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Hey, whassup? OreoHimeSama is here, and I'm sorry to say that I'm having a bit of writer's block these past few months. I know that this should be a great opportunity to write more chapters, but seemingly my lack of personal messages throughout the chapters made me became more hesitant to write. 

You know sometimes when you think of something great, but if you explain it to other, they might not get the idea at all, that's what I'm going through right now.

OreoHimeSama: *sighs*

Makoto-kun: What's the matter, OreoHimeSama? 

OreoHimeSama: I'm having a bit of writer's block. 

Makoto-kun: Oh, that's not good. *pats OreoHimeSama's head*

OreoHimeSama: I know T~T

Nagi: Don't worry too much, just take a rest from writing while your readers are out there complaining about your laziness and writer's block shit.

OreoHimeSama: You're so harsh, Nagi T~T, That's why I made you the reader's bestfriend. Your the super ultimate gal.

Rocky: Nagi-sama, please don't be too harsh on OreoHimeSama.

OreoHimeSama: Oh Rocky-kun, You turned into your human look.

Rocky: Yes

Rocky: Yes

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Eiji: Oi, Oreo-chibi. Make sure that you wash your hands everyday and stay inside your house. Avoid any contact outside, its dangerous.

 Avoid any contact outside, its dangerous

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OreoHimeSama: Hai... T~T

Ryuto: Since we're not on stage for a few days, Nagi, why don't we hang out? Netflix and chill,  Just..you and me...?


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Nagi: Sure, Tomorrow, 10:00 am, at my house. I have popcorn at my house.

 I have popcorn at my house

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Makoto: *stands next to Y/N* So. . . Y/N, what about you? 

Y/N: *thinking*. . . I'll just stay at my apartment playing video games and watching anime, oh. . . and reading manga.

Kei: By yourself? How about I accompany you all day. . . maybe weeks? *grabs Y/N by the waist*

 maybe weeks? *grabs Y/N by the waist*

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Makoto: Keichii, we're not on stage anymore, you don't have to act like your in character. Can't you see your making Y/N uncomfortable? And could you please get your hands of off Y/N?

 Can't you see your making Y/N uncomfortable? And could you please get your hands of off Y/N?

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Y/N: Why do you guys argue when we're not on set? Both of you should get along, right? OreoHimeSama?

Y/N: Why do you guys argue when we're not on set? Both of you should get along, right? OreoHimeSama?

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OreoHimeSama: *sweatdrops* I have really made some weird ocs. . .


Well, that's all that I'm updating today readers!!! I'll make sure to get over my writer's block and surely update the next chapter when I can, no promises!!!


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