Chapter 5

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Hello ladies and gentlemen readers!!! This story reached a hundred views and I never would've expect anything like it.  Thank you so much <3 ! I'm sorry that you've waited for me to update! If not then it's alright. Anyways!!! I forgot to put Kei-kuns Bio in Chapter 4 ;-; !!!!

Kei: wound me...TmT

(author) Hime: *faints*

Kei: Oi! Are You Ok?!? *sighs* I'll forgive you this time...

Hime: Really?!?!? *inserts flowers*

Kei: Yeah...Readers, hope you enjoy this chapter~ *winks*



First Name: Kei 

Last Name: Katsuragi 

Nickname: Kei/ Keichii

Age: 24

Birth: March 14

Looks: he has white long hair in a low-tie style, ruby eyes, s/c (skin color of your choice)

Height: 5'8 (176 cm)

Likes: He likes skateboarding, Y/N's homemade food, Eiji-san, Y/N ( as a big sister: even tho he is older than her), Makoto ( as his big bro), Nagi, Ryuto, His family , nice people

Dislikes: Reading ( doesn't mean that he hate books like Nagi), Tomatoes

Occupation: Drummer, Fashion Model

Moving on

(a/n: btw, it's up to the readers to think of what you want to wear)


Y/n's POV - Time -5:00 pm-Sunrise Mansion-

"Oh!" I exclaimed with Ema as we check the refrigerator. 

Azusa-nii, Tsubaki-nii, Masaomi-nii, and Wataruchii looked at us. "Are ok Nee-chan?" "What's wrong" Tsubaki-nii asked before Wataruchii peeks at the counter with Rocky beside him. It was a weird sight because Rocky is over towering Wataruchii by 5 inches.

"There's nothing here to make dinner with..." Emachii says. I stand up and pat Rocky's head. 

"That's not like the Kyo-nii we know." Azusa-nii says and went back to reading his paper.

"Must be tough to be a grand old laywer." Tsubaki-nii jokes about Ukyo-nii.

"He's not that old." I say to defend Ukyo-nii... yet...

"I'll go shopping right away." Before Emachii leaves, I stopped her.

"Today, it's just us, plus Subaru-nii, maybe all of us could go out?" I look at Masaomi-nii, hoping he would get what I am saying, but he just blushed. 

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