Chapter 2

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Name: Nagi Higakura

age: 20

birth: May 4 

Looks: Blond hair reaching her shoulders, green eyes, average body, 

Likes: Her family, Y/n , Shopping,  desserts, cats, partying, social media

Dislikes: Studying( doesn't mean that she hate books), Rude people, a flirt, creepy things

Personality: She's an outgoing person unlike Y/n who's an indoor person. 

Occupation: Guitarist

>>>>3 days later>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

-Y/n's POV-

The pilot made an announcement that we have arrived in Japan. I looked outside to  see that it is already night. Clouds were everywhere until it revealed the beauty of my home. The lights seen from the tall buildings made it look like a hidden world from underneath. 

After the flight, we made our way to the waiting area for our families to pick us up. Some people were starring at us because we are wearing shades. Manager Eiji couldn't take it and he grunts.

"Let's move to that area" he says looking around and saw waiting area 5 has less than people here.

So we stand up and went to waiting area 5.

"Hey Y/n, who's gonna pick you up later?" Kei asked me suddenly. The group looks at me waiting for my reply.

"My father I hope. What about you Kei-kun?" I said thinking about my father and it made a small smile to my lips.

"I think its my older sister. Can't be sure though" 

"What about you Nagi?" I asked the girl beside me whose texting in her phone.

"Wait...It says that my mom will be picking me 5 minutes." She says texting in her phone and showing me the message.

"Okay. What about you Makoto-kun? Ryuto-kun?" I asked the two other males.

"My aunt" Makoto-kun says bluntly and starring off elsewhere.

"My dad and yui-chan!" Oh! Yui-chan is Ryuto's little sister.She just turned six last week and we called her through Skype. 

We chatted on what we will be doing before leaving. Then  Ryuto's dad and little sister arrives. 

"Good to see you again dad" Ryuto greeted his father with a hug and picked up Yui-chan, giving her a twirl and let her down.

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