories I have." Silent tears began to escape Lucy's eyes.

She sat on a log around the makeshift fire pit with a sleeping Rogue in her lap. She had convinced Erza the children needed attention first and had managed to put off the impending conversation for a few hours. But now it was midnight. The children had all been treated and picked up by Rune Knights, all but Isaac that was.

Wendy, Gray, Natsu, Happy, and Carla had fallen asleep after the last of the children had left leaving only Lucy and Erza awake. The redhead took the initiative and started the conversation that turned very dark very quickly.

"I could feel her blocking my magic, just like he did. Everything she made me see, it wasn't just watching a memory... I was reliving it. I could feel every hit, every scratch, every breath... I could feel it. The pain I've been fighting so long to forget, I felt it all over again."

She paused and spared a sad glance at the sleeping child in her lap. "I was scared. I remembered what Rogue is capable of and all of my feelings of trust I've built over the last few weeks flew out the window. I don't know what to do now."

"I see. You never did tell me just what happened in that cave with Rogue."


Lucy struggled to open her swollen eyes but gave up soon after the pain began. It wouldn't matter anyway, she doubted she could see anymore even if she could open her eyes.

Her throat was so dry and her lips had long since cracked beyond repair. Each breath she took was a battle of will as she was fairly certain a few of her ribs were broken along with her wrists and shoulders.

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