Chapter 8

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A/N: Oh my goodness! 400 reads?!?!? This is beyond my expectations. Seriously. Thank you everyone for the support and for still reading this book!!! ^^

I've been training my ways of writing a chapter and my writer block episode has ended!!! Yay for me!!! *v*

Anyways, instead of stalling you guys by a long message, here is Chapter 8! Enjoy! ;)


Y/N L/N walks inside as her whole body is aching from exhaustion. Why you may ask? Well...


Azusa was carried to the ambulance, with Y/N sitting and watching him slowly breath as if he was in pain. She volunteered to ride with him, as Masaomi, along with Ema, rides on a different vehicle. All she could hear was the sound of Azusa breathing. She looks around and all she sees is white. An empty space full of nothingness, an atmosphere of silence, buzzing through her ears. It was all that she could take, for a moment to breathe in the situation.

She suddenly hears the engine of the ambulance die. She looks to her left and sees a nurse carrying his brother to the emergency room entrance. She hops out of the ambulance and sees Masaomi and Ema hops out of the car. They stop at the ICU as Azusa was taken inside and a nurse checking his blood pressure and IV machine.

As Masaomi explains the current situation, Y/N was half listening, and half thinking about a person left behind. Tsubaki.

"The drug will keep him asleep until the morning, so we can go home for today." All of us watched behind the glass, where Azusa was asleep for now. Y/N was still amazed at how he was still thoughtful of his twin before his own well-being.

Somehow, she envied that feeling of caring as a sibling.

"Um, what should we tell Tsubaki?" Ema looks down and for a moment, she was hoping that her sister will help her. And her wish came true.

"Well, there will be tests and hospitalization is not unavoidable, his condition is stable, so just tell him not to worry too much." She finishes her explanation.

Masaomi looks at the older sister and asks if she could be the one to tell Tsubaki about it. Y/N had no problem about that matter and it was okay. Ema took the initiative to call Natsume as he was also a twin to Azusa and Tsubaki. Masaomi was glad at both of them and patted Y/N and Ema's head.

"Thank you. Both of you being here is a great help." Ema and Y/N both smiled, and had the same thoughts.

' I'm glad that I can be reliable. '

Ema decided to call Natsume and left the building. Y/N and Masaomi was still inside, talking to the Head Nurse about Azusa's health and hospital bills that needs to be paid after they examined him and his illness. Masaomi was stressed all day, so Y/N being there with him, helping and supporting him made him a little bit better and relieved.

"That's it for today, we should head back home. The others' might be worried." Y/N and Masaomi left the building and found Ema. They called her and told her that they're heading home so they all went inside the car. Since Y/N is riding with them, she took the front seat as Ema sat in the back.

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