Chapter 3

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Hello readers! How is your day today?  I have finally finished chapter 3!!! The reason why I took so long is because shit happened. I'm a little stressed, plus I had a fever a few days ago and my head really hurts that time. I'm feeling a bit refreshed now. Hope you guys enjoy!


Bio of Ryuto Takagi:

Age: 26

birth: August 03

Looks: Hazel brown hair, baby bright blue eyes, a charming smile

Likes: playing basketball, making sweet tunes with the bass, his family especially Yui, Game of Thrones, Dogs, Eiji-san

Dislikes: Broccoli, he really hates them

Occupation: Basist

-Third person's POV-time-4:48 am

Y/n woke up to find that its still early morning so she decided to do some jogging and walking. She went to the bathroom to wash her face and freshen up a bit, then changed her clothes, grabbed her Airpods and her personal towel before leaving her room.

A new day, a new start. Emachii finally has a family that she always wanted. I remember Miwa's words when I got the dress and shoes. 'Thank you for always being there for your sister. And thank you for giving me a chance to be a mother to you. Can you also look out for your brothers? I hope you like the outfit I got you, -from Miwa

And I won't let anything destroy that.

When she got downstairs, she saw three of her brothers. Ukyo, Kaname, and Subaru wearing a plain grey t-shirt and dark navy blue jogging pants.

Even our step-brothers.

"Ohayou Gozaimasu, you guys are up early." Y/n greeted the brothers.

The brothers looked to the stairs to see Y/n in a black tank top with dark blue jacket on and black-bluish leggings with a pair of black Nike shoes. They blushed noticing Y/n's perfect figure from top to bottom.

"My my, what a sight to see, I didn't expect you to be up so early Y/n-chan~" Kaname said leaning at the table, propping his chin at his hand, staring at Y/n's chest. A small blush on his cheeks.

"Are you also going out for a run? How about joining Subaru here?" Ukyo asked Y/n who's now standing infront of her.

Subaru snapped out of his thoughts when he heard that. "W-w-what?!?! Why?!?!". Y/n looked at him and Ukyo said to him "Why? Well, the reason is so you two could get to know more about each other" "I heard that your the same age as him right, Y/n-chan~?" Kaname said glancing at Subaru. "Really?" Y/n said looking at Subaru who was also looking at her. What a coincidence. Subaru stand up at his seat and without a word started heading out. "Oh, Wait for me Subaru-san. Ukyo-nii, Kaname-nii, were going now" She bowed at them, after that she walks to Kaname and stands infront of him and flicked his forehead. "That's for staring earlier, Kaname-san you pervert" she said, kind of amusingly at him. Y/n hurried to run at the stairs and went to Subaru who was waiting for her. Once they left, Kaname was rubbing the area where Y/n flicked him.

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