A Broken Childhood 11

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Word count 2,847

Hey monsters! Oneesama here with chapter 11! So this chapter was going to be the guild party but I couldn't really figure out how to add it in so I split this chapter into two.

So I know I've been updating chapters super randomly but I think I've come up with a way to make it work.

Starting next week I will upload every Monday Wednesday & Friday.


I wanted to let y'all know I'm taking any suggestions yall have to heart.

This chapter will be about Minerva and Lucy. Hope y'all enjoy also



Now, onto the story...


When Sting stood on the stage in front of the guild, the rowdy bunch of mages grew silent. The young Guild Master stood proudly at the head of his people. To his right, a nervous celestial mage stood playing with her keys with a silent Rogue behind her. Yukino stood to Lucy's right, giving her hand a squeeze of encouragement as Sting began his speech.

"Everyone listen up! I'm sure some of you have noticed a new face around here for the last few days. Today, I'd like to introduce her. Everyone, this is Lucy-chan.  She is the only other celestial mage in Fiore and is here from Fairy Tail acting as my official advisor. You will show her respect for the next year that she'll be with us."

He took a deep breath and looked everyone in the room over before he began explanations. He could see a handful of expressions throughout the mages. Some wore masks of indifference, while others were completely dumbfounded. Some looked happy and some looked guilty. Still others looked amused and even curious. But not one person looked angry. Sting took it as a good sign and continued.

"A few years ago we were the top guild in Fiore."

Cheers roared through the room. For a moment everyone celebrated their long standing fame, forgetting just how they came to gain those victories. Number one or not, under Jiminas rule... the Tigers were a disgrace to mages everywhere. It wasn't until the Fairies came into their lives that they saw the true path to strength.

Sting wanted to prove a point so he held up his hand to silence the lively bunch. After a moment, the last of the voices ceased and Sting sighed. Rubbing the back of his neck he looked down in shame as he continued his speech.

"It's nothing to cheer about. Back then we were a bunch of sadist and assholes. We thrived on the pain and embarrassment of others. We used brute strength to get what we wanted... and it worked. For a while anyway. But then we met the Fairies."

Sting pauses and looks warmly at Lucy. He doesnt know why, but he feels protective over the stellar girl, almost like she was his sister. A sister who would bring joy to everyone. She was precious and he had to make his comrades understand just how much.

"They taught us that if you are fighting only to become strong, you will always fail. True strength comes from our bonds. From our family. This guild is our family and it's a family that is broken. Lucy is here to help us pick up the pieces and start over. She's going to show us what true strength is by teaching us to love. By teaching us to forgive. With Lucy-chans help, we Sabers will come back stronger than ever! So let's make her feel welcome!"

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