Parenting 25

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Hey monsters! Oneesama back with the newest chapter! Now originally this was going to be a funny chapter but I also wanted to include a rough day for Lucy. So by the time I finished this chapter it was well almost 3k words. So I split it in half and will post the fun chapter tomorrow!

Now for this chapter, I'd like to dedicate it to my FFN reader ingaomars! I'm glad you're enjoying the story!!!

Just fyi child Rogue will be leaving us soon as we move into the next story arc!

Now, enough chit chat...
Onto the story!!


It was two days before Samhain and I had just got back to Rogues place with over a dozen pumpkins in various colors. I had left Isaac, Rogue, Sting, and the exceeds in Yukinos care and I had definitely made a mistake doing that.

When I walked in my eyes widened in horror at the state of the house. The living room looked like a war zone. Broken bits of what used to be couches littered the floor. While a glass coffee table wedged shattered in the wall. The video lacrima was cracked and even the cealing was covered in scorches.

Making my way through the maze of debris, I managed to get to the kitchen only to nearly pass out at the sight.

The fridge was wide open with a gallon of milk laying sideways, long since emptied onto the floor. The food was gone and the stove was covered with dirty and burned pots and pans.

There was what looked like spaghetti sauce splattered on the ceiling and raw fish heads and bones littered the floor. Setting the pumpkins on the cleanest spot I could find, I groaned and made my way upstairs where I could hear fighting and Yukino yelling.

Walking up the stairs was no better than walking downstairs. The once clean photos lay smashed on the floor and the ones that were left hanging were crooked and cracked.

The fighting got louder and I coukd hear the exceeds cheering whatever was going on. Yukino was pleading for everyone to calm down and I snapped.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" Kicking the door from its hinges, because why the hell not, I pulled my whip from my hip and lashed it out one time causing a loud crack to hit the floor. Sting, reconizing the sound haulted immediately and stood up straight.

"L-lucy... You're home?"

"Don't Lucy me! Just what is the meaning of this?!" I knew I was giving a glare to rival Erzas when all six of them stood at attention trembling under my gaze.

"Lucy, I tried to stop them but they wouldn't listen. So did Frosch but sting said 'hes the master' and..."

"Yukino, take Frosch and go clean the kitchen." Crack I lashed my whip again causing the three boys faves to pale. I'm sure if Lector didn't have for he would've paled too but the shaking I could see was enough to tell me my threat was working.

"A-are you sure?"

"Take Frosch, and go. Clean. The. Kitchen." I said every word deliberately turning my glare to her. Just because sting envoked his rights as master didnt mean she was off the hook.

I would deal with her later, but for now, I had three slayers and two exceeds to punish. Thankfully Yukino listened and rushed through the splintered remains of the door.

I turned to Sting first. "Explain yourself!" Crack the whip lashed striking his foot causing him to talk before falling to his knees.

Bowing he started trying to rationalize ordering the kids to destroy the house. "The boys were training and... it might have gotten a little out of hand..."

"You think?!" Crack crack crack I struck him over and over with my whip. He was crying out in pain while Isaac and Rogue hugged each other in fright. Rogue began to melt them into his shadow and I turned my glare back to them.

"SIT DOWN!" They both yelped and sat on the floor not wanting to test the furious celestial mage in front of them. Good choice I thought.

"Sting, as master of Sabertooth it is your responsibility to teach the kids how to use their powers in a safe way! How DARE YOU use your title to enforce destruction! Have you lost your mind?!"

"Gomen'nasai Lucy-sensei! We were just having fun and then... It got out of control and I was gonna stop it, but then Rogue hit me with a shadow roar and..."

"I don't care Sting. You are the adult. You are the guild master. It's up to you to keep your guild members in line, children or not. How do you think this makes Yukino feel?"

His face fell and I could see realization wash over him as the magnitude of what he'd done set in. "I left her in charge of Isaac and Rogue hoping to get some errands taken care of. She promised me everything would be okay and because of you she broke her promise. Do you know how that makes a celestial mage feel? Our word is our bond, and you damaged that bond."

"I-I... I didn't think..." I cut him off before he could start blabbing some sort of stupid excuses.

"No, you didn't."

"Gomen'nasai Lucy, I-" he still wasnt getting it and it was pissing me off.

"Im not the one you need to apologize too. She's downstairs. I swear Sting, sometimes it's like you wake-up looking for ways to fuck up your relationship with Yukino. Now go downstairs and help her clean the house. Take Lector with you."

He jerked his head to the left and saw his exceed passed out from fear and squeaked before scooping him up and running out of the room."Yes ma'am."

"You two." I turned my attention to the two cowering kids in the corner. My eyes softene but I knew they still held a hint of aggravation. Enough to keep them in line. Who would've thought all that time watching Erza punish Natsu and Gray would be useful one day?

"Y-yes ma'am?" Rogue was the first to speak up, shielding Isaacs shaking body with his own.

"Please don't hit us!" The bluenette screamed from behind the building wall of shadows. My heart broke hearing his words.

"W-what?" I remembered where we had saved him and grimmised as I realized he was provably abused physically for any minor infraction. With that thought fresh in my mind, I took a deep breath and calmed down completely.

I wasn't going to get anywhere by yelling. This kid needed positive reinforcement. I could do that. " Im not going to hit you. Why would you think that?"

"Its just, we ruined everything, and you... you're scary." I didn't mean to scare him. Well maybe I did, but I didnt mean to do... this...

"Oh Isaac, I'm sorry.  Rogue you too." I pulled them both into a hug and rubbed their heads with my hands. "I would never hit either of you. You're my boys and I love you. But I am disappointed and angry with you right now."

"How can we make it right?" Rogue asked letting his shadows down and squeezing me back.

"I need you both to apologize to Yukino. I left her in charge of you and you disrespected her authority by ignoring what she told you. You will also apologize to Frosch for tearimg his costume. You will clean this house and because you destroyed the furniture, you will be takimg job requests with Orga during training time to pay to replace everything. Any questions?"

"No ma'am." They said together. I smiled warmly as I felt both of their small arms grip me tighter.

"We're sorry Lucy-chan." Rogue said solemnly. Burying his face in my chest.

"Yeah, I'm sorry oka-san." My heart melted. He called me mom! I thought excitedly.

"It's okay. I forgive you. You need to make things right with Yukino and Frosch and replace what you broke and then everything will be fine."

"Okay." They said in unison. With one final squeeze I led them both down the stairs where we spent the next few hours cleaning up.

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