OneShot: Subaru's Birthday!

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A/N: Hi readers! It's OreoHimeSama for another update! I'm super sorry for all my readers who kept waiting and pleading for more chapters! >-< Your lovely author is now in high school and work just keeps piling up from another to another and it just keeps adding up, it's stressing me.

I'm so sorry for ranting out here but housework is also another thing that is stressing me. I can't even remember the last time that I held a pencil and make fan arts and sketches or even doodles on a piece of paper. ;-; Right now it's just a pen and whiteboard and whiteboard markers. Guess the color of the marker, yep, plain black. Not even a red or an orange or a yellow, not even a full color set of rainbow! I had this idea of making Oneshots for each and every one of the Hinata brothers on their birthday, while I update (hopefully chapters) on my fanfiction! What do you think readers?! Ready for the first oneshot ?! Here it is!!! Hope you enjoy getting to spend time the whole day with your favorite stepbrother and possibly build up romance along the way! ;)


-Third person's POV-time- 4:00 AM- Location-Sunrise Residence-

The beeps of her alarm and the slamming of hand to stop the noise is from the one and only Y/N L/N. She sits up and stretches her arms above her to release some of the tiredness from her body. She blinks twice and looks around to see the usual dark morning sky from her sliding glass door.

'Another day, another run.' Is what she thought.

She gets up from her bed and arranges it to its original place. She was feeling too lazy to even grab her hairbrush and comb her hair so grabbing her towel, face moisturizer, exfoliate scrub ,cleanser, cream, toothbrush and toothpaste, she went out and walks into the long corridor, making her way to the bathroom. The lights were turned on the bathroom, making her think that someone forgot to turn it off last night, as she opens the door, she was greeted by a half-naked Subaru, his chest showing from the mirror and wearing gray sweatpants , brushing his teeth in front of the mirror and abruptly stopped when he saw Y/N on the mirror.

They stared at each other through the mirror and it turned as an awkward stare showdown. Y/N began counting and decided to stare at him for three minutes, but forty-nine seconds passed and Subaru blinked first, as a result of Y/N winning the non-existent showdown.

"I win." Is what she said first thing in the morning. A sweat drop was on his face and he greeted his stepsister as Y/N walks inside and stops beside him.

" Good morning... I guess..." he mumbles as Y/N turns on the faucet and cupping he hands to grab the water in her hands and started washing her face. Subaru noticed that a bit of her hair was soaked on her face and thought that her hair would get more in that position. On one hand, he carefully grabbed all of her hair to the base of her neck and brought it upwards. Y/N blushed because of what he did and thought that it was nice of him to do it. She continued her routine and finished it in under ten minutes. She also noticed that Subaru finished brushing his teeth and was staring at the cream on her hands. She just thought of an idea.

She looks at him with an eager smile, "Subaru-kun, you wanna try this out?" The look on her face immediately tells that Subaru is about to be in danger, but since it was his crush that was asking him, he couldn't say no to her.

"A-alright..." She applied cream on his face and got on her tippy-toes and the rest is yet to be known.


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